23 Three Years
"The Earth Listening Seal can only be detected once? Will it fail after one time?"

Sima Yu looked at the sincere Li Qingfeng in front of her, and frowned. Originally, she wanted Li Qingfeng to investigate again to see if he could find Xiao Yu's trace, but Li Qingfeng's answer made her very dissatisfied.

"Aunt Sima, it's true. Although Earth Listening is magical, it can track any opponent, but the disadvantage is that it can only be used once. If you want to use it again, you have to recast it."

Li Qingfeng nodded, this matter is indeed true.

"Okay, about Xiao Yu, remember not to disclose it to anyone!"

Sima Yu waved his hand, indicating that Li Qingfeng could leave.

"Yes, Qingfeng resigns."

Li Qingfeng exited the room, and when he walked out of Xiao's house, he bumped into someone.The visitor was in his twenties, with a majestic face and a heroic spirit unique to a soldier. He was tall and strong, covered in golden armor, and carried a snow-white spear on his back. shine.

"Li Qingfeng? Long time no see!"

The visitor stood in front of Li Qingfeng with a flat face and a smile on his face. He greeted Li Qingfeng politely, but Li Qingfeng felt that standing in front of him was always inferior to him. He is in a unilaterally overwhelmed situation.

"Xiao Yun!"

Li Qingfeng's face was a little unnatural. He would not lose his composure in other younger generations, but facing this person, he was shocked. He is the most popular young generation in the Xiao family today, and also Huoyun. No. 1 of the younger generation of the empire, known as the most promising general, and also Xiao Yu's eldest brother, Xiao Yun of the Xiao family.

"Why don't you sit down longer?"

Xiao Yun seemed to have no airs, and was about to invite Li Qingfeng to continue to be a guest at home.

"No, I came to visit Aunt Sima just now, and I still have some things to deal with, so I will take my leave first."

Li Qingfeng waved his hand. Every time he was in front of Xiao Yun, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling. Xiao Yun was different from them, they all grew up in sects, but Xiao Yun grew up in the army since he was a child. He is a genius who has grown up through iron and blood fighting, and he is also the owner of a sixth-grade spiritual vein, and his talent is also first-class. When it comes to combat effectiveness, Li Qingfeng has to admit that he is not Xiao Yun's opponent at all. .

"Well, I won't force it, you go slowly!"

Xiao Yun cupped his fists at Li Qingfeng and said politely.Li Qingfeng also returned a salute and left in a hurry.

Sima Yu, who was thinking about countermeasures in the room, suddenly felt a sense, and the gloomy expression on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a very natural joy.

"White Jade Sharpshooter? It's Yun'er who's back."

Sima Yu didn't have a cold and fierce look at the moment, she opened the door and saw Xiao Yun not far away.


Sima Yu let out a soft cry.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Xiao Yun stood in front of Sima Yu in a blink of an eye, and Sima Yu hugged him through the thick golden armor on Xiao Yun's body.

"Yun'er, you really miss your mother, why did it take you so long to come back, are you doing well in the army?"

Sima Yu is now completely a mother who misses her son, without the slightest bit of force.

"Mom, I'm fine, everything is fine!"

Xiao Yun has been tempered in the army and has a tough heart, but after meeting his biological mother, he still couldn't help feeling a sore nose.

"Okay, I'm relieved! I'm already very happy to come back to see my mother when I have time."

Sima Yu let go of Xiao Yun, and looked carefully at her only son.

"By the way, mother, is there any news about the second brother recently?"

Xiao Yun suddenly thought of Xiao Yu, and asked quickly.

"Is your second brother?" Sima Yu shook his head without changing his expression, "There is still no news about him, but Yun'er, don't worry too much about him, your second brother Jiren has his own destiny, nothing will happen questionable."

"Alas!" Xiao Yun sighed, "Second brother has been missing since the night of father's death, and there is no news until now, which makes me very hard to rest assured. He is used to being taken care of by his family since he was a child, causing troubles in the capital. I also have my backing for him, but now he is away from home, if he messes with someone, and I am not around, if he suffers any grievances, what should he do? The second brother lost his mother when he was young, and his father also passed away later. Now the only relative, but even I didn't take good care of him, I'm really ashamed of my father and my second mother!"

Seeing Xiao Yun's self-reproach, Sima Yu felt a turmoil in his heart, but she quickly suppressed it. Everything she did for so many years was full of Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun didn't know it at all, let alone Unexpectedly, the gentle and virtuous mother in his eyes has been targeting his second brother.

"Okay, once there is news about your second brother, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible. Now let's put this matter aside for now. You haven't come back for a long time. It just so happens that the bridesmaids have a good meal today."

"Got it, mother, I will accompany you well today!"

Xiao Yun let Sima Yu drag him into the lobby of his home.

Time flies, spring and autumn alternate, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye. Within three years, many things are changing alternately.

Fanyun Town has not changed much, and the scenery is still beautiful, and the branch hall of Duanyun Sect is also filled with the sound of martial arts training one after another.Three years ago, Yang Shucheng, the former branch sect master, was found tragically dead in the town. Now the position of the hall master has been changed, and the elder Liu Xing took over the position.He finally got this position as he wished, more than two years ago he had successfully sent his granddaughter Liu Piaoxu to a branch of the Duanyun Sect.

However, Liu Xing had always had a question in his mind, where did that Xiao Yu who shamed his granddaughter go?
It's early spring, and this day is the annual "Spring Tour" of the Duanyun Sect's sect hall in Fanyun Town. According to the usual practice, the head of the sect hall will lead a group of outstanding disciples to play around Fanyun Town , this is tantamount to an important day for a sect like Duanyun Sect. Usually every disciple practices hard in the sect hall, and it is difficult to take a step out of the sect hall. This kind of purely relaxing opportunity to travel is naturally quite rare. And this kind of opportunity can only be had by outstanding disciples, as for those disciples who are not so outstanding, of course they can only continue to practice in the Zongtang.

Liu Xing's face was proud of the spring breeze. Since he became the head of the sect, his mood has become much smoother than before. His cultivation base has also improved by one level in the past three years, and now he has reached the third level of the broken yuan. The respect for him can be seen on the face, it is not only respect for the master of the sect, but also a kind of respect for the strong.

He took dozens of disciples passing by a small hillside. On the hillside stood a stone tablet. Behind the stone tablet was a mound of earth, which looked like a tomb.

"Huh? Master Zong, what is that?"

Some curious female disciples have already made inquiries.

"Where?" Liu Xing naturally knew where it was. Thinking of the scene when he worked with Yang Shucheng and the tragic death of Yang Shucheng, the resentment in his heart was much less. He smiled, "That's the previous Zongtang. The tomb of the Lord, where he was buried after his death."

"Ah, it turned out to be the tomb of the previous sect master, so shouldn't we pay homage?"

A female disciple suddenly said, she knelt down towards Yang Shucheng's grave.Seeing this, the other disciples also bowed down.

Liu Xing frowned, but he didn't stop it after all. He stood aside and remembered what happened back then. In fact, he and Yang Shucheng had a good friendship when they were old, but unfortunately it changed because of various things.

After the group of disciples knelt down and worshiped, they got up and were about to leave, but they suddenly found a figure in front of the tombstone of the breakthrough. The man was dressed in black, his hair was tied up with a sea-blue hairband, and he was kneeling on a tree made of poplars. before the grave.

Liu Xing also saw that person, he felt that this figure was very familiar to him, who is this person?
(End of this chapter)

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