Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 239 Lansimogao Empire

Chapter 239 Lansimogao Empire
Thousands of miles alone, thousands of miles of dust.

Xiao Yu rode alone, galloping his horse, leaving behind his graceful figure on the ancient road.

A man is a handsome man, and a horse is a good horse.Without any scruples, Xiao Yu traveled all night, day and night.The steed he sat on was also selected by Xiao Xuri for him, and its leg strength and endurance were absolutely top-notch.

At Xiao Yu's level, the speed of the horse has long been unable to compare with his own speed, but in many cases, the horse is still the most suitable means of transportation, which is why Xiao Yu chooses to ride a horse.

"Xuanxuan, why did you become Biren's fiancée?"

Xiao Yu was meditating in his heart, and the speed suddenly accelerated.Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui have no clue about what happened there, so they can't be in a hurry.What he wants to know most now is Ao Zixuan's situation, no matter what, he doesn't believe that Ao Zixuan will agree to become Biren's fiancée.

The Lansimogao Empire has a vast territory, an empire that covers more than [-]% of the land area, and its various resources are also among the best. It has a great reputation among the many empires on the mainland.Among the Lansimogao Empire, the most famous one is the first-class school Liufengmen.

The history of Liufumen has been around for thousands of years, and it is said that the ancestors of Liufengmen had confronted the strong men of thousands of years ago, such as Panlong Zhanhuang, which shows how strong its strength is.

The Liufeng sect is not divided too carefully, but its scale is probably more than ten times that of all the branch halls, branch sects, and main sects of the Duanyun sect of the Huoyun Empire combined.

The existence of such a behemoth in the Lansimogao Empire is also the reason why it is becoming more and more powerful.I don't know how many young heroes on this continent want to become disciples of Liufengmen, but most of them have no way to enter. Liufengmen recruits disciples extremely harshly. Whether it is talent or heart, they have to go through extremely strict inspections, and they fail. Participants will be kicked out immediately, and Liufengmen only recruits [-] people each year, which sounds like a lot, but for the entire continent, the number of [-] people is enough to make people compete.

The royal family of the Lansimogao Empire is surnamed Long, and almost all members of the Long family are in charge of the Liufengmen. Most of the powerful elders in the Liufengmen are members of the Long family, and the head of the Liufengmen must be the best of the Long family. The man, the current head of the Long family, is also the emperor of the Lansimogao Empire.This kind of management method that combines sects and empires is very rare on the mainland, but the strength of the Long family is enough to give them such confidence.

The Lansimogao Empire is so famous, Xiao Yu just inquired about it a little, and he already knew its specific location.

The Lansimogao Empire is located in the center of the Shenwu Continent, which is also the most prosperous place in the entire Shenwu Continent.

Xiao Yu rode for five days and five nights, traveling almost day and night, even though he was sitting on a one-in-a-million steed, he was almost exhausted now.Fortunately, on this last day, Xiao Yu finally arrived in the territory of Lansimogao Empire.

"Dude, it made you suffer!"

Xiao Yu looked at the horse that had lost a lot of weight, patted its head lightly, and apologized.

The horse snorted twice, and followed Xiao Yu meekly.

"Kulong Town?"

Xiao Yu looked up at the entrance of the outermost town of the Lance Morgo Empire.

"The name is quite interesting!"

Xiao Yu led the steed and walked into the rich peasant town.He was surprised to find that the residents of this town were all well-clothed and well-fed, and they didn't look like farmers at all. Those who came out to set up stalls were all owners who were not short of money.

"The people in this place are all so rich? Fanyun Town is the outermost town of the Huoyun Empire, but there are very few rich people. Sure enough, the upper empire is indeed incomparable to a small empire like the Huoyun Empire. .”

Xiao Yu secretly sighed in his heart, he scanned around the town, and found that there were many masters of Yuan Shattering Realm wandering here, and they were extremely polite to traders, without any arrogance of warriors.

Xiao Yu pulled the steed through the market, and he still couldn't get out of the town after walking for a long time. The more he walked, the more crowded and more and more people flowed.

"This isn't a town, it's clearly a city!"

Looking at the bustling crowd and the endless street, Xiao Yu said with emotion.The area of ​​this rich peasant town can completely overwhelm some second-tier cities in the Huoyun Empire.

The horse that Xiao Yu was sitting on neighed hungrily, and he also felt a little tired, having been on the road for days and nights, it is indeed time for him to take a good rest now.

He found an inn nearby, and the innkeeper saw that he behaved elegantly and spoke well, so he was quite polite to him. The clerk kindly helped him feed the horses to the stables in the backyard, while he stayed in the guest battle. Waiting to eat.

Xiao Yu looked around and found that many young people were sitting in the inn.They are about the same age as Xiao Yu, and most of them are at the peak of Yuan Shattering Realm.

"If these people were placed in the Huoyun Empire, they would be considered the top talents of the younger generation, but now it is strange that so many people are gathered here at once."

Xiao Yu was slightly surprised.

Those young masters who were eating were also looking at the people around each other, and hostility burst out from their gazes. Several gazes swept over Xiao Yu, and after finding that there was no fluctuation of vitality, they disdainfully moved away.

Xiao Yu poured tea and drank it himself, not paying attention.

The waiter quickly brought out the food and wine, Xiao Yu took out a piece of silver and said with a smile: "My little brother, I want to know how to get to Liufengmen, can you tell me?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's politeness, the clerk smiled and said, "Master, I guessed that you were going to Liufengmen."

Xiao Yu asked strangely: "Oh? How do you know?"

The clerk looked pale: "Recently, Liufengmen is recruiting new disciples. Countless young geniuses from the mainland have rushed here. I think you are young and extraordinary, so I naturally think that you are also aiming at the Liufengmen's seat."

The buddy spoke happily, and kept gesticulating with his hands.

Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing. Although he was going to Liufengmen, he was not going to run for discipleship.

The man didn't notice Xiao Yu's expression, he pushed the money towards Xiao Yu, and said with a smile: "My lord, I can't take this money from you, everyone knows that Liufengmen is located in Longxiao City, the imperial city of the empire. I still can't afford your reward for some news."

Xiao Yu didn't insist either, and put the money into his arms, the guy still had work to do, so he turned and left.

"Has Liufengmen recruited disciples recently? No wonder so many young masters will gather here. They all go for the disciple seat of Liufengmen. Everyone is their competitor, and it is purely normal for them to have hostility with each other. "

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, then he focused all his attention on the fragrant food in front of him.

"Shopkeeper, let's have a good wine!"

Suddenly, a rough and bold voice came from outside the inn.

Except for Xiao Yu, everyone looked up at the door.

A young man in coarse linen and a delicate and beautiful woman walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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