Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 147 Four Great Families Gather

Chapter 147 The Five Families Gather
"The third one!"

Seeing the person coming, the Second Elder's heart skipped a beat. The first person he feared most in the Xiao family was the First Elder, and the second was the Third Elder who was one level below him.

The third elder's expression was as stiff as that of a corpse, and he walked slowly from the door. He glanced at the corpse of the first elder, and finally there was a wave in his eyes.

"Boss, how did he die?"

The third elder's voice was extremely unpleasant, and everyone could hear the tremor in his voice at this moment. The death of the first elder obviously shocked him a lot.

"Who else could it be? It's that bastard Xiao Yu. I never imagined that there would be such a scum in my Xiao family who bullies the master and exterminates the ancestors!"

The anger that the Fifth Elder had suppressed for a long time also erupted at this moment. He and the Fourth Elder were so aggressive that they were about to burst into flames.

"Xiao Yu, he was able to kill the boss?"

The third elder opened his mouth, and cast a questioning look at the second elder.

The Second Elder knew that his chance to perform was coming, and now was the best time to perform a full set of tricks, he nodded, and said angrily: "It's really abominable, that kid's strength has reached this level, I confronted him palm, was seriously injured by the shock."

The Second Elder coughed up another mouthful of blood as he spoke, this was not intentional, the slap that the First Elder gave him before did seriously injure him, and it was naturally difficult for him to resist the slap with all his strength at the Seventh Stage of the Origin Breaking Realm.


The third elder was expressionless, but anyone could hear the sadness in his words.He walked up to the Great Elder, put his heart back into the Great Elder's chest, and at the same time closed the Great Elder's dying eyes.

"From today onwards, Xiao Yu will be removed from our Xiao family. He is our Xiao family's sworn enemy, and our Xiao family will never die against him."

The second elder took a deep breath and said seriously.Now that he is acting, of course he has to do it more realistically. Xiao Yu is the scapegoat, and he is definitely on his back.

In the early morning of the next day, the Xiao family was in a commotion. Even a large number of Xiao family children from the Xiao family training camp far outside the imperial capital rushed to the Xiao family.

The Great Elder is dead!It was killed by someone!

This news fell on the hearts of everyone in the Xiao family like a bolt from the blue. Whether it was the older generation or the younger generation of the Xiao family, they all gathered in the Xiao family at this moment, even Xiao Long who was far away in Tianwu City. Arrived at the imperial city.

On the Xiao Family Square, a crystal coffin was placed here, and the Great Elder slept in it forever, and would never wake up again.

"Great Elder! Woohoo!"

Countless third-generation disciples of the Xiao family knelt on the square of the Xiao family, weeping, and two young people, a man and a woman, lived in the front.

The man is handsome and majestic, the woman's appearance is peerless, no less than Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing, at this moment there are two lines of tears on her face, making her even more delicate and beautiful.

The man's name is Xiao Yun, the most outstanding member of the younger generation of the Xiao family.The girl's name is Xiao Jinxiu, and she is the granddaughter of the elder of the Xiao family.

Xiao Jinxiu is a well-known talented woman of the Xiao family. She is proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The most rare thing is that her talent in martial arts is not weaker than Xiao Yun. Now she is 16 years old and already has the strength of the eighth level of the Shattering Yuan Realm , if some time passes, maybe even Xiao Yun will be left behind by her.

"Grandpa, who killed you, who is it?"

Xiao Jinxiu's delicate and flawless pretty face was full of sadness.Her father had fought together with Xiao Haoyun back then, and in that siege of Xiao Haoyun, his father had stayed in the siege forever in order to help Xiao Haoyun get out of trouble, while her mother had died of illness a year ago because of excessive grief.The Great Elder was considered his only relative in the world, and he unexpectedly left her now.

The sadness on Xiao Yun's face was not weaker than anyone else's. The First Elder taught him a lot at ordinary times, and he was like an elder. He was highly respected in the Xiao family, and he only had reverence for the First Elder.

The night after Xiao Yu killed Xiao Shan, he returned to the barracks due to his busy military affairs. Who would have thought that such a bad news would come within two days.

"Whoever killed the Great Elder, we must avenge him and punish the murderer severely! Ah!"

The third-generation children of the Xiao family behind the two were filled with righteous indignation, even with tears on their faces, they still glared at the sky. They had already regarded the murderer of the Great Elder as their greatest enemy in this life.One after another roars intertwined between the heaven and the earth.

"The elders are here!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone looked towards the high platform of the Xiao family. Six figures were already sitting on the high platform of the Xiao family. Each of them had a white cloth around their heads, and their faces were full of pain.

"The Emperor is here!"

Everyone suddenly heard a loud voice, and everyone turned their heads to look at the entrance of the square.A group of people was divided into two rows, bowed their heads, and a person in front of them was wearing a dragon robe, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with a calm and majestic look on his brows, showing the demeanor of an emperor.

This person is the helm of the Royal Ao family, the emperor of the entire Huoyun Empire, Ao Wuji.He walked forward, followed by a young girl. When the third generation disciples of the Xiao family saw her peerless face, they all fell into dementia.Xiao Yun also stared blankly, a soft look flashed across his face.

With such a charm, who else would come besides the imperial princess Ao Zixuan.

"The emperor is here, the old man has been rude, and I hope you will forgive me!"

The six elders got up together and saluted Ao Wuji, but they didn't bow.Ao Wuji had no opinion at all, instead he was very respectful to the six elders, and quickly returned the courtesy: "The six seniors are serious, Wuji is a junior, how can he be worthy of several of them, please sit down quickly."

The six elders sat down in response, the members of the Xiao family had already moved the stools, let Ao Wuji and Ao Zixuan sit on the other side of the high platform.

"Unexpectedly, the one I waited for was the latest!"

Ao Wuji and Ao Zixuan had just taken their seats when several hearty voices came from the entrance of the square. Everyone turned their heads and saw that they were three middle-aged people with extraordinary bearing.

The person who walked in the front was unrestrained and calm, and his brows showed a sense of freedom. His appearance was not very impressive, but no one dared to underestimate him. He was the head of the imperial Lin family, Lin Ruoxian.

Behind Lin Ruoxian was a person wearing a light blue gown, with a rather handsome face, the beauty of a mature man, and his pace was not too fast, he was Li Guodong, the head of the Li family.

The last person always had a faint smile on his face, his footsteps were sloppy, and there was a wine gourd hanging on his waist. He took out a sip after only two steps, making people think he was a decadent and sloppy person of middle-aged people.But this person is known as the "Smiling Tiger", and he has shocked the Huoyun Empire.He is Xie Peng, the head of the Xie family.

Except for the six elders of the Xiao family, everyone was stunned. They did not expect that the heads of the four families Ao, Xie, Lin, and Li would gather here today.At this moment, all the heroes of the Xiao family gathered together, and everyone felt an extremely depressing atmosphere.

What is the big deal in the Xiao family today?

(End of this chapter)

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