Chapter 144
After Xiao Yu left the Imperial City, he had already determined his direction and headed straight for the Spirit Beast Mountain Range.The most important thing for him now is to improve his strength.

"Liu Dao and the others are with Aotian, there shouldn't be any big problems, and if you give Aotian some courage, he can't let Liu Dao and others out."

Xiao Yu knew that Liu Dao and others were safe in Aotian's place, so he had no worries. He galloped on the horse, raising a cloud of smoke and dust on the country road.

Liu Piaoxu helped Liu Xing with a lot of miscellaneous matters in Jinping Town. Today, the envoys from Duanyun Sect's headquarters have arrived and provided Liu Xing with a large amount of funds, and the rebuilding of the branch hall is on the right track.

Everything seems to be calm, but the imperial capital, the imperial city, is full of turmoil.

In the depths of Xiao's mansion, an extremely magnificent nine-storey pavilion has a serious atmosphere at the moment, with layers of guards around it, obviously entering an extremely tense moment.

This is the important place of the Xiao family: Yishi Pavilion.

The Discussion Pavilion is a special place for the Xiao family to discuss important matters. Each floor has the core secrets of the Xiao family. It is locked from the outside all year round. Only elders and patriarchs are eligible to enter it. This is the ancestral motto set by the ancestors of the Xiao family.

But now there is one person who broke this rule, she is the mistress of the Xiao family, Sima Yu.He was the first woman to enter the Xiao family's meeting room, and probably the last.

At this moment, the ninth floor of the Xiao Family’s Yishi Pavilion is brightly lit. If anyone can go to the upper floor of the Yishi Pavilion, they will find that there is no sound at all on the ninth floor, or that there is no sound that can be transmitted from the ninth floor. There is some kind of restriction, what seems to be soundproofing.

On the ninth floor of the Xiao Family's Discussion Pavilion, there is a long sandalwood table with a length of more than ten feet. Eight people are sitting one after another, all of them look very serious.

Two of them are a tall and thin old man and a tall and fat old man, they are the sixth and seventh elders of the Xiao family, and the one sitting at the top is a beautiful woman, who is the mistress of the Xiao family, Sima Yu.

She was seated next to five elders who hadn't shown up, and their attire was the same as the sixth, seventh, and eighth elders of the Xiao family. They were the other five elders of the Xiao family.

"Xiaoyu, we've heard about Yu'er, let's discuss today how to deal with this matter?"

The No. 1 blue-haired old man sitting under Sima Yu said, he is the great elder of the Xiao family, his strength has reached the seventh level of the breaking yuan state, and he is extremely powerful.

"Yeah, this matter really needs to be discussed carefully. If you make a wrong move, it will be an irreparable loss to our Xiao family."

An old man with full temples sitting next to the Great Elder nodded in agreement.He is the second elder of the Xiao family, his strength has reached the sixth level of the Shattering Origin Realm, and his prestige in the Xiao family is extremely high.

Sima Yu looked at the elders with different faces, and said solemnly: "Then, elders, please express your opinions. How should we deal with this matter?"

The Sixth Elder took the lead and said: "In my opinion, we should pardon Xiao Yu's crimes. Xiao Yu was able to seriously injure the eighth child, and his strength can definitely be called the top of the younger generation of the Huoyun Empire. My Xiao family has this person, it is me. Blessings to the Xiao family."

Although the Seventh Elder on the side didn't speak, but judging from his expression, he strongly agreed with the Sixth Elder's words.

Sima Yu was displeased, but she remained calm. She looked at a long-bearded old man with a sullen expression, and asked, "Third Elder, what do you think?"

"What Lao Liu said is exactly what I think!"

The third elder's face remained unchanged, still so serious and gloomy.He glanced at Sima Yu and spoke slowly.The sound was like a broken gong, very unpleasant.

Sima Yu was greatly surprised, these three elders usually pay the most attention to family style, logically speaking Xiao Yu slaughtered the elders of the same clan, he should hate it deeply, and get rid of it quickly, but now he is uncharacteristically, and even advocates pardoning Xiao Yu.

"I think Xiao Yu should be held accountable for this matter!"

A one-eyed old man next to the third elder suddenly said that he was the fourth elder of the Xiao family.

"I agree that Xiao Yu murdered the elders of the same clan like this, no matter how strong his strength is, our family doesn't need such a scum, I think he should be arrested as soon as possible, to set the record straight, and let the younger generation of the Xiao family know that he must not be let go Kuang, treat elders as nothing!"

Elder Wu Zhang with cockroach eyebrows also spoke immediately, he and the fourth elder were in the same brotherhood, of course they were in the same breath at this moment.

Sima Yu was overjoyed, at this moment two people advocated arresting Xiao Yu for questioning, which naturally fit her thinking.But she still can't express her heart at this moment, she still has a card in her hand.

"First Elder, Second Elder, what's your opinion?"

Sima Yu cast a questioning look on the two most powerful elders.

The second elder said loudly: "I think we should strictly enforce the family rules left by our ancestors. If Xiao Yu is allowed to slack off because of his strength, then how can our Xiao family convince everyone?"

Sima Yu secretly laughed in her heart, she just had to wait for the answer from the Great Elder.

The Great Elder Sui is the oldest and the most experienced person among all the elders. He has extensive knowledge and careful thinking, and his thinking will never be limited to his immediate problems.

He thought for a long time, and finally said: "I don't think this matter should be too arbitrary, Xiao Yu is right about killing Xiao Shan, but there must be a reason for it, and we can make a decision after we find out the reason."

Sima Yu sneered in his heart, the elder's words clearly favored Xiao Yu.The Great Elder is the master of Xiao Yu's father Xiao Haoyun, so he will naturally protect Xiao Yu.

"Hmph, old guy, fortunately I was prepared, so what if you protect him? No one can stop me from dealing with him?"

Sima Yu thought to himself, and immediately said: "Okay, since the Great Elder said so, then I will tell you the results of my investigation."

Upon hearing this, almost everyone looked at Sima Yu.

Sima Yu continued: "According to Xiao Lin and the others, they heard the conversation between Xiao Yu and Xiao Shan's acting elder, in which a Liu family was mentioned, so I began to investigate. Finally, I have confirmed that the Liu family they mentioned is Feifeng City Two days ago, the acting elder Xiao Shan went to Feifeng City to wipe out the Liu family. According to the results of my investigation, Xiao Yu had helped the Liu family, and many people can testify. From this point of view Xiao Yu must have found the acting elder Xiao Shan because of the Liu family's affairs."

"What? Because of a second-rate family?"

Except for the First Elder and the Third Elder, the rest of the people present looked at each other in blank dismay. They really couldn't understand why Xiao Yu would do such a cruel thing to the elders of his family for the sake of a small Liu family in Feifeng City.

The Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder who were originally biased towards Xiao Yu were silent at the moment, and they also began to feel angry at Xiao Yu's behavior.

"This Xiao Yu, does he still think that he belongs to the Xiao family, and kills the elders of his own clan for the sake of people from other clans?"

The fourth elder was furious when he heard that, he slapped the table with his palm, and a palm print appeared on the table immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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