Chapter 169 Xiao Maifei

"Concentration state?"

Xiao Yu looked at a space in the sky, and his gaze stayed there.

After hearing that voice, Sima Yu's complexion was extremely ugly. She looked up at the sky, and she was looking at the same place as Xiao Yu.

"Unexpected, unexpected! My grandson Xiao Maifei is so powerful, it really makes my old man happy, really happy!"

The old voice in the sky spoke again.

Hearing the name "Xiao Maifei", all the elders of the Xiao family showed ecstasy.

"It seems that the person who came here should have some relationship with the Xiao family. I didn't expect the Xiao family to have such a master!"

Seeing the faces of everyone in the Xiao family, Xiao Yu thought to himself.

Sima Yu's face turned extremely ugly.

"This old guy, is he not dead?"

Ao Wuji, Xie Peng, Lin Ruoxian and all the elders in their family were stunned for a moment before realizing who "Xiao Maifei" was, and they all looked at the sky in horror.


Somewhere in the sky vibrated violently and gradually distorted. An old man in a blue gown stepped out of it and stood on the void.His eyes are full of vicissitudes, his hair is long and he has a long beard. There is a sense of closeness between his brows, without the slightest feeling of domineering, but everyone knows that this person's strength is absolutely terrifying.

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he felt a sense of blood connection from the old man. He felt this feeling faintly in both Xiao Yu and Xiao Long, but it was especially strong in this old man.

"Who is this person?"

Xiao Yu looked at the old man in the sky, his heart was ups and downs.

"Old master!"

Every elder of the Xiao family shouted loudly with ecstasy on their faces.There is a sense of respect that cannot be concealed in the tone.

"Standing in the air, concentrating on the state of mind?"

Countless strong men looked at the not-so-tall figure in the sky with shocked expressions, and murmured.

They all know what it means to stand in the air, it is the sign of a strong person in the state of concentration.Only when one has reached the state of concentrating can one walk in the air and step on the void.

The old man nodded slightly in the sky, flashed down from the void, and actually pierced through the space of tens of feet and appeared on the Xuanwu platform.

"Space shuttle?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, the strength shown by this old man is definitely the strongest person he has encountered since he came out of the mountain.

"Old Patriarch! Are you alive?"

The third elder of the Xiao family trembled, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

"Senior Xiao!"

Ao Wuji, Xie Peng, and Lin Ruoxian bowed to the old man with only reverence in their tone.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, someone still remembers me, Xiao Maifei." The old man smiled, "You don't need to be too polite, Wuji, you are already the emperor now, it stands to reason that I still have to salute you!"

Ao Wuji said sincerely and tremblingly: "No, senior Xiao is the hero of my Huoyun Empire, even if you give Wuji a few more guts, I will definitely not dare to accept a gift from you!"

The old man named Xiao Maifei didn't answer, but turned his head to look at Xiao Yu with kindness in his eyes.

"Child, you are suffering!"

Xiao Yu's expression froze, he suddenly thought of someone.

"Are you... grandpa?"

Xiao Maifei nodded, walked up to Xiao Yu, and patted him on the shoulder lovingly.

"Yu'er, if I hadn't been in seclusion for so many years, I definitely wouldn't have caused you to suffer so much, but now it seems that such hardships are good for you. You can fight against the five major families with your own strength. This person is still my grandson Xiao Maifei, thinking about it, I feel that this life is not in vain. Hahaha!"

Xiao Maifei smiled very proudly. Xiao Yu's performance really made him so satisfied that he even felt that his grandson was a peerless treasure.

Xiao Yu felt a little unbelievable. Xiao Haoyun told him when he was a child that his grandfather was dead, but at this moment Xiao Maifei really appeared in front of him. The feeling of being connected by blood would never lie.


When Xiao Yu chanted these two words, he felt unreal.

"Xiao Maifei, you old man didn't expect to die yet!"

Sima Yu looked at Xiao Maifei with resentment, his eyes were slightly red.

Xiao Maifei looked at Sima Yu with an extremely regretful expression on his face. He sighed and said, "Oh, Xiao Yu, I never imagined that Hao Yun would hurt you so much and make you like this!"

Sima Yu looked crazy and said: "You old man? If you hadn't lied to me that Xiao Maifei liked me, I wouldn't have married into your Xiao family. I hate Xiao Maifei, and I hate you too!"

Xiao Maifei shook his head helplessly, and said, "It seems that I was indeed wrong about this matter!"

"Xiao Maifei, you have disappeared for 20 years, and now it seems that you have broken through the entrance and reached the state of concentration, which is really cheap for you!"

Sima Yu said bitterly, "But that's fine, I'm going to kill you with my own hands today to vent my hatred."

"Sima Yu, stop talking nonsense here!" The third elder of the Xiao family said coldly, "The old Patriarch has already stepped into the state of concentration, and you want to hurt him?"

Sima Yu didn't answer, she yelled at a space in the sky: "Father, it's already here, why don't you show yourself?"

Xiao Maifei's expression froze, looking up into the sky, he already felt a familiar aura.Everyone also looked up, and the space above Sima Yu's head kept wriggling, and a figure walked out of it.

The visitor looked like a middle-aged man, but he was full of white hair, dressed in a purple robe, standing with his hands behind his back, with a relaxed demeanor.

"Simakong! I didn't expect you to come here!"

Xiao Maifei said in a deep voice.

"Dear family, long time no see, I never thought that you didn't die, but went a step further and stepped into the state of concentration!"

The man in the sky turned out to be Sima Yu's biological father, Sima Kong.

"Sima Kong, the old patriarch of the Sima family of the Chilian Empire?"

Countless strong men felt a sense of suffocation, and Sima Kong was obviously also a strong man in the state of concentration. Usually, it would be difficult for such a master to meet just one person, but now there are two at once.

"Something big is going to happen!"

Many strong men secretly said in their hearts.

"My in-laws? Someone sneaked up on me back then, causing me to almost fall, and then I figured it out, that person was you!"

Xiao Maifei looked angry. His Xiao family was married to the Sima family back then. Xiao Maifei drank a lot at night and his mind was not so clear, but he was attacked by a mysterious person that night. He was seriously injured, but he himself was almost crippled for life.It was precisely because of this that he entered the Xiao family's forbidden area to retreat, and everyone thought he was dead.Not long before he arrived, he just broke through the entrance and broke through to the state of concentration.

"Haha, so what if you know? Today I will re-enact what happened back then. Not only do I want you to die, but I also want the top masters of the entire Huoyun Empire to be reduced to the dust of history!"

Simakong looked up to the sky and laughed out loud, many people felt chills in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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