Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 251 The King of Medicine

Chapter 251 The King of Medicine
Xiao Yu was startled, went to pick up Ao Zixuan, and ran towards an inn.

Ao Zixuan lay quietly on the bed, her sleeping posture was so beautiful, anyone who saw her would want to kiss Fangze, Xiao Yu did so, he gently kissed Ao Zixuan on the forehead All right, no blasphemy meant.

He sat by the bed, recalling Ao Zixuan's reaction just now, he already understood most of it.He came to a conclusion that all Ao Zixuan's memories about him were gone, or in other words, they were forcibly sealed.

Xiao Yu probed into Ao Zixuan's body, but found nothing special.

"How could such a strange thing happen? It is really possible to make one person forget another person?"

Xiao Yu frowned, he had never heard of such a situation.


Ao Zixuan woke up slowly, she rubbed her head, and immediately found that she was in the room, still lying on the bed, and Xiao Yu was sitting beside her, looking at her with complicated expression.


Ao Zixuan screamed, and slapped Xiao Yu on the face.


With a crisp sound, Xiao Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and received the slap firmly.

"You beast, what did you do to me?"

Xiao Yu smiled wryly: "I didn't do what you did, if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, she sat aside, Ao Zixuan stretched out her hand to touch her body, and found that there were clothes on her body, she pulled back the quilt, and found that she was completely dressed, the same as before, except that the clothes were slightly wrinkled.

Only then did she realize that she had wrongly blamed Xiao Yu.

But how could the stubborn woman apologize, she glared at Xiao Yu: "Hmph, why did I suddenly become unconscious? Did you use some means to me?"

Xiao Yu shook his head: "Do you think that if I want to do something to you, I still need to use means? Do you think you can stop me from doing anything now?"

When Ao Zixuan thought about it, it was indeed the case. Xiao Yu was so powerful that he could easily restrain her. If he wanted to mistreat her, he would have done so long ago, and he would not wait until now, let alone use any despicable methods. means.Even so, she still didn't let go of her wariness towards Xiao Yu, and tightly pulled the quilt to cover her body with both hands, completely forgetting that her brain was confused because of memories before, and she fell into a coma.

"How do you feel now?"

Xiao Yu didn't feel any resentment at all for Ao Zixuan's slap, he spoke calmly and cared for Ao Zixuan.

"none of your business!"

Ao Zixuan glared at Xiao Yu, then turned her head away.

"Then it's all right? You've slept all night, go out for something to eat, let's continue on our way."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he stepped forward and tore off Ao Zixuan's quilt, regardless of whether she wanted to or not, he gently helped her put on the shoes, just like a good husband who wholeheartedly loves his wife.

Ao Zixuan was held by Xiao Yu's little feet, a strange feeling crossed her heart, she forgot to struggle, when she recovered, Xiao Yu had already put on her shoes.

Xiao Yu stood up and stepped aside, just now he did it rashly, almost forgot that Ao Zixuan would run away inadvertently.

"You're taking advantage of me again!"

Ao Zixuan glared at Xiao Yu, blushing up to her neck, but there was nothing she could do.

Xiao Yu touched his nose in embarrassment, and said with a wry smile, "Let's go!"

Xiao Yu stepped out of the house first, Ao Zixuan hesitated for a moment, but still followed, she also had the idea of ​​running away, but immediately gave up, she knew that with Xiao Yu's strength, she would be killed within a few steps. Catch it back.And now she doesn't hate being with Xiao Yu very much, but she still resents Xiao Yu's house arrest.

After another good meal, the two of them were going out of the city.When passing a teahouse, Xiao Yu heard two people talking about something.

"Hey, Wang Wu obviously passed away yesterday. His family was going to bury him, but her wife was unwilling and said that she would fight again, so she sent it to Yaowang. Today, the family came back happily , Wang Wu is already able to walk around freely, but he is a little weak, do you think the medicine king is a god?"

said one of the guests.

Another diner sitting next to him replied: "Isn't it? I also heard that half a month ago, the head of Yulinmen was seriously injured and was about to die. Yulinmen unanimously decided to send their head to Yaowang. More than a hundred people knelt for three days and three nights before the King of Medicine was willing to make a move, this move was terrible, not only did the head of Yulinmen not die, but now he is even stronger than before."

The two continued to whisper, mostly talking about how powerful the "King of Medicine" they were talking about was, how good his medical skills were and so on.

"You two!" Xiao Yu stepped forward and said, "I don't know where the medicine king you mentioned lives? Can you tell me one or two?"

The two diners looked at Xiao Yu and saw that he was handsome and elegant, so they replied truthfully: "My lord, it's no secret that the medicine king lives in Juling Mountain, eight hundred miles away from the east of the city."

"Thank you! With this little money, please treat the two of you to tea!"

Xiao Yu cupped his fists at the two of them, and put a piece of silver on the table.

"Ma'er, I'm going to be in trouble for you again today!"

Xiao Yu patted the horse's back, hugged Ao Zixuan up, he directly tore open a space crack, and dragged both of them in.

Ao Zixuan is no stranger to it, before in the Lansimogao Empire, Xiao Yu also kept using space to move away from the empire, it is precisely because of this that the eyeliner of the Liufengmen all over the country did not notice their traces.

The next moment, Xiao Yu had torn open the flight attendant's crack, and brought Ao Zixuan and Baima outside the east gate.

He patted the horse's ass, and the white horse ran towards the east with Ao Zixuan on its back, Xiao Yu floated beside Ao Zixuan like a wisp of green smoke.

"Hey, where is this going?"

Ao Zixuan frowned, Xiao Yu said before that he was going to the Huoyun Empire, but now he is going in the wrong direction.

"I'll take you to the doctor!"

Xiao Yu replied.

"You're insane, why should I see a doctor if I'm not sick?"

Ao Zixuan said angrily.She really hated Xiao Yu to death.

"Xuanxuan, you don't know that you have a big problem!"

Xiao Yu secretly shook his head and sighed.He had just heard the two diners talk about the "King of Medicine". At this time, he was in a hurry to go to the doctor, just wanting to have a glimmer of hope, but in fact he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Ao Zixuan remained silent, and walked with Xiao Yu like this for half a day.

Finally, a majestic mountain appeared in front of the two of them.

"That should be Juling Mountain!"

Xiao Yu pulled the white horse and walked up the mountain, while Ao Zixuan sat on the horse so that she would not feel tired.

Juling Mountain is very big, Xiao Yu took Ao Zixuan around the mountain for a long time but did not find Yao Wang's residence.

"This mountain is so big, where do you go to find someone?"

Ao Zixuan frowned, with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.She thought to herself, there are times when this guy is deflated.

"It can't be hard on me!"

Xiao Yu grinned, put one hand on the ground, and knelt down on one knee, a circle of colorful cards appeared around his body.


Everything within a radius of [-] li is under Xiao Yu's control.It turns out that Juling Mountain is not a simple mountain peak, but a continuous mountain range. A valley is formed in the mountain range, and there is an elegant residence in it. No wonder Xiao Yu couldn't find it after wandering around the mountain for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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