Chapter 24 Write-off
"Who is that guy? Looks so cool!"

Some female disciples couldn't help guessing the identity of the man in black. After all, those who could kneel in front of the grave of the previous sect master must be relatives and friends of the sect master, and they should have some relationship with their Duanyun sect.

"Who is this man?"

Liu Xing felt a tremor in his heart. Although the man knelt there like this, it made people feel a pressure like a mountain. From the back of the man and the hair accessories, he should be a young man, but he couldn't see it. Tou that person's strength, this is the most unbelievable.

"Uncle Yang, I'm back to see you!"

Although the voice of the man in black was not loud, no one present could hear him clearly. The other disciples didn't feel anything, but Liu Xing was shocked.

"Uncle Yang? Could it be him?"

Liu Xing looked over carefully in shock. The man in black was standing up and turning his head slowly.

A handsome face appeared in everyone's sight. Liu Xing opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"Xiao...Xiao Yu?"

The man in black is Xiao Yu who has been away for three years. After three years, his face has lost a little tenderness. An indifferent smile was replaced by an extremely stern face, especially his eyes, which seemed to be able to freeze everyone's heart. The disciples swept by Xiao Yu felt a chill all over their bodies, and a chill went straight to the bottom of their hearts.

"Elder, long time no see!"

Xiao Yu's cold eyes finally locked on the Great Elder, and there seemed to be a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Yu, it's really you!"

Liu Xing felt that the Xiao Yu in front of him was no longer the youth of Condensed Origin Realm three years ago, and now Xiao Yu couldn't even see through his third-level strength of Yuan Shattered Realm. It is only a third-rate disciple who has reached the fourth level of Qi refining. Even if he got the opportunity to step into the Yuan Condensation Realm later, if he wants to reach the third-level realm of the Broken Yuan Realm within three years, it is absolutely shocking and unique.

"Yes, it's me, surprised to see me?"

Xiao Yu's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Liu Xing in the next moment. Liu Xing only felt a blur in front of him, and Xiao Yu stood not far away so abruptly without even sensing it. The horror in his heart can only be imagined. Know.

"When Uncle Yang died tragically, who buried him?"

Xiao Yu didn't seem to take Liu Xing seriously at all, with a questioning tone.

"Yes... it's me!"

At this moment, Liu Xing's majesty as a branch master completely disappeared, and he became a little trembling. The other disciples around him were even more silent. The evil spirit emanating from Xiao Yu made them dare not move at all.

"Is that you? Well, I owe you a favor."

Xiao Yu nodded, his cold eyes finally turned away, Liu Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Yu, back then...what happened?"

Although Liu Xing had grudges with Xiao Yusu, there was not much difference between the two of them. All the grievances and grievances had already been understood in the gambling fight between Xiao Yu and Liu Piaoxu. Now Liu Xing really has nothing against Xiao Yu. What is too much resentment, but I want to understand what happened back then.

"I will definitely settle this matter!"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but said coldly.Thinking of the day when Uncle Yang was besieged by three people three years ago, Xiao Yu felt that all his energy was in a riot.

This inadvertent aura radiated, which made all the disciples around stunned for a moment, and took a step back involuntarily, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"It's even stronger than the head of the sect? He looks about the same age as us, how is that possible?"

A group of disciples did not dare to speak loudly and could only whisper in private, but most of them looked at Xiao Yu with envy in their eyes. If they could have such strength at this age, it would be like a dream. The strongest disciple is only at the sixth level of Condensation Realm, which is two levels weaker than Liu Piaoxu back then.

Although Liu Xing was surprised, he did not lose his composure. Just now he felt that Xiao Yu's strength must surpass his own, which was why his attitude was so low.

"Please take care of Uncle Yang's grave in the future. I will find a chance to repay you for this love."

Xiao Yu said to Liu Xing, this was his request, he was about to go to work, and naturally he had no time to take care of Yang Shucheng's tomb, he didn't want to see Yang Shucheng's tomb covered with weeds when he came next time, That would be too shameful to Yang Shu.

"Don't worry, I can still do this, after all, I have worked with him before."

Liu Xing nodded in agreement, Xiao Yu's current aura did not allow him to refuse.

"Thank you so much then!"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly at Liu Xing, turned his head and walked towards the east, ignoring the stunned group of disciples behind him.

Xiao Yu's figure gradually faded away, while Liu Xingshang still remained in the memories.

"It seems that the sky is going to change!"

Liu Xing murmured.

"Master Zong, who is that person? He looks really cool!"

A female disciple couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and asked.

"Him?" Liu Xing smiled and replied, "You are all new disciples, and you may think that Piaoxu is the first genius of Duanyun Sect's Fanyun Town Branch Hall, but it is not, the real No.1 It's the one who left just now, his name is Xiao Yu."

"Ah! Xiao Yu?"

Only then did the group of disciples come to their senses, remembering who the so-called Xiao Yu was, and looking at his back in the distance, their hearts were filled with respect.

Tianwu City is a very lively city in the Fire Cloud Empire. It is the most prosperous city besides Fire Cloud City, Sky Fortune City, and Duanyun City.It is said that thousands of years ago, two gangs that were extremely powerful at that time fought in Tianwu City. The two sides fought fiercely. The beautiful woman descended from the sky, she danced gracefully on a colorful rainbow, like an ethereal fairy in the sky, she actually conquered the two groups of people who were fighting at that time, they all put down their weapons and voluntarily gave up fighting, and began to talk calmly, and finally the two parties People shook hands to make peace, and the casualties were minimized, but after that, the woman suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a beautiful statue, and Tianwu City got its name from it.

The most prosperous restaurant in Tianwu City, Tianwu Restaurant, is the most expensive in the city, but it is also the place with the most and the best dishes.There were dozens of round tables on the third floor of Tianwu Restaurant, Xiao Yu was sitting on one of them, devouring the delicious food in front of him.For the past three years, he has hunted and killed spirit beasts in the spirit beast mountain range to improve his strength. What he eats is grilled meat and fish, and what he drinks is mountain spring water. Naturally, he hasn't been exposed to such delicious food for a long time.

"Hey, today is a big happy event for our sect hall, we must come to Tianwu Restaurant to celebrate!"

Xiao Yu was eating, when suddenly there was a loud shout from downstairs, seven young men and women came upstairs one after another, and sat down at the table on Xiao Yu's right.

(End of this chapter)

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