Chapter 146
"Unexpectedly, the mistress of the dignified Xiao family would do such a messy thing with the second elder. Second child, you are really going back after living, even touching the woman of your own younger generation! How about your face?"

The second elder heard the number of people in front of him falling down on him, his face was on fire, he didn't know how to refute, and he was even more terrified in his heart.

This person is none other than the elder of the Xiao family.He stared angrily at the second elder and Sima Yu, trembling with anger.

"Boss, I..."

The Second Elder was at a loss, this kind of thing was not seen in the light, let alone seen by others, but unexpectedly, he was smashed on the spot, and was smashed by the most powerful First Elder of the Xiao family, how could he not be afraid?Once this matter gets out, he will no longer have a foothold in the Xiao family.

"Shut up!" The Great Elder roared angrily, looked at Sima Yu coldly, and said coldly, "You woman, I found out that you two have some ulterior motives in the conference hall today, lurking around tonight , completely concealing your aura, and sure enough, you saw the second child sneaking into your room, and said, what exactly is your intention to seduce him?"

The Great Elder's voice was slightly louder, but Sima Yu was not worried at all about being heard.The residence of the senior members of the Xiao family is far away from the residences of the ordinary children of the Xiao family, and since Sima Yu is a woman, her residence is naturally separated from the residences of the elders of the Xiao family, not to mention that the other elders of the Xiao family are still in the same place. During the retreat, no one could hear the conversation between the three.

"Hehe, First Elder, why did you insist that I seduced Second Elder?"

Sima Yujiao smiled, she didn't seem to be afraid of being exposed by the Great Elder at all.

"Hmph!" The Great Elder snorted coldly, "I know the second child's character very well. Although he is lustful, he will never act recklessly unless you seduce him."

The second elder was ashamed and stood at a loss. What the first elder said was right. He was indeed seduced by Sima Yu. Sima Yu promised that as long as the second elder advocated the family rules in the meeting hall, Xiao Yu would be convicted. , then you are willing to commit yourself to him.

Although he is old, his heart has never aged, and he has always been a perverted evil spirit. Sima Yu is so beautiful and has the charm of a mature woman, so he naturally has no reason not to agree.

"Hahaha!" Sima Yu smiled proudly, and she continued, "Yes, I seduced him, but he is also willing to do things for me, so what can you do to me?"

The words were extremely rude, and the Great Elder was not taken seriously at all.

"Hmph, I'm going to take you two down today, and then let the children of our Xiao family see what their mistress and second elder look like."

The Great Elder was furious. Sima Yu had been interfering in family affairs since Xiao Haoyun's death. He had long been dissatisfied with this woman. It was only because of the family behind this woman that he endured it all the time. But now that this happened, How can he bear it?
"Kill him, otherwise our good business will be ruined. As long as you kill this old guy, I will be your man."

Sima Yu walked behind the second elder and said softly.

The Second Elder was shocked, and two fierce lights shot out from his fearful eyes, but he still had some scruples.

"How can I beat him?"

Sima Yu replied: "Don't worry, with me here, he will die today."

While the two were talking, the First Elder had already made a move, and he slapped the Second Elder with a palm first.He thought Sima Yu was no threat, so he had to subdue the second elder first.

This palm came so fiercely that the Great Elder used all his strength.At this moment, the second elder knew that there was no way out, he gritted his teeth, and slapped the first elder with a slap.


The palms of the two met in the air, and the second elder immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and fell back.The Great Elder fell from the sky and was about to give chase when a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

He had already noticed that something was wrong, Sima Yu who was standing next to the second elder had disappeared.


A palm pierced directly from the Great Elder's heart, holding a bloody heart in his hand.This palm is slender and slender, with green fingers. It is a woman's palm.

The Great Elder's eyes were wide open, he looked at the palm of his chest, and suddenly understood everything, but it was too late.

The palm was retracted, a large amount of blood spattered from the Great Elder's chest, he turned his head forcibly at the last moment of falling, Sima Yu was looking at him with a grim face, holding a beating fresh heart in his hand.

"Unexpectedly, you..."

The Great Elder only said a few words, then tilted his head, and died immediately. His eyes were rounded, full of unwillingness and shock.

"Xiaoyu, you..."

The Second Elder stared at this scene dumbfounded, and the fear in his heart escalated a bit compared to facing the First Elder.The Great Elder can be said to be the strongest existence in the Xiao family, but he was killed by Sima Yu's chest piercing, how could he not be afraid?

"If he doesn't die, our affairs will be exposed. Don't you want to be the person the Xiao family points out?"

The ferocious look on Sima Yu's face gradually faded away. With a wave of her jade hand, all the blood on her palm was scattered and fell to the ground, and the heart also rolled down to the side of the great elder's body.

The second elder only felt cold all over his body, and his chest seemed to be blocked by a big stone.Sima Yu's ears moved, and a look of panic appeared on her face. She ran to the door of the room to support the pillar, and exhaled heavily.The second elder didn't know why, and suddenly heard a scream coming from a distance, and four figures fell into Sima Yu's courtyard one after another, they were four, five, six, seven, four elders of the Xiao family.


Seeing the scene, the four of them immediately knelt down beside the corpse of the great elder and shouted loudly.They really couldn't imagine that the Great Elder, who was almost invincible in their hearts, would die so miserably.

"How is this going?"

The fourth elder had the most violent temper, and immediately shouted angrily.

Sima Yu pretended to be panicked, and tremblingly said: "It''s Yu'er, he...he killed the Great Elder?"


The four of them were shocked, but the second elder looked at Sima Yu and understood what Sima Yu meant in just a moment.

"It's Yu'er. For some reason, he broke into my room and wanted to kill me!" Sima Yu walked over tremblingly, and continued, "Fortunately, the second elder heard the movement and stopped him in time, but the second elder was unexpectedly killed by Yu. Er'er was seriously injured by the shock of a palm, and then the Great Elder rushed over to fight Yu'er, unexpectedly..."

When Sima Yu said this, he kept silent, covered his face and cried bitterly, his expressions and movements were all in place, and the second elder was even more shocked when he saw it.

"This woman is really good at acting!"

The four elders naturally knew what Sima Yu was going to say next, and they all stared blankly at the body of the great elder.

"This bastard actually committed another crime in my Xiao family and even killed the Great Elder. He is really a scum of my Xiao family, ah!"

The fourth elder roared and yelled, and slammed his palm on a sycamore tree not far away, and the sycamore tree that the two of them could hold together exploded to pieces.

"What happened?"

At this time, an extremely sharp and lifeless voice came from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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