Chapter 26 The First Shot
There were six people who came, each of them was a man, their age was no more than ten years old, but each of them had the strength of Yuan Shattering Realm, Tianyun Academy really lived up to its reputation.

"Huh? A member of the Duanyun faction's sect?"

A group of people from Tianyun Academy obviously also saw Yang Xiruo and the others. After scanning around for a while, they were all attracted by Yang Xiruo's astonishing appearance.

"Hi girl, I'm Zhang Cheng from Tianyun Academy, may I know your name?"

One of the youths who seemed to be the leader took the initiative to walk to Yang Xiruo's side and asked with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Yang Xiruo of the Cloud Duan Sect sect!"

Yang Xiruo wasn't too coy, she directly reported her name, he just came up to get to know each other, so of course she couldn't refuse directly.

"Yang Xiruo?" Zhang Cheng was slightly taken aback, and said in surprise, "The girl is Yang Xiruo who ranks eighth on the ranking list of Duanyun faction's sect's combat strength?"

Before Yang Xiruo could answer, Pingzi beside him laughed and said, "That's right, our Xiruo is one of the top ten masters."

"Ah!" Zhang Cheng was even more astonished at Yang Xiruo this time, and said repeatedly, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The five male students behind Zhang Cheng were all a little stunned. They didn't expect to meet Yang Xiruo who was taller than Liu Mubai here. Besides, they had heard of Yang Xiruo's beauty for a long time, but they hadn't seen it this time. Now it can be said to be fulfilled.

"Miss Yang, you guys eat first, and my classmates are also hungry, so I will excuse you first!"

Zhang Cheng spoke very well, coupled with his handsome face, he really fascinated many girls, but Yang Xiruo just smiled and didn't care too much.Zhang Cheng and his group took advantage of the opportunity and sat behind Xiao Yu, which was the only seat closer to Yang Xiruo's table.

Yang Xiruo looked away, but inadvertently glanced at Xiao Yu who was sitting at the table next to them. This man in black gave her an extremely mysterious feeling, and also a faint sense of danger.

"Looking at the figure of this man, he is also a young man. Why does he give me a very strong sense of crisis? Even the top masters in the branch sect can't make me feel this kind of heart palpitation. Who is he? who?"

Yang Xiruo secretly paid attention to Xiao Yu, and would glance at Xiao Yu from time to time.

Xiao Yu put the last mouthful of rice in the bowl into his mouth, and drank another bowl of clear soup, finally satisfied.He turned his head to look at Yang Xiruo, and found that Yang Xiruo's eyes were also fixed on him.

"Is it that sensitive?"

Xiao Yu was quite surprised. Although his strength has improved greatly now, the aura of his whole body is relatively restrained. If he does not show his strength, even people who are a level higher than him will not be able to sense his strength, but Yang Xiruo But I noticed that Yang Xiruo's perception is obviously much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Forget it, it shouldn't be a big problem for her to stay in the branch sect of Duanyun Sect. Perhaps it is the best choice not to tell her about Uncle Yang's death right now."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu looked away from Yang Xiruo very naturally, he stood up and was about to go downstairs, but at this moment two more people came up and happened to block in front of Xiao Yu.

"Senior Brother Liu Mubai? Wu Jingfei?"

The young man who looked very bookish exclaimed.

Both of them were tall and mighty, with muscular bodies, and their clothes were bulging. Xiao Yu was taller than ordinary people, but he was half a head shorter in front of them.

Xiao Yu was standing at the top of the stairs, and the two were walking side by side. It happened that the way of both sides was blocked by the other side, but no one took the initiative to give way. Liu Mubai and Wu Jingfei have always been used to running amok, and they have always respected the strong , naturally he would not take the initiative to get out of the way, let alone Xiao Yu, he would never allow anyone to block his way.

"Boy, don't you know who we are? Still not giving way?"

Wu Jingfei saw that Xiao Yu was dressed in black, and he was neither from the Tianyun Academy nor from the Duanyun sect, so he naturally became impolite when speaking.Liu Mubai looked at Xiao Yu jokingly, obviously asking him to step aside.

The spectators at the two tables, except for Yang Xiruo who frowned, thought that Xiao Yu would definitely give way, but Xiao Yu's actions surprised them all.

"Go away!"

Xiao Yu said coldly without moving his footsteps.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wu Jingfei couldn't believe his ears. No matter whether he was in the Tianyun Academy or the Duanyun Sect, he had never heard such words from his peers. Today was the first time he heard it, and he was extremely angry. Laugh back.

Liu Mubai's face was also not very good-looking, Xiao Yu undoubtedly slapped him and Wu Jingfei in the face at the same time, and there are two tables of disciples and students watching upstairs, how can he let go of this face?

"No way, this guy has too much personality!"

Pingzi was stunned for a moment, and finally said this sentence.Yang Xiruo stared at Xiao Yu, she felt that the matter would never end so easily.

Xiao Yu ignored Wu Jingfei who was smiling slyly in front of him, he raised his head, and a pair of cold eyes locked Wu Jingfei and Liu Mubai.The eyes of the two of them were fixed at the same time, and they suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Xiao Yu stopped talking nonsense, and suddenly stretched out two arms, one on the left and the other on the right, grabbing Liu Mubai and Wu Jingfei's necks. The two of them were lifted up by Xiao Yu before they even had a reaction. Before he could use his strength in the future, Xiao Yu had already thrown the two of them out from left to right.


All the people present exclaimed. Yang Xiruo looked at Xiao Yu solemnly. Just now, she only felt that Xiao Yu's hand transformed into a phantom, and it had already grabbed Liu Mubai and Wu Jingfei's necks. From what angle? She didn't see clearly at all.

"It's not over yet!"

Yang Xiruo secretly thought.

Liu Mubai and Wu Jingfei, who were thrown out by Xiao Yu, turned around in the air, and both of them punched behind them, and the force of the reverse thrust pushed them to the stairs again. It has swelled to the extreme, and they have never suffered such a shame.


The explosion of the two caused the diners on the two floors below to look upstairs one after another.

"L Dragon Fist!"

"Hundred shadow legs!"

The two attacked Xiao Yu with one punch and one leg, and the strong vitality smashed the stairs into countless pieces.Xiao Yu was a little bit where he was originally standing, and his figure rose into the air. He was between the vitality of the two of them. Others would have been unable to withstand this strong pressure, but Xiao Yu's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were cold. In a flash, a mighty vitality gushed out from his body. He didn't use any martial arts, nor did he use heroic skills. He resisted with pure energy. Bai and Wu Jingfei, as soon as the fist prints and leg winds of these two people touched Xiao Yu's vitality, they were shaken and dissipated.

Xiao Yu's vitality shattered their martial arts, and even shocked them so much that they donated blood.Such a scene stunned the surrounding people.

Xiao Yu flipped over in the air, and landed firmly on the ground of the second floor, just like a feather falling to the ground, without the slightest sound.

(End of this chapter)

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