Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 16 Invitation from the sect

Chapter 16 Invitation from the sect

"what happened?"

Elder Liu Xing's eyes widened. Liu Piaoxu's strange behavior had been noticed by him. Not only him, but other powerful elders were all surprised. Originally, Xiao Yu was able to fight Liu Piaoxu like this. Impossible, now it seems that Liu Piaoxu was restrained by Xiao Yu with some kind of martial skill.

The other disciples exclaimed one after another. Liu Piaoxu in the field stood motionless as if possessed by a demon, her eyes turned white. They didn't know that this was the special passive skill of Vengeance Flame Soul in the League of Legends. A special technique brought by the people of China.Liu Piaoxu's absence was only for a moment, perhaps less than a second, but it was enough for Xiao Yu.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he waved lightly with one hand, a round mark half as long as half a person suddenly appeared under Liu Piiaoxu's feet, a fierce flame gushed out from it, and at this moment Liu Piaoxu returned She came to her senses, but it was too late, the flames engulfed her whole body.


Liu Piaoxu screamed hoarsely, her whole body was burning with flames. She tried to extinguish it with the vitality in her body, but she didn't know that this flame was very strange, and the vitality was like its fuel. After the two met, they burned more and more vigorously. Although Liu Piaoxu tried her best to resist the burning with her vitality, the pain was really unbearable for ordinary people, let alone a beautiful woman like a flower and jade.The clothes on Liu Piaoxu's body were burned, and the flames slowly subsided. Liu Piaoxu was naked now, and she had already lost consciousness. Her legs softened and she fell to her knees on the ground.


All the disciples around turned pale with shock, exclaimed one after another, Liu Piaoxu actually lost?And she was still so embarrassed after losing, she fell naked on the ground, but at this moment, everyone couldn't appreciate Liu Piaoxu's graceful body, her body was already scorched black.

"Xiao Yu, you are so brave!"

Seeing the appearance of his most beloved granddaughter, Liu Xing jumped towards Xiao Yu with a loud shout, his left hand formed into a claw, and a purple-black handprint grabbed towards Xiao Yu. It really is not easy for a master at the Yuan Shattering Realm.Xiao Yu suddenly felt the strong wind pressing against his body, he knew that Liu Xing would use all his strength in this move, intending to split him up, he couldn't avoid it, and he was ready to use his powerful punches to catch him.


Just when the handprint was about to reach Xiao Yu's junior level, a cold snort came from Xiao Yu's other end, and a handprint of the same type shot from the back of Xiao Yu's head, colliding with Liu Xing's handprint.


A strong air wave exploded from the intersection of the two handprints, Xiao Yu blocked it with his hands and was pushed back a few steps by the strong air flow, a big hand was already on his shoulder to help him stabilize his figure.Feeling this warm and powerful hand, Xiao Yu felt at ease, without looking at him, he knew that standing behind him must be Yang Shuqi.

Liu Xing's figure also flickered. Although they are both strong in the Shattering Yuan Realm, Yang Shuqi is superior to him in terms of realm and control of martial arts. The power of the same martial arts in the hands of the two is also different. Although He was unwilling, but he also had to admit that he was not Yang Shuqi's opponent, and Liu Xing was already at a disadvantage in the duel just now.

"Yang Shuqi, Xiao Yu's attack on disciples of the same clan is so ruthless. Everyone can see it. Are you trying to protect him again?"

Liu Xing had no choice but to move out what he believed to be moral.

"It's normal for the two sides to fight and get hurt. Is it a crime? Elder, are you being too eloquent?"

Yang Shuqi didn't buy it, he just protected Xiao Yu behind him, and a group of tiger eyes shot two bright lights, directly at Liu Xing.


Just as Liu Xing was about to continue his argument, a figure suddenly appeared between the two of them. No one saw how he came, but in just a moment, he appeared at the place where he was standing now.


Naturally, only the envoy from the branch sect with this strength on the field, he just waved his hand slightly, and Liu Xing couldn't continue speaking. He argued wantonly, but facing the envoy, he had no choice but to bow his head.

