Chapter 17 Confused
"By the way, envoy, I have something to ask!"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of the problems in his body, and clasped his fists at the envoy.

"What's the matter?"

The envoy was obviously very interested in what Xiao Yu said.

"For some reason, I always feel that my vitality is weaker than others, not that it is weaker than those who are stronger than me, but weaker than those who are at the same stage as me. My vitality is not as solid as theirs, and its power is also stronger than mine. Not on them, which confuses me."

Xiao Yu stretched out his left hand, and a light blue vitality surrounded his palm.

"About this point, it is very easy to explain. Everyone practices different exercises, so the strength of vitality is also different at the same level. There are seven different levels of exercises in this world. From bottom to top, they are red, orange, yellow, and green. There are seven kinds of cyan, blue and purple, and the higher the cultivation method, the stronger the vitality, and maybe the cultivation method you practice is a low-level cultivation method, so it will naturally be much weaker than other people of the same level."

The executive messenger smiled.

"The seven exercises of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple?"

Xiao Yu muttered in his mouth, and at the same time he thought to himself: "The Xiao family is one of the four major families in the empire. What I practice is the mental method of the Xiao family. The level should not be low, but why is the vitality that I cultivated so powerful? But it is unreasonable to be much weaker than others!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu felt that it was better to find out the reason. He clasped his fists again and said, "I implore the envoy to take a look for me, is there any change in my body?"

The envoy frowned. Xiao Yu's behavior was obviously dissatisfied with his answer. Two bright lights shot out from his eyes, and Yang Shu, who was standing by the side, trembled inwardly.Xiao Yu didn't take a step back, his eyes were firm and focused, still staring at the envoy.

"Messenger, I'm not questioning your answer, it's just that my body may have some other problems, so I beg you to help me find out."

The execution envoy looked at Xiao Yu twice, and his eyes finally became peaceful.

"Okay, I'll help you take a look!"

He grabbed Xiao Yu's wrist, and his vitality was like a slender snake swimming around Xiao Yu's body, searching for every possible place left on his body. When he checked the position of Xiao Yu's chest, Suddenly he frowned.

Xiao Yu was about to ask, but the envoy gave a silent gesture, and continued to probe his chest back and forth, with more and more expressions on his face.


After a long time, the envoy withdrew his hand and fell into deep thought.

"Executive envoy, is there something wrong with my body?"

Seeing the envoy's expression, Xiao Yu knew something had happened to his body. He asked the envoy with a solemn expression.

"I have never seen your situation before." The envoy shook his head and continued, "There is a very strange meridian on your chest. There is no such meridian in the human body. The extra meridian on your body is very strange. Strong, but it seems to have been damaged, showing a twisted and contracted state, which blocks the movement of vitality in your body, and part of the vitality in your body is absorbed by this meridian, which makes you unable to mobilize all the vitality in your body 100%. I Just now I tried to use vitality to help you break that meridian in your body, but it was in vain, and part of the vitality that I entered your body was absorbed."


Xiao Yu was taken aback. There was an extra meridian in his body that ordinary people didn't have. This meridian could also absorb part of his vitality?He didn't notice that when the envoy was talking about this question, Yang Shucheng's expression on the side changed slightly, which was very unnatural.

"That's why the vitality I cultivated is much weaker than others? Or is it that the vitality I can release is thinner than others?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"Yes, this is very likely the reason."

"Then is there any way to remedy it?"

Xiao Yu really wants to know this question now, if he can handle it well, his strength will definitely be improved to a higher level, and there will be no more worries.

"I thought about removing that meridian for you, but after the investigation just now, that meridian is very stubborn and closely connected with your body. It is very thick and has a huge connection port with your body. If you forcibly remove it, It will definitely cause immeasurable damage to your body, and it may turn you into a disabled person, so I can't think of a good way for now."

The envoy shook his head, Xiao Yu's situation was too strange, he was very well-informed, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Yang Shucheng looked at Xiao Yu, and was about to say something, but his lips twitched a little, and finally he chose to keep silent.Xiao Yu sighed. This problem had a huge impact on his strength, but he still couldn't handle it.

"Don't think too much about it, I'll go back and look through the classics to see if there is something that fits your situation."

The envoy was worried that this question would affect Xiao Yu's mind, so he said hastily.

"Don't worry Messenger, even if this problem exists, I will definitely not be weaker than others. Strength is not only about the strength of vitality."

Xiao Yu smiled confidently and recovered his spirits. He has the skills of a hero in his hands, and he has the capital to be fearless.

After the battle between the third-rate lecherous disciple Xiao Yu and the first-class genius Liu Piaoxu, the disciples of the Duanyun faction branch hall in Fanyun Town ushered in a huge wave, that is, Xiao Yu, whom they had always dismissed, had become As the number one disciple in the branch hall, no one dared to shake this position, after all, the strange fire technique that day still made them talk about it.

After staying in the Zongtang for two days, Xiao Yu returned to his manor. It was the house left by his father, and it was the only thing left to him.

The manor was deserted and deserted, not even a servant. He, the young master of the four great families, was indeed shivering.

"It's back again!"

Xiao Yu has now fully accepted his own identity. In another world, he must have his own value. He can not admit the identity of the young master of the Xiao family, but he must accept the name Xiao Yu.Everything in the manor seemed extremely messy. Xiao Yu used to be ignorant, and he couldn't even do the most basic cleaning. A good manor in Nuo Da was turned into a doghouse.

"Looks like it needs to be cleaned up."

Xiao Yu smiled helplessly and rolled up his sleeves.

Xiao Yu cleaned the inside and outside of the manor. The tables, chairs and benches were all placed neatly. Now the manor has returned to its former grandeur.

"It finally looks like a place to live."

Xiao Yu smiled knowingly, and lay down under a big tree in the yard. The breeze blew on his cheeks, lifting his flowing long hair, his bangs fluttered in the wind, and a pair of handsome eyes shining brightly in the sunlight. A light of deep wisdom.

"It's not bad to live such a comfortable life."

It was the first time that Xiao Yu pursued an ordinary life. Originally, he had obtained the hero skills, and his idea was to set off a storm about him in another world and create a legend about him. After defeating and keeping Yang Shucheng's position, he suddenly felt that he had lost his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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