Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 159 Facing the Heroes

Chapter 159 Facing the Heroes
"Boy, don't be mad!"

Suddenly a person jumped out of the Li family, with a hulking back and a full face.This person's name is Li Kuang, and he is of the same generation as Li Guodong. His strength has reached the third level of the Yuan-shattering realm, and his cultivation method is also extremely special. It can not only improve the vitality, but also temper the body.Although he is at the third level of the Yuan-shattering realm, he is able to fight against experts at the fourth-level of the Yuan-shattering realm, and the ordinary fourth-level masters of the Yuan-shattering realm can't even help him.

"It's Uncle Li Kuang, it's all over now, let's see how Xiao Yu is doing!"

Li Kuang landed in front of Xiao Yu, glanced at Yang Xiruo who was behind Xiao Yu, and said proudly: "I, Li Kuang, never take advantage of others. You put that little girl down, and we will fight fairly."

"This Li Kuang is a real hero!"

Ao Zixuan thought to herself.

Many people also nodded secretly, Li Kuang's conduct is indeed commendable.

Xiao Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "I'm going to let you off if I say that to you, and you can get out!"


Xiao Yu's words caused an uproar among the crowd.

"This Xiao Yu is too crazy!"

"That's right, Li Kuang has the strength of the third level of the Yuan-breaking realm, and his body is tyrannical. It is almost difficult to meet the opponent of the third-level of the Yuan-breaking realm. His strength is at the upper-middle level of the five major families. For Xiao Yu to be so arrogant, he will definitely be beaten to shut up." .”

"This Li Kuang can't listen to others insulting him the most, so here's a good show to watch!"

The powerhouses from all sides talked a lot, but their eyes were fixed on the field. They wanted to see how Li Kuang would react.

"What did you say?"

Li Kuang's eyes were about to burst into flames, Xiao Yu looked down on him so much, how could he bear it?

Li Kuang yelled loudly, stomped the sole of his foot, and soared into the sky, his fierce vitality condensed into a huge fist shadow of a hundred feet in the air, and slammed down.The violent wind blows past Xiao Yu, but everyone is shocked to find that Xiao Yu's clothes are motionless, not affected by the wind at all.Yang Xiruo lay on Xiao Yu's back, and didn't feel any pressure. She opened her beautiful eyes, looked up at the sky, and watched the huge fist shadow roaring towards him.


The chill in Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Li Kuang's fist slammed on the ground of the Xuanwu platform, and a big hole was blasted out of the Xuanwu platform, which shows the strength of his fist.

Xiao Yu and Yang Xiruo were nowhere to be seen, and they were nowhere to be found.


In the next instant, Li Kuang's face changed drastically, and he heard a faint sound of breaking through the air beside him.


He felt a weight hit him on the right side of his abdomen with such force as he had never seen in his life.


Li Kuang vomited blood, and his figure fell from a high altitude, while Xiao Yu still maintained a posture of whipping his legs in the air.

"So fast!"

The top masters of the five major families all looked solemn, horrified by Xiao Yu's speed.A person with clever eyes knows that at the moment just now, Xiao Yu's figure moved out of the coverage of Li Kuang's fist shadow, and then jumped into the air, sweeping Li Kuang's whip kick.

Xiao Yu fell from the air and stood firmly on the ground with a chic and calm posture. Yang Xiruo who was carrying her on her back didn't feel the slightest discomfort. Just now, she only felt a blur in front of her eyes when she saw the vicious Li Kuang vomit blood and retreat.

"Xiao Yu's strength is terrifying!"

Yang Xiruo thought to himself.

Xiao Jinxiu almost couldn't hold the long sword in her hand. Among the younger generation, she always thought that Xiao Yun was number one, but only now did she realize that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

"Except for the fact that he was the murderer who killed Grandpa, this strength is indeed unmatched by the younger generation."

The people of the five major families all felt their faces were burning hot. As soon as Xiao Yu came out, he dealt with the five masters who broke the Yuan Realm, which made them feel ashamed.The people watching the battle in these four weeks came from all over the Huoyun Empire. If Xiao Yu were allowed to show his power here today, their five big families would lose their prestige.

"Who else wants to fight to the death!"

Xiao Yu yelled angrily, only with the momentum of breaking the sky, his eyes swept over a master of the Yuan breaking realm of the five major families, many people dared not look at him and lowered their heads.They had already been captured by Xiao Yu's aura, and now they were much weaker mentally.

"The old man is here to play with you!"

An old man in the Xiao family's camp suddenly flew out. He looked like a cockroach, and he was the fourth elder of the Xiao family.He was jealous, and now that Xiao Yu was so arrogant, he couldn't help but want to make a move.

"Okay, Fourth Elder!"

The children of the third generation of the Xiao family cheered and cheered for everyone.

"Xiao Family?"

Xiao Yu frowned, and grinned, with a little chill in his smile.

"Xiao Yu, you scum of the Xiao family, you dare to be so rampant in killing the elders of the same clan, let's see how I can control you!"

The Fourth Elder and Xiao Yu were tens of feet apart, and said in a cold voice.

"You have imposed the death of the great elder of the Xiao family on me. It seems that everyone in the Xiao family is like this. I will never hold back from you!"

Xiao Yu sneered and moved suddenly.

The Fourth Elder only felt a strong wind hit his body, and immediately flew backwards with a touch of his toes, Xiao Yu had already bullied him into a position a few feet in front of him.

"This kid is faster than before!"

The Fourth Elder's heart was dark, but he had been famous for a long time, and his strength was strong, so he naturally wouldn't panic.He slapped with one palm, and a fiery air wave rose from the ground, forming a fiery red air wall between him and Xiao Yu.

He intends to block Xiao Yu's attack with this wall of air, and then restrain him with his backhand, but unexpectedly, the air wave in front of him explodes suddenly, a figure has penetrated through, and his claws are already on his throat.The speed was so fast that he had no power to resist.


The fourth elder's heart was chilled, and he immediately wanted to use his vitality to shake Xiao Yu away, but unexpectedly, a stronger vitality came back, and the vitality in his body had no effect on Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu gave a low shout, and lifted the Fourth Elder up into the air with one hand.

Xiao Yu was tall and the Fourth Elder was short. Now that Xiao Yu held it in his hands, he looked like a monkey, in a state of embarrassment.

The Fourth Elder felt that Xiao Yu's claws were like iron tongs, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break them free.

The third-generation children of the Xiao family were already stunned. They didn't expect the Fourth Elder, whose strength was at the sixth level of the Yuan Yuan Realm, to be unable to survive a single round in Xiao Yu's hands.

"If you want to kill me, it's up to you?"

Xiao Yu's icy gaze swept over the Fourth Elder, he felt chills all over his body, and the breath of death had enveloped him.

"Let him go!"

An old man from the Xiao family's camp flew out, it was the fifth elder who had good friends with the fourth elder, he was extremely fast, he transformed into an afterimage, rushed towards Xiao Yu, and in an instant he was beside Xiao Yu.

"Butterfly walk through flowers!"

The eyes of all the powerhouses were fixed. This butterfly step through flowers is the famous stunt of Wu Zhang, and he is the only one in the entire Xiao family who has practiced it. The speed is as fast as a shooting star chasing the moon.

He thrust his palm towards Xiao Yu's palm, intending to shake it away and save the Fifth Elder.


A palm had already grabbed his palm before him.


Old Wu Zhang was startled, Xiao Yu had already kicked him in the chest.

(End of this chapter)

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