Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 250 Ao Zixuan's Problem

Chapter 250 Ao Zixuan's Problem
"Girl, is someone making you unhappy? Our brothers can help you!"

A few people came forward with obsequious expressions on their faces, they were acting like this, in fact, everyone in their hearts was greedy for Ao Zixuan's beauty.

"Hmph, none of your business, go away!"

Seeing how frivolous these people behaved, Ao Zixuan felt disgusted in her heart, if they were to be compared with Xiao Yu, she would rather stay with Xiao Yu, seeing these people made her lose her appetite.

"Hey?" One of them laughed and said, "Girl, it's your fault. We want to vent your anger on you, but why are you angry at us instead?"

Ao Zixuan snorted coldly, and said to Xiao Yu: "Aren't you going to drive them away?"

Xiao Yu was stunned, he didn't expect that Ao Zixuan would ask him to do something at this time.He was in a good mood immediately, and originally wanted to teach these dudes a lesson, but now he planned to let them go.

"Have you heard that? Let's go!"

Xiao Yu waved his hand lightly, he didn't intend to take action against these people.Each of them has only the strength of concentration state, how can he be qualified to let him do it?He forgot, however, that in this third-rate empire, being able to reach the level of Concentration at this age is considered a very good genius. Since they are geniuses, why would they put others in their eyes?

None of them backed away, but instead looked at Xiao Yu with a hostile look on their faces.Ao Zixuan's whole body strength was sealed, and Xiao Yu's aura was restrained, they couldn't see the strength of the two of them at all, they regarded them as ordinary people.

"Boy, we're talking to this girl, you can go away."

"Oh?" Xiao Yu jokingly smiled, and suddenly let go of his momentum.

"Plop plop!"

These dandies were directly crushed to the ground by Xiao Yu's thick and solid momentum, completely unable to move, and they all looked shocked. Even their masters did not possess this kind of terrifying coercion. The head of their sect It will definitely not reach this level.

"how is this possible?"

Only then did they realize what a terrifying existence they had provoked.

Xiao Yu saw that these people were also the kind of earth emperors who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and just now Ao Zixuan took the initiative to talk to him, and he was in a good mood, so he put away his momentum.

He smiled and asked: "Now I let you go, is there any problem?"

As if they had been pardoned, several people bent down to confess their crimes one by one, and left in embarrassment.

Ao Zixuan's brows stretched, she didn't speak to Xiao Yu, and continued to eat, Xiao Yu smiled, put down her chopsticks, and just stared at Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan took a bite of the rice, raised her head, and found that Xiao Yu was looking at her, and she felt uncomfortable being stared at by Xiao Yu.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ao Zixuan frowned slightly, dissatisfied.

"I want to see it, so I will!"

Xiao Yu withdrew his gaze and replied very calmly, he picked up a piece of green vegetables and put it in Ao Zixuan's bowl.Ao Zixuan herself felt strange, but this time she was not disgusted, she was stunned when she saw the vegetables Xiao Yu put in her bowl.

"Why don't you eat?"

Xiao Yu stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Ao Zixuan, she came back to her senses, gave Xiao Yu a hard look, picked up the piece of green vegetable and put it back in Xiao Yu's bowl.

"I don't eat what you put in!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing. He pointed to the dishes in front of him and said, "I picked these up with chopsticks. Didn't you eat them all?"

"You..." Ao Zixuan showed sullen eyes, "You rascal."

Xiao Yu turned his head away, his eyes suddenly became sad.

"A rogue? So what if you become a rogue for the sake of the woman you love?"

He seemed to be telling Ao Zixuan, but he was telling himself.

"Who... who is your beloved woman!"

Ao Zixuan was ashamed and angry, she turned her head away angrily, and pulled the plate to the other side of the table, not letting Xiao Yu eat it.

Xiao Yu was stunned, he found that Ao Zixuan's personality had also changed slightly after amnesia, becoming more spiritual than before.The current Ao Zixuan, Xiao Yu thinks it is quite cute, and it also has a sense of freshness.

Ao Zixuan poured all the dishes on the table into her bowl, Xiao Yu smiled helplessly, and put down her chopsticks. Ao Zixuan was silently protesting Xiao Yu's house arrest in this way.

She herself was also surprised that getting along with Xiao Yu seemed to be very easy, and she didn't feel the slightest pressure.Since she entered Liufengmen, she has met many masters above the level of concentration, but when talking with her, they will inadvertently reveal the power possessed by the masters, and she always feels great pressure.The Xiao Yu in front of him was not inferior to any of them, but getting along with him was very natural, and he felt peaceful in his heart.

"This guy looks pleasing to the eye, but why can't I help but hate him?"

Ao Zixuan couldn't figure it out, and finally focused on the food in front of her.

Xiao Yu just looked at Ao Zixuan quietly, watching her eat small mouthfuls until she finished eating.

"Xuanxuan's appetite is not small!"

Looking at Ao Zixuan's bare job, Xiao Yu sighed inwardly.

Ao Zixuan raised her head and met Xiao Yu's eyes. She looked at the food that she had swept away, and her pretty face flushed immediately.

"Damn, let this guy see a joke!"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Are you full? Would you like some more?"

Ao Zixuan shouted coquettishly: "What do you mean, are you laughing at me for eating too much?"

"Ah?" Xiao Yu spread his hands, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

Ao Zixuan suddenly realized something, every time she stared and frowned, Xiao Yu would give her way.


Ao Zixuan snorted coldly, looked at Xiao Yu, and did not back down.

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Xuan...Ao Zixuan, do you know the Xiao family?"

Ao Zixuan was taken aback: "Xiao family? What Xiao family? There is a Xiao family in our Huoyun Empire."

"Do you remember the Xiao family?" Xiao Yu frowned and asked, "Then do you know Xiao Yun?"

"You know Brother Xiao Yun? What do you want to do?"

Ao Zixuan suddenly looked vigilant, he was afraid that Xiao Yu would do something unfavorable to the Xiao family, she didn't know that the entire Xiao family had left the Huoyun Empire.

"How is this going?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer Ao Zixuan's question, he bowed his head and pondered.After a while, he asked another question: "Do you still remember Death Canyon?"

Without even thinking about it, Ao Zixuan blurted out: "Death Valley is one of the four most dangerous places in our Huoyun Empire, how could I not know about it?"

Xiao Yu spoke faster, and immediately asked: "Then do you still remember the matter that the Tianyun Academy where you were originally asked you to go to the Death Valley to find strange treasures?"

"Ah?" Ao Zixuan was startled, "How do you know this?"

"She remembers entering Death Canyon!"

Xiao Yu focused his eyes and asked, "Then do you remember what happened in the Death Canyon? How did you get out?"

Xiao Yu stared at Ao Zixuan with burning eyes, and Ao Zixuan fell into memory.Her memory went back to the time when she entered the Death Canyon, crossing the sea of ​​flowers, jumping over two stone statues of spirit beasts, entering the realm of the Emperor of War, avoiding the sixteen golden statues, experiencing monster fights, and entering the final hinterland of the realm of the Emperor of War.

Her memory stopped here. After entering the hinterland, her memory became blurred and she couldn't remember it at all. When she tried to recall it again, her memory had already jumped to the point where she left Death Canyon alone. When heading towards the imperial city of the Huoyun Empire, everything that happened in the middle disappeared.

"How...how could this be!"

Ao Zixuan had a splitting headache, she put her head in her hands, fell down on the table in pain, and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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