Chapter 180 Splendid Sister
When Xiao Yu was 12 years old, he met a girl named Xiuxiu.This embroidery looks exquisite, as cute as a porcelain doll.Xiao Yu seldom saw such a beautiful girl, so he couldn't help but tease her with words, but all of them were unsuccessful.

This little girl was very powerful, she beat Xiao Yu several times and ran away with her head in her arms.She was dissatisfied with Xiao Yu's dandyism, and often pointed fingers at him.Then one day, the little girl let go of a girl that Xiao Yu managed to catch. Xiao Yu decided to take revenge on her, and that night he put a snake in the bathtub where she was bathing.

In the middle of taking a bath, Xiuxiu suddenly noticed the snake that Xiao Yu had put in, and jumped out of the water.Knowing this, Xiu Xiu chased and killed Xiao Yu for a few days, but Xiao Yu cunningly hid in several familiar old places, Xiu Xiu couldn't catch him and had to give up in the end.

In a blink of an eye, both Xiao Yu and this Xiu Xiu had grown up.Xiuxiu is Xiao Jinxiu. When she was a child, she had another characteristic, that is, she liked to eat candied haws.

That's why Xiao Yu was so embarrassed, after all, when he was young, Xiao Yu had secretly watched other people take a bath.Now that he is a living person, his appearance is so smooth and moving, how can Xiao Yu not be embarrassed?
Xiao Jinxiu obviously also thought of the embarrassment, her pretty face was as red as a ripe fruit.If Xiao Jinxiu had thought of this before, he would have gritted his teeth with hatred towards Xiao Yu, but now thinking about it, he was just a little shy, and felt a little bit of luck in his heart.

It is very exciting to think about the person who can make the five major families honorably call Xiao Daxia peeking at her taking a bath.

"It's been a long time, you have completely changed!"

After a moment of silence, it was Xiao Yu who broke the atmosphere.

Xiao Jinxiu said crisply: "You... have changed a lot too!"

Xiao Yu raised his head, his eyes were calm, and he asked, "Why are you here? Do you need me?"

Xiao Jinxiu nodded: "The old Patriarch saw that you haven't returned all day, and now it's time for dinner, so he sent someone to look for you. I'm familiar with this place, so I volunteered to come here."

"I'm sorry to trouble you!" Xiao Yu smiled, "Let's go!"

Xiao Yu stood up with a long body, his plain white robe fluttered with the wind, and his flowing long hair also danced with the wind, looking free and easy.Xiao Jinxiu walked beside Xiao Yu, turning her head to look at Xiao Yu from time to time.

"He has really changed a lot!"

Xiao Jinxiu thought to himself.Xiao Yu's handsome side profile was close at hand, and she felt her heart pounding when she thought of Xiao Yu's domineering and arrogant side on the Xuanwu stage.

Although the expression on Xiao Yu's face was still ruthless, it was many times weaker than before.His vengeance was avenged, the knot in his heart was untied, and the cold expression on his face eased a lot.

Xiao Yu has not opened his mouth to speak, step by step towards the imperial city.Xiao Jinxiu felt uncomfortable and always wanted to find a topic to talk to Xiao Yu.

"That's right!" Xiao Jinxiu said suddenly, "Brother Xiao Yu, how strong is your strength? Why are you a superpower who can defeat the Concentrating Soul Realm at the Primordial Breaking Realm?"

As Xiao Yu walked, he said flatly: "If you talk about my real cultivation, I'm currently at the ninth level of the Shattering Origin Realm, but when it comes to combat power, I don't know where my limit is!"


Xiao Jinxiu gasped.

The ninth level of the breaking yuan realm, this is the highest realm of the five major families other than the old patriarch Xiao Maifei.As far as she knew, her grandfather, the elder of the Xiao family, was already a top master of the five major families, reaching the seventh level of the Yuansha Realm, ranking in the top five of the Huoyun Empire's national list, but Xiao Yu unexpectedly surpassed this level.

"Actually..." Xiao Jinxiu bit her red lips lightly and said, "I came here just now to pay homage to my grandfather."

"Your grandfather?"

Xiao Yu frowned, he really didn't know who Xiao Jinxiu's grandfather was.

"My grandfather is the elder of the Xiao family!"

When Xiao Jinxiu said this, his expression was gloomy.


Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xiao Jinxiu's grandfather to be the eldest elder of the Xiao family who was second only to his grandfather Xiao Maifei in the Xiao family.Of course, Xiao Yu's status is now comparable to that of Xiao Maifei.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I really want to thank you for avenging my grandfather!"

Xiao Jinxiu suddenly walked a few steps quickly, walked around in front of Xiao Yu, and said solemnly.

"Don't thank me!" Xiao Yu shook his head lightly and said, "Sima Yu is also my enemy, I will definitely kill her."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and Xiao Jinxiu couldn't help but take a step back in shock.Xiao Yu's eyes were too fierce, mixed with an indescribable aura, it was completely normal that she couldn't resist.

Xiao Yu collected his mind, his eyes became calm again, Xiao Jinxiu felt much better.

"Brother Xiao Yu's murderous eyes are so terrifying, it's as if he wants to swallow people alive. It's really terrifying to be his enemy."

The two of them didn't speak any more along the way, and just walked back to Xiao's house like this.

As soon as Xiao Yu arrived at the door, the two guards of the Xiao family immediately bowed to salute.

"Master Yu!"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and went into Xiao's house. Xiao Jinxiu followed Xiao Yu and entered the hall of Xiao's house.

Xiao Maifei, the elders of the Xiao family, Xiao Long, and Xiao Yun have all taken their seats in the hall. Every table in the hall is filled with rich food and plenty of wine.

"Yu'er, you may be considered to be back, we were still worried that Jinxiu couldn't find you!"

Xiao Maifei laughed when he saw Xiao Yu come back.

"Grandpa, don't laugh at me, you're just looking for someone, why can't I find it?"

The coquettish look on Xiao Jinxiu's face made Xiao Yu a little puzzled.


Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Maifei, he didn't know why Xiao Jinxiu called Xiao Maifei Grandpa.

"Yu'er, you and Yun'er will have a younger sister in the future. I have already recognized Jinxiu as my god-granddaughter. Her grandfather has always had the best relationship with me. Now that he is murdered by a traitor, I naturally want to replace him." He takes good care of Jinxiu."

Xiao Maifei explained with a smile.

Xiao Jinxiu looked at Xiao Yu worriedly, she was afraid that Xiao Yu would say something she disagreed with.

Xiao Yu smiled lightly, and said: "That's good, big brother, we will have an extra sister in the future, you have to take good care of her!"

Xiao Yun didn't expect Xiao Yu to make fun of him at this time, stepped forward and pulled Xiao Yu to the table next to him to sit down, laughed and scolded: "Your boy can be regarded as Jinxiu's elder brother, you can't let her be bullied by others in the future !"

Xiao Jinxiu giggled, feeling relieved, she sat across from the two brothers Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun, and said playfully, "Both of you are my brothers, please take care of me from now on."

Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun looked at each other and laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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