Chapter 181 Secret Letter
After a cheerful banquet, Xiao Jinxiu accompanied Xiao Maifei to talk in the big hall, which made the old man Xiao Maifei grin from ear to ear.Xiao Jinxiu is smart and eloquent, and Xiao Maifei likes her very much. He really loves her as his granddaughter.

The two brothers Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun came to the courtyard of the Xiao family with a jug of wine each.

At night, the sky was dotted with stars, and each star exuded a never-ending light. Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun were lying on the grass, feeling very comfortable.

They haven't had a day like this in years.

"Xiaoyu, it's been a long time since our two brothers got together!"

Xiao Yun took a sip of his wine, his tone somewhat sentimental.

"Yeah, at least five years!"

Xiao Yu also took a sip and sighed.

In the past few years, the two brothers have had their own lives, and each of them is walking their own way. It is true that they have not communicated for a long time.

Xiao Yun recalled the scene when he first met Xiao Yu at Xiao's house that day. At that time, Xiao Yu had a fierce look on his face, which made people dare not look at him closely, and his pair of cold eyes shot out a terrifying gaze that was enough to make people chill.Looking back now, Xiao Yu's gaze softened a lot, and the expression on his face was no longer as cold as before.

"Xiao Yu, now you make me feel much better than before!"

Xiao Yun said such a sentence suddenly.

"Better than before?" Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, "Yes, I also feel that my current state is much better than before."

Xiao Yun glanced at Xiao Yu's peaceful face and hesitated for a while.

He learned something not long ago, and he hasn't told anyone until now.Xiao Yu should be the one he should tell this news to, but until now he is still hesitant.

He was afraid that once he said it, Xiao Yu would change back to his previous appearance again.

"Brother, do you have something to say?"

Xiao Yu sensed Xiao Yun's thoughts, and suddenly sat up, staring at Xiao Yun with deep eyes, making it difficult for him to hide even half of the secret.

Xiao Yun hesitated to speak, his expression extremely troubled.

"Brother!" Xiao Yu said with a faint smile, "Tell me what's going on! Is there anything we two brothers can't say?"

"Xiao Yu, this..."

Looking at Xiao Yu's calm face, Xiao Yun found it even more difficult to speak.

"Brother, I'm waiting for your next words!"

Xiao Yu's expression became serious, and he said.

"Huh!" Xiao Yun was silent for a moment, and then said, "Xiao Yu, what I want to tell you has something to do with dad."


Xiao Yu focused his eyes, and he noticed the seriousness in Xiao Yun's tone.

Xiao Yun nodded, and slowly said: "About seven days ago, that is, when the five major families joined forces to deal with you, you didn't show up at that time, and the empire had military affairs, so I left Xuanwutai and went to the imperial barracks .”

Xiao Yun took a sip of wine, his face sank, and he continued: "When Dad died, his military relics were not kept in the Xiao family, but kept in the army. I have been collecting them for so many years. In the past few years, because of his father's death, many of his old subordinates have left the barracks one after another and disappeared. Just seven days ago, one of his most important adjutants sent me a letter very secretly .”

"Letter?" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "What kind of letter is it, and what is its content?"

Xiao Yun replied: "It's a secret letter, not written by a trustworthy person, but the envelope has been opened, and there are some traces of oldness on the letter. It must have been many years ago. When I saw the contents of the letter, It felt very strange."

"The letter: 'Lead Xiao Haoyun into the hinterland of Liuyun Valley, and you will get what you want.'"

"Is it that short?"

Xiao Yu fixed his eyes and asked.

Xiao Yun nodded: "That's right, the content of the letter is so short, there is no signature, no addressee is specified, it is purely a confidential letter without beginning or end!"

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, then asked in a deep voice: "Where is the letter? Can you show me?"

Xiao Yun nodded, took out a cowhide envelope from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Yu.

"I'm afraid that this letter will be seen by others, so I keep it with me at all times!"

Looking at Xiao Yu's surprised gaze, Xiao Yun explained.

Xiao Yu opened the envelope, and there was a piece of letter paper inside. He took it out and saw that the letter paper had turned yellow.He took it out and read it, and the content was indeed the same as what Xiao Yun said.He carefully observed every part of the letter paper, but found no useful clues.

Xiao Yun was about to speak, but Xiao Yu suddenly put the letter paper on the ground, and looked at the envelope close to his eyes.

For some reason, Xiao Yu always felt that the envelope was a bit weird.When he was in the branch hall of the Duanyun School in Fanyun Town, Yang Shucheng often wrote letters, and he would also see the envelope used by Yang Shucheng, which was very different from the envelope in his hand.

"Brother, can you find an envelope that the Huoyun Empire used to write letters now?"

Xiao Yu said to Xiao Yun.

Although Xiao Yun didn't know what Xiao Yu was going to do, he went back to his room and brought some envelopes.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xiao Yu constantly looking back and forth with several envelopes, Xiao Yun asked in confusion.

"Brother, look, these are the envelopes that the Huoyun Empire used to write letters, and this is the envelope you took out just now, what do you think is different?"

Xiao Yun took the envelope and observed it carefully, suddenly his body trembled.

"Brother, the bottom of the Huoyun Empire's customary envelope is folded from the outside to the inside, but the bottom of the sealed envelope you got was folded from the inside to the outside. What did you think of?"

Seeing Xiao Yun's reaction, Xiao Yu knew that he already had a clue.

"It's all my fault for being careless. The envelopes that are folded from the inside out to this extent are unique to the Liuyun Empire. Only people from the Liuyun Empire will use such envelopes when writing letters!"

Xiao Yun said in a deep voice.

"Liuyun Empire?" Xiao Yu frowned slightly, "That means this letter was written by someone from Liuyun Empire."

Xiao Yun's expression was unprecedentedly solemn. He pondered for a moment before slowly uttering a sentence: "The empire that father was ordered to attack was the Liuyun Empire!"

Xiao Yu didn't feel the slightest surprise, he had already expected it.The brevity of the letter was sufficient for him to make a sound judgment.

"Xiao Yu!" Xiao Yun asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

There was coldness in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Father seems to have been plotted against, and I think that the people who plotted against him bought off his subordinates at the time, and his marching route should have been leaked to the other party by his subordinates."

Xiao Yun nodded: "That's right, I thought so too!"

Xiao Yu's originally gentle and calm eyes became cold and seductive again.

"It seems that Dad's death was not simple. As sons of man, we must find out the truth and avenge him!"

(End of this chapter)

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