Chapter 249
"what are you doing?"

Ao Zixuan felt that the power in her body was completely dormant, out of her control, she wanted to mobilize her vitality but found that she couldn't move it at all.

"I have sealed the three main meridians in your body. Unless an expert at the seventh level of Concentration Realm or above helps you resolve them, you will never be able to mobilize your vitality."

Xiao Yu had no choice but to resort to this trick.

"You despicable! You're nothing but a bastard!"

Ao Zixuan's pretty face was cold, and an angry light shot out from her eyes.

"You can scold me whatever you want now, I must remind you of the past."

Xiao Yu ignored Ao Zixuan's scolding, put her on his shoulders, and walked towards the horse.

"You shameless bastard, put me down, you put me down!"

Ao Zixuan patted Xiao Yu's back with her hand, it didn't hurt at all to Xiao Yu.Ao Zixuan couldn't cause any harm to Xiao Yu in its heyday, let alone now that it has no strength at all.After she slapped it a few times, she felt her arm hurt.

"What is this guy made of, so hard."

Ao Zixuan was angry in her heart, but at the same time, there was a wave of hope.

"Zhan Tian should find someone to save me, I must be calm and not let him hurt me!"

Ao Zixuan was smart on ice, thinking of this, she immediately gave up struggling, she was afraid that Xiao Yu would do some deviant behavior towards her in a fit of anger.

Xiao Yu put Ao Zixuan back on the horse's back, with a sad tone: "You ride the horse, I will walk, don't worry, I won't touch you."

Seeing Ao Zixuan's alert expression, Xiao Yu's heart twitched again.

"Where are you taking me?"

Ao Zixuan knew that no matter how much she struggled now, it would be useless, and the gap between her and Xiao Yu's strength was too great, but she still wanted to know where Xiao Yu would take her.People are always full of curiosity and fear of the unknown.

"I'll take you back to the Fire Cloud Empire!"

Xiao Yu patted the horse's stock lightly.The white horse neighed and galloped forward.Ao Zixuan let out an exclamation, and tightly grasped the rein.Xiao Yu tiptoed and followed like a shadow.The horse ran fast, while Xiao Yu followed it unhurriedly, guiding its direction, and taking care of Ao Zixuan's safety.

"Fire Cloud Empire? Strange, how does he know that I am from the Fire Cloud Empire?"

Ao Zixuan was very puzzled, Xiao Yu seemed to know her very well.

But Xiao Yu didn't say a word, just cared about walking quickly.

Ao Zixuan sat on the galloping white horse, looking back from time to time, she hoped to see the masters of Liufengmen come to rescue her.

Xiao Yu noticed his movements and smiled slightly: "Are you wondering when they will come to rescue you? I can guarantee that no matter who comes, they will not be able to take you away."

Ao Zixuan was slightly shocked, she felt very familiar with Xiao Yu's confident expression when she said this, she seemed to have seen it countless times.

"How is this going?"

Ao Zixuan felt a little dizzy, she hastily grasped the reins tightly and clamped the horse's belly tightly, fearing that she would fall, but in fact her worry was completely superfluous, how could Xiao Yu let her fall?

"Hmph, you're not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big!"

Ao Zixuan came back to her senses and couldn't help mocking Xiao Yu.Although Xiao Yu is very strong, she doesn't think Xiao Yu can compete with the elders of Liufengmen and Long Xiaotian, the head of Liufengmen.

Xiao Yu didn't argue, and continued to follow the white horse on his way quickly.

The two walked for an hour, and finally arrived at a small city, which belonged to a third-rate empire named Yuping.

"You should be tired, let's find a place to rest in the city!"

Xiao Yu stopped the white horse and led Ao Zixuan into the city.

But Xiao Yu's words made Ao Zixuan's pretty face turn pale.

"Bastard, whore, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, she didn't know what she had done to make Ao Zixuan so disgusted.

"Who wants to rest with you, I really don't know why a master like you is such a shameless person!"

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu with disgust, but now she was riding a horse, and she couldn't get up or down.

"I just said to find a place to eat and drink tea, not what you think."

Xiao Yu shook his head helplessly, now Ao Zixuan really doesn't trust him in every aspect, and guards against him like a wolf.


Ao Zixuan snorted coldly and didn't speak. She was also surprised. She subconsciously thought that Xiao Yu would not hurt her. real.

This third-rate empire is obviously not as tight-knit as other empires, the guards are just putting on a show, Xiao Yu drove straight in with Ao Zixuan.It is true to say that, who can stop him in a small third-rate empire?
The two came to a restaurant that looked the best and sat down. One was handsome and unrestrained, and the other was as beautiful as a fairy. They immediately attracted countless gazes.

Ao Zixuan felt bitter in her heart, naturally she had seen many such scenes, when traveling with Long Zhantian, others would look at them with this kind of gaze, but Long Zhantian was her fiancé, while Xiao Yu was The person she hates very much, wouldn't others see her and Xiao Yu as a couple?
Xiao Yu buried his head in his tea, ignoring these gazes, he was thinking about which part of Ao Zixuan went wrong.

"Xuanxuan went to Liufengmen half a month ago, and that was a few days after the decisive battle between me and the five major families. Xuanxuan left without saying goodbye. It must be the problem of those few days."

Xiao Yu's gaze fixed, and he immediately thought of Ao Zixuan's father, Ao Wuji.At that time Ao Zixuan was in the palace, even if the elders of Liufengmen wanted to find her, they would definitely go to the palace, if something happened to Ao Zixuan, Ao Wuji must know about it.

"This old guy must have something to hide from me."

Xiao Yu recalled the time when he went to the palace to look for Ao Zixuan, Ao Wuji faced his question, his eyes dodged, Ao Wuji was Ao Zixuan's business, so he didn't think much about it at the time, but now that he thought about it carefully, Ao Wuji Wuji's reaction at that time was all wrong.

"Ao Wuji, it looks like I'm going to ask him."

Xiao Yu changed his plan, originally he wanted to take Ao Zixuan to some places they had been to, but now his first stop is the imperial city of Huoyun Empire.

Only by figuring out the source of the matter can he find a solution.

The waiter brought the food, Xiao Yu helped Ao Zixuan take a bowl of rice, and said softly: "Eat!"

Ao Zixuan was extremely ungrateful, and pushed back the rice handed over by Xiao Yu, took a bowl and took half a bowl of rice by herself, and ate with extreme restraint.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu could only smile bitterly, the current Ao Zixuan is really too unlovable.

This scene was watched by several children in Chinese costumes in the restaurant.Just now when they saw Ao Zixuan for the first time, they were astonished.I thought Ao Zixuan and Xiao Yu were a couple, but now it seems that Ao Zixuan doesn't buy Xiao Yu's account at all.


Several people looked at each other and walked towards Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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