Chapter 248 House arrest

Just as Long Zhantian left the hall, Long Xiaotian sighed.He did this, firstly, because he didn't want someone with great potential like Xiao Yu to become the enemy of Liufengmen; secondly, Xiao Yu was Long Jingxin's savior, and it was impossible for him to take action against Xiao Yu; thirdly, This can also be regarded as a test for Long Zhantian's mind. If he can't pass this test, Long Zhantian will always have an evil obstacle in his heart, which will have a great impact on his future cultivation. Now that they don't want to get into trouble anymore, even Long Xiaotian would feel extremely headache when they think about the trouble they have to face.

"Why is dad like this?"

Long Zhantian was out of his mind, and stood blankly outside the hall.

Few people knew that Ao Zixuan was taken away by Xiao Yu. At that time, most people in Changjie did not see Xiao Yu's movements clearly. Under Long Xiaotian's handling, this matter was called Ao Zixuan. Go out for experience, and the Japanese will come back when you are decisive.But Long Jingxin witnessed everything and was strictly forbidden by Long Xiaotian to tell.

This matter did not cause any waves in Liufengmen.But since then, the disciples of Liufeng Sect felt that the two brothers and sisters Long Jingxin and Long Zhantian's personalities had changed drastically. Long Zhantian's cultivation became more and more crazy, while Long Jingxin was often in a daze and lost his mind.

On a rural road far away from Lansimogao Empire, Xiao Yu was riding on a white horse with Ao Zixuan in his arms.Ao Zixuan was still unconscious. The angle and strength of Xiao Yu's previous strokes were just right. It didn't hurt Ao Zixuan at all, but it was enough to make her unconscious for a long time. Xiao Yu had made up his mind to take Ao Zixuan with her. Go to places that once had their memories.

Judging from Ao Zixuan's performance, it seems that she has lost her memory, that's why she can't remember him, but what makes him strange is that Ao Zixuan actually hates him, which makes him very puzzled, even if Ao Zixuan Amnesia, seeing him is like a stranger at most, why do you feel disgusted with him from the bottom of your heart?

"Xuanxuan, what happened to you?"

Xiao Yu sighed softly in his heart, he could only sigh when he thought of his disappointment before, he really underestimated the weight of Ao Zixuan in his heart.

He was very sure that even if Xiao Maifei, Xiao Yun, or Xiao Long died, he would not lose his composure like this, but Ao Zixuan dealt him a heavy blow.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help tightening his arms around Ao Zixuan.


Because of Xiao Yu's sudden increase in strength, Ao Zixuan in his arms felt something, her lips parted slightly, and her eyes slowly opened.

When she just woke up, she found that she was held in her arms by a strong hand, and she was shocked. This embrace made her feel familiar.

"you're awake!"

Xiao Yu knew that Ao Zixuan had woken up and said softly.


Hearing Xiao Yu's voice, Ao Zixuan exclaimed, her face changed drastically, and she struggled violently.

"You let me go!"

Xiao Yu's heart darkened, when he and Ao Zixuan cuddled each other in the Death Canyon, they were so affectionate, but now Ao Zixuan would reject him so much.

"Xuanxuan, do you really not remember me?"

Xiao Yu said shyly.

"Go away, you shameless person, go away! Let me go!"

Ao Zixuan didn't care what Xiao Yu said, her body kept swaying from side to side, and even wanted to circulate her vitality to shake Xiao Yu away. If Xiao Yu hadn't used his divine power to firmly suppress her, the horses sitting on her seat would have suffered disaster.

"Xuanxuan! How did you become like this!"

Although Xiao Yu was mentally prepared, he still felt very uncomfortable facing Ao Zixuan's sudden waking up.Ao Zixuan really hated him.

"Don't call me so disgusting, I don't know you at all, I really don't know how you can be such a shameless person because you look like a dog."

Ao Zixuan's struggle did not stop, but became more violent, the words that came out of her mouth were like a sharp knife piercing Xiao Yu's heart.

"Okay, I'll just let you go!"

Seeing Ao Zixuan's expression that she would rather die than obey, Xiao Yu smiled wryly in her heart.He had no choice but to turn over and get off the horse, holding the rein with one hand.


As soon as Xiao Yu let go of Ao Zixuan, she swept away like a gust of wind in the opposite direction.But she didn't even get out of Baizhang, and Xiao Yu had already grabbed her wrist.

"You let me go!"

Ao Zixuan seemed a little frustrated, Xiao Yu could be said to have taken advantage of her.She has been with Long Zhantian for half a month, and Long Zhantian has convinced her in all aspects, and she has a lot of affection. Although she agreed to be Long Zhantian's fiancee, she has never had any intimate behavior with Long Zhantian, and Xiao Yu Instead, he hugged her directly.

She had completely forgotten that she had kissed Xiao Yu passionately back then.

"Xuanxuan! I will not let you go, I will take you to some places we have been to!"

Xiao Yu grabbed Ao Zixuan's catkin without the slightest intention of profanity, his eyes were clear and peaceful, full of deep sadness.

"You're crazy, I don't know you at all, what did you say to take me where we've been?"

Ao Zixuan wanted to pull her hand away, but Xiao Yu's strength was very precise, neither hurting her nor letting her pull it out.

"Xuanxuan, do you remember this?"

Xiao Yu pulled up the sleeve of his left hand, revealing the crescent-shaped scar.

"This one……"

When Ao Zixuan saw the scar, she froze there for an instant.Some fragments flashed in her brain, which seemed to be a little boy and a little girl. Just when these fragments were about to be pieced together, Ao Zixuan was suddenly guided by something, and instantly recovered. The fragments of memory in his mind sank again.

"What are you doing to show me your scars? Did I say you are really sick? I repeat, I don't know you, you annoy me, I know you are a master, in my opinion every master A master has his own strength of character, what you have done makes me really disdain, what exactly do you want?"

Ao Zixuan looked disgusted, her wrist was still twisting.

"Xuanxuan, can you really not remember?"

Xiao Yu looked sad.

"Don't call me Xuanxuan, it makes me sound disgusting!"

Ao Zixuan said coldly.

"No!" Xiao Yu thought to himself, "Xuanxuan doesn't know her situation at all now, I must find a way to restore her memory, and now I can only temporarily restrict her actions."

As soon as Xiao Yu thought about this, he shot suddenly.One finger tapped three times, hitting Ao Zixuan's left shoulder, right lower abdomen and neck respectively.Every hero has different attributes. The divine power in Xiao Yu's body can be transformed into different elements at will. At this moment, his divine power is transformed into three solid ice particles, blocking the three main veins on Ao Zixuan's body.These three main veins were blocked, Ao Zixuan couldn't raise her vitality at all, and completely lost her fighting power.

(End of this chapter)

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