Chapter 15
"Ming Jian, the envoy, I did not insult Liu Piaoxu, I was framed by Liu Piaoxu."

Xiao Yu affirmed every word.


The expression on the envoy's face remained unchanged, he stared at Xiao Yu, intending to see something from his dark eyes.

"You're talking nonsense!" Liu Piaoxu got anxious and cursed, "You tried to insult me ​​in vain, and now you still come back to bite me? You said I framed you, what evidence do you have?"


Xiao Yu looked at Liu Piaoxu with a look of disdain: "Everyone knows that you, Liu Piaoxu, are the number one genius of the sect hall in Fanyun Town, and also the number one expert among the younger generation. I'm going to molest you? This seems It is unreasonable. Secondly, you said that I molested you. I don’t know what evidence is there? Just based on your few words, or a few words from your grandfather Liu Xing, the great elder? Or on the basis of your division of the clan? The status of the first genius in the country?"

Xiao Yu's words were reasonable, and his words were tricky, leaving Liu Piaoxu and Liu Xing speechless for a while. The execution envoy glanced at the two of them, and he already had a half-hearted idea, but this kind of thing is not It was reasonable to say that he wanted to see how Xiao Yu would deal with this matter.

"Okay, I know that Miss Liu Piaoxu is the first genius of our sect hall, and you have a high status, so you have to carry more weight when speaking, so how about this? Let me make a bet with you."

Xiao Yu grinned, and there was an inexplicable meaning in the smile.

Liu Piaoxu smiled contemptuously: "What do you want to bet?"

"Hey!" Xiao Yu stretched out his right hand, lightly clenched his fist, and a gleam shot out of his eyes, "In this world, strength is the most important thing, so I will compete with you, and the winning side will have the absolute right to speak. In other words, if I If you lose, then I will admit that I molested you, and I am willing to accept Zongtang’s punishment without any complaints, if you lose, you will admit that you framed me and accept Zongtang’s punishment voluntarily, how about that?”

Liu Piaoxu was stunned for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha, what are you talking about? Are you competing with me? Haha, this is really the funniest joke I've ever heard."

"Is it funny?" Xiao Yu glanced at Yang Shucheng, and also saw a kind of consternation in his eyes, he said with a light smile, "It depends on whether you dare to bet, in front of so many elders, it depends on your decision .”

The executive envoy looked at Xiao Yu's firm and deep eyes, and his heart was full of curiosity. He knew that Xiao Yu's strength had just stepped into the Yuan Condensation Realm, but Liu Piaoxu was a master at the eighth level of the Yuan Condensation Realm. Fen Zongtang has sat firmly on the throne of the first genius for many years, and the gap between the two is eight small realms. What support does Xiao Yu have to propose such a losing bet?
"Why dare not? When will it start?"

Liu Piaoxu's reputation as a genius on the first day is not in vain. She has never been afraid of any challenge. Only when she is not afraid of challenges can she always stand at the top. She readily agreed.

"At this moment! I hope the envoy will be a witness!"

Xiao Yu cupped his fists and saluted the envoy.

The executive envoy nodded: "Then let's compete in the Martial Arts Field in the Fenzong Hall. I have already understood your bets. The loser will be severely punished."

Xiao Yu and Liu Piaoxu looked at each other, a strong spark flashed in their eyes, the outcome will be announced in the martial arts arena.

Today, almost all the disciples of Duanyun Sect’s Fenyun Town Fenzong Hall hit the Martial Arts Field. At the seats in the Martial Arts Field, all the elders and stewards were present. Standing side by side, there are two people standing in the arena, they are today's protagonists, one is Liu Piaoxu, who is famous in all directions in the sect hall, and is dubbed the first genius, the goddess in the hearts of countless male disciples, and the other is It was Xiao Yu, a third-rate disciple who was cast aside in the sub-zong hall and only knew how to tease female disciples. The two of them were going to fight in the martial arts arena today.As soon as this news came out, it seemed like a heavy bomb had exploded among the disciples. Almost everyone sneered at Xiao Yu. This was simply a crushing competition.Of course, this is just what they think.

Xiao Yu stood with his hands behind his back, his temperament was very different from before, now he was full of a real master demeanor in every gesture, even Liu Piaoxu thought he couldn't do this, Liu Piaoxu suddenly rose from his heart. She had a weird feeling that today's competition would not end as easily as she imagined.

The envoy took a step forward and waved to the noisy disciples, signaling them to be quiet.

Everyone calmed down, and the envoy pointed to the sky with one finger. This was the starting gesture for the adjudicating disciples in Duanyun Sect to fight. As long as his arm fell, it meant that the two could start to attack each other.

"Go ahead!"

The envoy's arm dropped suddenly, Xiao Yu and Liu Piaoxu's eyes were fixed at the same time, the wind under their feet suddenly exploded on the spot, their figures flashed forward, and waves of air stretched out.The speed of the two of them was beyond the reach of most of the disciples. They took Liu Piaoxu's speed for granted, but Xiao Yu also had such a fast speed, which made many disciples stunned on the spot.

The two flashed a few times, and had already collided with each other. The willow catkins and jade legs brought a burst of fragrant wind, and swept towards Xiao Yu's face. The lavender vitality released violent power, and the surrounding air was drawn. With shallow traces, Xiao Yu's eyes froze, Liu Piaoxu's speed is indeed a big advantage, her speed is not inferior to some ordinary Yuan Shattering Realm powerhouses.

Xiao Yu lowered his head slightly, Liu Piaoxu's legs were extremely windy, and the fiery air flowed across his face, Xiao Yu felt shortness of breath.However, he is no longer that Wuxia Amon, his strength has risen sharply, especially after two battles against masters at the Shattering Yuan Realm, his mind is even more incomparable to before.

I saw a cold light flash in Xiao Yu's eyes, and there was a tiny flame in her hand, and she lightly rubbed on Liu Piaoxu's calf, a flame imprint appeared on Liu Piaoxu's body, but she didn't notice it , but everyone outside the arena saw it clearly.

Liu Piaoxu didn't sweep Xiao Yu with his front foot, but immediately followed with his back foot. His legs looked like scissors, and they were scissors that could split gold and crack rocks. Xiao Yu knew that he would not be able to avoid this kick, and his body breathed out , formed a spherical protective film on the body surface, which is Galen's damage reduction skill, which can resist part of the damage. It shattered at the sound, but the remaining strength was not enough to cause too much damage to Xiao Yu.

At this moment, a fireball appeared between Xiao Yu's hands, and he threw it towards Liu Piaoxu. Naturally, Liu Piaoxu couldn't dodge it at such a close distance, but she had already covered her whole body with vitality in an instant, forming a Protective film, Xiao Yu's fireball hit her protective film, and there was only a "bang", the fireball had already hit Liu Piaoxu's body.


Liu Piaoxu suddenly felt dizzy, and the things in front of her eyes became extremely blurred.

(End of this chapter)

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