Chapter 25 Yang Xiruo

There were four men and three women who came up, a total of seven people, Xiao Yu already knew their identities when he saw their attires, they were wearing uniform clothes, and there was a big hyphen on their chests, this was the uniform clothes of Duanyun School , and Duanyun Sect has only one branch sect in Tianwu City, so these few people must be disciples of Duanyun Sect's branch sect.

Xiao Yu ignored them, and ate on his own. Although these people were disciples of the branch sect, they had little relationship with him. Now he is no longer a member of Duanyun Sect.

"Haha, today the students from the Tianyun Academy came to our sect to compete. Our senior brother Liu Mubai defeated Wu Jingfei, the most powerful of them. It is really a joy. In the past, our side was always at a disadvantage. Unexpectedly, today We also have a proud day!"

One of them, a rather bookish boy, said excitedly.Judging from his appearance, he obviously highly respects that senior brother named Liu Mubai.

"Yeah, Senior Brother Liu Mubai is really powerful, and now he has occupied the ninth place in the branch sect. You must know that the disciples who can enter the top ten are all qualified to enter the main sect. It is really embarrassing People are envious."

Another male disciple with a rougher appearance nodded and was full of praise for this Liu Mubai.

"Okay, you all know how to praise Senior Brother Liu Mubai, why did you forget that we have a genius girl who ranks higher than Senior Brother Liu Mubai in combat power?"

A pretty girl suddenly interrupted them, pointing at another girl beside her.

Everyone unconsciously turned their eyes away, even Xiao Yu looked sideways slightly, the disciples who can enter the top ten in the ranking of the branch sect's combat power are rare geniuses, in this respect Liu Mubai is indeed It is worthy of admiration, but there is actually one person present who ranks higher than Liu Mubai?And still a girl?

The girl everyone looked at seemed to be shy, but her gaze met everyone's gaze firmly, a kind of confidence that came from strength was revealed from her eyes, and she exuded a pure and simple aura, which made people feel extremely comfortable, There are two shallow dimples on the exquisite and pretty face, which looks extremely sweet and cute. The uniform clothing of Duanyun style does not make her look ordinary, but highlights her uniqueness. Although she is sitting But the curves of her upper body are enough to disdain many women. This is a beautiful and ethereal girl, she is as holy and beautiful as a Tianshan snow lotus.

"Fourth level of the Broken Yuan Realm?"

However, Xiao Yu turned a blind eye to her beauty, just glanced at her and continued to bury his head in eating. He had already seen the girl's strength at this glance.

"Haha! I even forgot that we have a genius girl who is as beautiful as a fairy!"

The bookish young man who spoke first just now laughed, with an admiring look in his eyes.Not only him, but the other three men present also secretly paid attention to this girl.

"Hey, let me tell you, don't try to get our Xiruo's idea, don't you know that there are many powerful characters who like our Xiruo?"

The woman who spoke just now had seen through their eyes, and couldn't help but teased that she wasn't really trying to scare them. They were usually friends who traveled together, so they joked a lot with each other. ,

"Pingzi, you're talking nonsense again!"

The girl named Xiruo patted the girl next to her lightly, her voice was ethereal and sweet, like the chirping of a lark, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Hey, that's it!"

Hearing these words, the four men all smiled and nodded, it seemed that what Pingzi said was indeed true, and they were indeed very afraid.


Xiao Yu frowned when he heard this name, he looked at the girl named Xiruo again, and suddenly his eyes became fixed.He found that the girl named Xiruo looked a little like Yang Shucheng.

"Is it her?"

Xiao Yu can now be sure that this girl is probably Yang Shucheng's daughter Yang Xiruo.In Tianwu City, Duanyun faction branch sect, also named Xiruo, looks a bit like Yang Shucheng, this girl is not Yang Xiruo, who else is here?

Xiao Yu originally planned to come to Tianwu City to find Yang Xiruo and tell him the news of Yang Shucheng's death, but he unexpectedly met him in a restaurant by chance.Seeing that there are many people around Yang Xiruo now, he gave up the idea of ​​the past.

"By the way, Xi Ruo, what kind of man do you like? So many outstanding brothers in our sect are pursuing you, why have you been indifferent?"

Several people saw that the dishes were served, but Pingzi's habit of gossip still couldn't be changed, so they pulled Yang Xiruo and started asking questions again.

"Oh, Pingzi, why do you keep asking these kinds of questions? I've said it all. I'm going to go back to my father after I finish my studies. Then I will consider talking about marriage. Now I will definitely not consider it."

There was a trace of longing on Yang Xiruo's beautiful face. When she talked about Yang Shucheng, a happy smile appeared on her face unconsciously.When Xiao Yu heard what she said, he paused for a moment, feeling bored for a while.

"She relies on Uncle Yang so much, so should I tell her about Uncle Yang's death?"

Xiao Yu struggled secretly in his heart, looking at Yang Xiruo's innocent and innocent appearance, if he told her the cruel news that Yang Shucheng had died, he didn't know how she would be hit, and such a carefree smile would still appear on her face up?

Xiao Yu shook his head, and fell into a dilemma for a while. Why should he make this choice?
"Uncle Yang, what should I do?"

Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, very helpless.He can be merciless and decisive in facing his opponents, and he will never be so indecisive. He even doesn't care about other people's feelings, let alone care about other people's thoughts, but Yang Xiruo is different. The only relative in the world, Yang Shucheng personally entrusted her to Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu also swore that he would take good care of Yang Xiruo.

Just when Xiao Yu was in a dilemma, there was another noisy sound from downstairs, and another group of young people came up. They were uniformly dressed in light blue. There is the word "Tianyun".

"Huh? It's from Tianyun Academy!"

Seeing the person coming, Pingzi exclaimed, they didn't expect to meet someone from Tianyun Academy here.

"Tianyun Academy?"

Xiao Yu also took a glance, and found that this group of people were not weak in cultivation, and all of them were masters who had stepped into the Yuan Shattering Realm.Xiao Yu had heard about the Tianyun Academy before. The Tianyun Academy is actually a sub-school under the Tianyun Academy. Under each school, there are some sub-schools, which correspond to the sub-zongtang and sub-zongmen of the sect.This day, the Tianyun Academy belongs to the same level as the sect of Duanyun Sect.And Xiao Yu was also the first person to see Tianyun Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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