Chapter 170

"What a big tone!" Ao Wuji snorted coldly, "You are in the Concentration state, and senior Xiao is also in the Concentration state. Besides, there are top masters from our five major families here. How can you deal with so many of us?"

"Hey, the five big families are just a waste of fame, but they have been turned upside down by a junior, and they still have the face to brag in front of this old man?"

Sima Kong sneered coldly, and Ao Wuji and the others looked ugly.Indeed, the top masters of the five major families gathered here and tried their best, but there was nothing they could do with Xiao Yu, which was tantamount to a naked slap in the face.

"Simakong, is it true that Chilian Empire really wants to intervene in the affairs of our Huoyun Empire?"

There was a coldness on Xiao Maifei's peaceful face.

"Hahaha, I told you, all the masters of your Huoyun Empire will die here today, don't even try to escape!"

Sima Kong's tone was extremely arrogant.However, Xiao Maifei's face changed. He knew that Sima Kong was definitely not a nonsense person, so he must have something to rely on when he said so.

"Old guy, you don't have to die today if you don't want to!"

Sima Yu suddenly sneered, and the cold murderous intent in his tone was undisguised.

After her words fell, Xiao Maifei's face darkened, and he looked into the distance, and a figure flickered, from far to near, gradually approaching Xuanwu Terrace.One moment he was still thousands of miles away, but the next second he was already standing on the Xuanwu Platform. This huge contrast made many people feel depressed.

The man was about forty years old, dressed in black, with a handsome face that was almost evil, and a pair of pupils shot out a strange light. When countless strong men came into contact with his eyes, they felt that their minds were about to lose their minds.

"Xiao Maifei, long time no see!"

The mysterious man in black smiled at Xiao Maifei, as if greeting an old friend.

"Blood shock?"

Xiao Maifei fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"What? The blood is shocking?"

The rest of the people may not know who this Xue Jingtian is, but there are many people who know about it among the five major families.This Xue Jingtian is the head of the three major demon caves of the Huoyun Empire and the master of the Bloodthirsty Sect.

All the powerful members of the five major families felt their bodies trembling slightly. This blood-shocking man was notoriously brutal. The people who died in his hands might be enough to form a mighty army. Those who are not good.

Xiao Maifei's heart sank, and he asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Xue Jingtian smiled lightly, with a rather calm and indifferent taste, making it impossible for the people around him to see that he was a bloody and cruel person.

"This time, at the invitation of Patriarch Sima, I came to help him."

Xue Jingtian's faint words stirred up waves, and the faces of the five major families turned pale instantly, and Xiao Maifei's pupils also shrank.This Xue Jingtian was already a strong man at the peak of the Yuanyuan Realm many years ago. Xiao Maifei had fought against him several times, but each time there was no result. He just saw Xue Jingtian shuttle through the space. He also stepped into the Concentration Realm. If this is the case, then there are two masters of the Concentration Realm on the opposite side, which is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the five major families.

Although there is only one realm between the Concentrating Mind Realm and the Primordial Breaking Realm, there is a saying that must be mentioned: under the concentration of concentration, there are no ants.

This simple sentence is enough to explain the gap between the concentration state and the Yuan breaking state.

In the state of concentrating the mind, one has stepped out of the first step in the state of the five gods, and the vitality in the body has undergone a qualitative leap, gradually turning into divine power.Although vitality and divine power are both manifestations of power, they are very different from each other.

Yuan Qi is a kind of original Qi contained between the heaven and the earth, which can be regarded as the power of the elementary level, but the divine power is different. The divine power is produced after the masters of breaking the Yuan state step into the state of concentration. At that time, the Yuan Qi in their bodies will be automatically dispersed and reorganized. After thousands of tempers and several transformations, it can finally be transformed into supreme divine power.

It's like one is a baby and the other is an adult, there is no comparison between the two.

No one in the five major families doubted that a single state of concentration could wipe out all their people present.

Ao Wuji, Xie Peng, Lin Ruoxian and others have already seen the delicate situation on the field. At that time, only Sima Kong and Xue Jingtian need one of them to entangle Xiao Maifei, while the other can give birth to the five major families. To start a massacre, not to mention that the opponent has Sima Yu whose strength is also unknown.

Thinking of this, they broke out in cold sweat.

Xiao Maifei's face was extremely gloomy at the moment, and even he felt great pressure when the two teamed up.

"Xue Jingtian, your bloodthirsty sect can be regarded as the strength of the Huoyun Empire, why did you collude with other countries to attack the Huoyun Empire?"

Xiao Maifei said coldly.

"Hey!" Xue Jingtian said with a noncommittal smile, "The structure of the Fire Cloud Empire has not changed for hundreds of years, now I want to change it, why not?"

Before Xiao Haoyun replied, Sima Yu looked over with a cold gaze.

"Old guy, today the five major families will be destroyed together with you, so don't talk about it, I will personally send you to hell later."

After Sima Yu finished speaking, his whole body released an incomparably terrifying aura, all the faces of the people present changed, and many people even stepped back, terrified in their hearts.

"Half-step concentration?"

Xiao Maifei narrowed his eyes slightly, crying secretly in his heart.He didn't expect Sima Yu to touch the barrier of Concentration Realm.

The so-called half-step concentrating mind state means that one has already touched the line of breaking through the primordial spirit state, and is only one and a half steps away from breaking through.Although this realm is not a real state of concentrating mind, the vitality in the body has also undergone great changes. There are already traces of subtle divine power born in the body, which is much stronger than the masters who only have vitality. times.Even if it is the peak of the breaking yuan state, it is estimated that Sima Yu can't do more than ten moves in the hands of Sima Yu. This is the terrible gap between "God" and "Yuan".

Xiao Yu's expression was dignified. The strength displayed by Sima Yu had already made him feel an extremely strong danger.Although Sima Yu is not as good as Sima Kong and Xue Jingtian, he is more than enough to deal with the five major families.Even if the masters of the five major families besiege her, it may still be useless.

Countless strong men's faces changed drastically, and they all had the urge to escape.

Sima Yu's side is strong, with two strong men in the Concentration Realm and one strong man who is half a step into the Concentration Realm. This lineup is definitely enough to sweep any side of the Huoyun Empire.

"Xiao Maifei, now do you agree with what the old man said?"

Simakong looked proudly at Xiao Maifei, who had an ugly face. He enjoyed this kind of banter with Xiao Maifei. If he could make this old opponent feel powerless, then he had achieved his goal.

Xue Jingtian looked at Xiao Maifei with a smile, with a mocking look in his eyes.

"Xiao Maifei, how can you solve the current situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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