Chapter 158
Xiao Yu looked at the two clamoring Li family members with a cold expression, as if he didn't pay attention to them at all.

The two of the Li family felt a burst of humiliation, but they didn't make a move either. Xiao Yu was in the cage at this moment, surrounded by people from all the big families who were staring at him, it was impossible to fly.

This cage is made of gold and iron. Although I dare not say it is extremely hard, it is definitely not easy to break open. Even the two of them need to spend a lot of effort.

"What is Brother Xiao going to do? Could it be staying in the cage with Yang Xiruo and waiting to die?"

Lin Feiyun's heart was about to burst out of his chest, and the atmosphere on the field was really too solemn.

The second elder of the Xiao family didn't even look at Xiao Yu at all. In his opinion, Xiao Yu was just a junior with some strength, far from enough for him to take seriously. He completely forgot that the eighth elder was still seriously injured at home.

Sima Yu looked at Xiao Yu's aloof figure, and his heart moved slightly: "Will this scoundrel bring Yang Xiruo to use that strange martial skill again to escape? If so, it would be terrible!"

Thinking of this, she quickly winked at the Second Elder beside him, the Second Elder understood, stood up immediately, and shouted at Xiao Yu: "Bold Xiao Yu, you killed my acting elder of the Xiao family, Xiao Shan, and seriously injured my Eighth Elder of the Xiao family, Afterwards, he even used tricks to brutally kill the great elder of my Xiao family, and today, we want you, a scum of the Xiao family, to die here."

After the second elder finished speaking, the children of the Xiao family were excited, and they all blushed and shouted: "Kill him, kill him!"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and said loudly: "It is true that I killed Xiao Shan, and it is true that I seriously injured the eighth elder of the Xiao family, but I did not kill the first elder of the Xiao family. If you want to kill me, I, Xiao Yu, will take over." The next thing is, there is no need to make up these trumped-up charges."

Xiao Yu's words aroused a burst of disgust from the people in the five major families. They did not expect that Xiao Yu was still defending himself at this moment.

Liu Piaoxu, Yang Xiruo, Ao Zixuan, Lin Feiyun, Guo Li, Wang Xiu and others knew that Xiao Yu would never lie.Thinking back to when Xiao Yu confessed that he had killed Li Qingfeng and Lu Changtian in the Warlord Domain back then, as long as he did it, he would never hide it.

"Hmph, sophistry!"

Xiao Jinxiu was very disdainful, she really couldn't figure out why her grandfather would die at the hands of such a villain.

"Even if you talk like a hype, you will never want to leave this place today!"

After finishing speaking, the second elder said to the two members of the Xiao family behind him: "Go and take that kid Xiao Yu down!"

The two of them nodded. They are the masters of the Xiao family's Yuan-shattering realm, and they are also at the first level of the Yuan-shattering realm. They have long held grudges against Xiao Yu's killing of the great elder, and they have already regarded Xiao Yu as an endless enemy. , has long wanted to kill Xiao Yu.

Xiao Jinxiu gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Yu in the cage. Xiao Yu's handsome face was even more unbearable in her eyes than jackals, tigers and leopards. If it weren't for the rules, she would really rush to the stage to give Xiao Yu two swords.

Seeing someone from the Xiao family come out, she secretly hoped in her heart: "Quick, kill that scum."

Xiao Yu didn't even look at the two of the Xiao family, he asked Yang Xiruo in a low voice, "Do you believe me?"

Yang Xiruo looked at Xiao Yu's firm eyes, smiled and nodded.Ever since her father Yang Shucheng passed away, Xiao Yu was the person she trusted the most. She knew that Xiao Yu would never harm her no matter what.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu stretched out his hand suddenly, pulling Yang Xiruo up into the air and landing on his back.

"Ah! Xiao Yu, you!"

Yang Xiruo exclaimed, her face turned red instantly.It was under the watchful eyes of everyone that Xiao Yu actually made such an intimate gesture towards her.

Everyone outside the cage was also puzzled, wondering what Xiao Yu was going to do.

"You don't have to worry about other things, you just need to lie quietly on my body and close your eyes."

Xiao Yu's voice had an invisible magic power, which made Yang Xiruo feel at ease. He took out a long cloth from his arms, walked around Yang Xiruo, tied Yang Xiruo with himself, and tied it around his waist.

Yang Xiruo obediently lay on Xiao Yu's back, motionless.

"His back is still broad, so warm!"

Now that disaster is imminent, Yang Xiruo can still think of these things. If Xiao Yu knew, he would touch his nose in embarrassment.

Before the two of the Xiao family came to the cage, the two masters of the Li family's breaking yuan realm also looked at the mentality of watching a show, and moved closer.

Xiao Yu carried Yang Xiruo on his back, he looked strange, but his figure was still upright, and there was an indescribable power between his brows, the Li family and the Xiao family were surprised when they saw it.

At this moment, a cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he let out a low drink.


An unrivaled vitality scattered in all directions. The two of the Li family and the Xiao family only felt a surge of power rushing towards their faces. With a scream, their figures were instantly blown away, blood Crazy spray.

And the cage made of gold and iron collapsed directly, torn apart, and the iron wall of the cage was bent beyond shape. It can be seen that Xiao Yu's strength is really overwhelming.


The faces of everyone on the Xuanwu stage changed slightly, and Xiao Yu's burst of power in an instant was enough to make them pay attention.

Sima Yu was shocked in his heart: "The strength of this evil species has reached such a level? It's really unbelievable."

The heads of the other four families were slightly taken aback, and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, they did not underestimate Xiao Yu. This time they sent all the top experts in the family to the scene. However go.

Ao Wuji glanced at Ao Zixuan who was staring at Xiao Yu without blinking, his heart sank, and the killing intent in his gaze towards Xiao Yu became even stronger.

"This son, must not stay!"

The four people who were injured by Xiao Yu's shock fell far away, already unconscious.

The children of the five major families in the audience and the people watching from a distance looked dignified. Xiao Yu seriously injured four masters of the first level of the breaking yuan state in an instant. No one in the younger generation can match this kind of strength.

Behind Xie Peng, Xie Jingchen's face was already covered with cold sweat. He had already broken through to the Po Yuan Realm, but he felt very high-spirited. He was able to compete with Xiao Yu. His thinking is so naive.

"Brother Xiao, you really are still so domineering!"

Lin Feiyun and the others looked at Xiao Yu standing proudly on the Xuanwu stage, and their hearts once again felt incomparable admiration.

Liu Piaoxu and Ao Zixuan are still full of worries. Although Xiao Yu's move is powerful, it will not be difficult for the five major families. There are many masters in the five major families. Those real masters have not made a move yet. It is really not optimistic.

Xiao Yu carried Yang Xiruo on his back, walked forward with one finger, and walked around in a circle. His index finger pointed at everyone on the stage, and finally landed on Sima Yu's face.

"Today, I, Xiao Yu, will fight to the death with your five great families!"

Xiao Yu's voice was like a bell, shaking the world. At this moment, no matter it was the children of the five major families or the people watching from a distance, they all felt a sense of arrogance soaring into the sky.

In an instant, the situation changed.

(End of this chapter)

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