"Elder Liu Xing, take Liu Piaoxu back to heal his wounds!"

The execution envoy pointed to Liu Piaoxu who fell unconscious on the ground, and his tone was flat.

"Executive envoy, this..."

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Liu Xing's heart, but facing the impassive, or ice-like indifferent eyes of the envoy, he gritted his teeth and had no choice but to give up.He took off his robe and wrapped it around Liu Piaoxu, and quickly left with Liu Piaoxu in his arms.

The envoy didn't look at him at all, but looked at Xiao Yu with great interest. Yang Shuqi felt that the envoy's gaze had some inexplicable meaning, and felt uneasy. If the envoy wanted to punish Xiao Yu, there was nothing he could do about it. No, if you say that the only person present can make him afraid, this is the only one.

Xiao Yu met the envoy's gaze, but he was not afraid at all. He took a step forward, stood beside Yang Shuqi, and said loudly: "If the envoy thinks that Xiao Yu's actions are cruel and out of style, please punish him." , Xiao Yu has absolutely no complaints."

The envoy looked at Xiao Yu, and suddenly laughed and said, "Okay, very good!"

Yang Shuqi and Xiao Yu looked at each other, they both saw doubts in each other's eyes, they didn't know what the execution envoy meant.

"Is that Xiao Yu?"

The envoy repeated Xiao Yu's name.


Xiao Yu clasped his fist at the envoy and nodded.

"Okay, you are worthy of being a disciple of my Duanyun Sect. With unique martial arts skills and a tough mind, he is not afraid of fighting at the first level of the Yuan Condensation Realm against the eighth level of the Yuan Condensation Realm. This kind of talent is exactly what our Duanyun Sect needs. In this competition, I Announce Xiao Yu's victory!"

The execution envoy looked at Xiao Yu with admiration in his eyes.The big stone in Yang Shuqi and Xiao Yu's heart finally fell to the ground.

"Xiao Yu, could it be that Xiao Yu who often harassed female students?"

The disciples stared wide-eyed, and their minds were blank. Isn't Xiao Yu that extremely lustful third-rate disciple?The young man in white in the arena turned out to be him?
Xiao Yu didn't pay attention to the whispers around him, and he didn't feel any joy at these surprises. He just felt that he had accomplished something that he should do. After this battle, Liu Xing and Liu Piaoxu would never have the face to mention that If this happened, then Yang Shuqi's position can be regarded as preserved, and with his existence, Yang Shuqi's position as the head of the sect will definitely be more stable.

After the war, Xiao Yu was invited by the executive envoy to have a talk in the conference hall, and naturally he was accompanied by Yang Shuqi, who was the head of the sect.

"Xiao Yu, are you interested in entering the branch sect? There is a level higher than the sect sect, and the resources and challenges it has are incomparable to the sect sect. There you will meet even stronger Master, your strength will also take a big leap."

The envoy looked at Xiao Yu with a gentle tone.

"Going to branch sects? It's indeed a good place to go, but I have the method of killing monsters and refining Qi, so it's not very useful to go there."

Xiao Yu made some calculations in his mind, and he had already thought of his excuses.

"Thank you for the envoy's kindness, but it is too reluctant to enter the branch sect with my current strength. Although I defeated Liu Piaoxu today, there are also reasons why she underestimated the enemy. My own strength has just stepped into the Yuan Condensation Realm , compared with the disciples in the branch sect, it can only be regarded as the most ordinary type, to go there, I think I need to practice for a while."

What Xiao Yu said was reasonable and well-founded, and all of them focused on the important points.The executive envoy nodded, and his evaluation of Xiao Yu was a little higher.

"This kid is not only good-natured, but also extremely thoughtful, really good!"

"So how long do you need?"

The envoy looked at Xiao Yu and asked.

"I think it will take half a year!"

Xiao Yu thought about it, he was sure that he could enter the Broken Yuan Realm within half a year, and then would be the best time for him to enter the branch sect.

(End of this chapter)

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