Chapter 238
"how is this possible?"

The countless strong men below were stunned, they still couldn't accept the facts that happened in front of them.

"Castle Master, was blown away by a young man with two fists?"

"This... what happened?"

I don't know how many people are swallowing saliva.

Chang Chi also looked shocked, he knew that Xiao Yu was very strong, stronger than him, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Blowing away a person at the seventh level of Concentration Realm with two punches, this kind of record, not to mention the younger generation, even the older generation is rarely able to achieve.

"This Yu'er is getting more and more terrifying. I really don't know when will be his limit!"

Xiao Maifei's palms trembled slightly. He saw the hope of the Xiao family's rise in the mainland. As long as Xiao Yu existed, the Xiao family might become unprecedentedly powerful in the near future.

Xiao Xuri looked at his trembling, unconscious hands with a dazed expression on his face.Two punches, this nephew who he didn't value too much, actually knocked him back with two punches.He knew very well that if such intense fighting continued, he would have absolutely no way out. Although each of Xiao Yu's punches was ordinary, he had never felt the terrifying power contained in them.

The perfect combination of Xiao Yu's physical explosive power and divine power, as well as a mysterious blessing power from hero skills, the three complement each other, and the new power that comes together cannot be blocked by Xiao Xuri at all.

Not just Xiao Xuri, but any seventh level Concentration Realm would definitely not be able to stop Xiao Yu's three punches.

Xiao Yu slowly retracted his fists and stood with his hands guarded. His expression was calm and composed. He didn't feel complacent about defeating Xiao Xuri.

It took Xiao Xuri a long time to come back to his senses, he was actually a little afraid to face Xiao Yu's eyes.His previous contempt for Xiao Yu was shattered under Xiao Yu's two punches.He has the feeling that he is the clown.

His hands gradually regained consciousness. Looking at his hands, his whole body trembled violently. He suddenly felt that his hard work these years was in vain. Year.

He really had the urge to roar to the sky.

Xiao Yu stepped forward and appeared in front of Xiao Xuri.Xiao Xuri, however, seemed to have a sense of taste, standing in the air blankly.

"Uncle, you don't have to pay too much attention to it. You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of the Xiao family. I admire this very much. I am ashamed of what you have done to the Xiao family."

Xiao Yu's sincere tone made the dazed Xiao Xuri tremble.Before he raised his head, Xiao Yu's palm was already on his shoulder.

What Xiao Yu did next was even more shocking. Xiao Yu took two steps back, bowed deeply to Xiao Xuri, and raised his fists.

Xiao Maifei nodded secretly: "This little guy is quite human!"

The countless strong men below didn't know what happened. Why did the young man bow to the castle owner when he lost?
Xiao Xuri's heart was shaken, he saw sincerity and respect on Xiao Yu's face, recalling the previous conversation in the hall, it was true that he had never put Xiao Yu on the same level.

"Yu'er, get up!"

Xiao Xuri has been traveling abroad for decades, and his temperament is very human. He was defeated by Xiao Yu. Although he was still a little pimple for a while, he was basically fine. After thinking about it, the Xiao family has added such a terrible person. Master, isn't it the luck of the Xiao family?He opened up the ancestral land so that the Xiao family can get the resources left by their ancestors, and then they can make their mark in the mainland. Looking at Xiao Yu's strength, he has such attainments at such an age, and it is indeed just around the corner to break through to the broken god realm. , What's the harm in waiting another year?
Xiao Xuri pulled Xiao Yu up, patted Xiao Yu's shoulder, and said with emotion: "Yu'er, it was my uncle's fault before, you must not take it to heart, now the whole Xiao family is for you."

Xiao Yu didn't speak, his eyes fixed on the distance.

This short fight is over.

Although Xiao Xuri was defeated by Xiao Yu, he did not appear depressed, and he sent an order to have a big banquet in the whole castle.

For this, the Xiao family's children naturally like it the most. They have been rushing on their way these days, and they haven't been so relaxed for a long time.

Most of the Xiao family's children were sitting on the square, and the long tables were arranged one after another. There were rare delicacies and fragrant teas on them, and everyone ate with great joy.Xiao Yu, Xiao Maifei, and Xiao Xuri were in high positions in the hall, and they were dragged back into the hall by Xiao Yu after they had attended the banquet for a while.

"Yu'er, is there something wrong with you?"

Xiao Xuri and Xiao Yu had a very happy conversation, and the pimples in their hearts were completely let go.

Xiao Maifei looked at Xiao Yu, waiting for his next words.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Grandpa, Uncle, I'm leaving for a while."


Both Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri exclaimed.It was only half a day since Xiao Yu arrived at Fort Rising Sun, and none of them expected that Xiao Yu would ask to leave.

"Yes, I always feel that there is something that I have overlooked. All the members of the Xiao family have been safely transferred here. There are many masters in Rising Sun Fort, and there is an uncle who is a master of the seventh level of concentration. It is not a big problem. I will go back and check. Some things, I always feel that something has been ignored by me."

Xiao Yu replied.

"Impossible!" Xiao Xuri said solemnly, "Yu'er, didn't you say that we might be targeted? If that master who is at the peak of the Concentration Realm is coming, I can't hold back for a moment."

"Uncle, I've thought about this too, but I think it's unlikely. According to various signs, this mysterious force seems to be extremely afraid of being exposed to the public's sight. It was Ao Wuqing who told me some information about them back then, so Only then did they have the idea of ​​destroying the Xiao family and beheading me. Fort Rising Sun is very eye-catching in this area. If they do something to Fort Rising Sun, there is no guarantee that they will not be exposed. Unless it is a last resort, they will never do this Do."

Xiao Yu continued: "But there is a limit to this. If we rashly open up the ancestral land, they might not be able to bear it anymore."

Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri are both people who have seen strong winds and waves, and they both feel reasonable after hearing what Xiao Yu said.

"Yu'er, when are you leaving?"

Xiao Yu looked at the pitch-black night and said, "Let's leave tonight."

In fact, there was one more thing that bothered him, which made him even more impatient.

"Leave overnight?" Xiao Xuri looked at Xiao Maifei, but Xiao Maifei shook his head, indicating that he could not persuade him.

"Take this on!"

Before Xiao Yu left, Xiao Xuri handed Xiao Yu an extremely exquisite jade tablet.

"This is?"

Xiao Yu took the jade tablet and felt a strange aura on the jade tablet.

"This is a communication jade card. If there is an urgent need for you to come back, you will feel it. You are the strongest force in our Xiao family now, and you may need your assistance at that time."

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu nodded, put away the jade token, took advantage of the moonlight, and left on a fast horse from the back door of Fort Rising Sun.

Inside Rising Sun Fort, the dinner party was still going on lively, no one noticed Xiao Yu's departure.

(End of this chapter)

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