Chapter 252
"It turned out to be so hidden. It seems that those who asked to see the King of Medicine have come here many times, so they were able to find him."

Xiao Yu thought to himself.

Ao Zixuan looked at the card under Xiao Yu's feet, and a strange feeling came over her heart, she felt as if she had seen it somewhere.

At the same time, an old man in the valley opened his eyes and looked around vigilantly. He felt a sense of crisis of being watched.

He looked around and swept his divine sense in a thousand zhang radius, but he couldn't find the target.He was horrified and murmured, "What's going on?"

He suddenly realized that the mysterious sense of peeping disappeared, and he shook his head, thinking that he just felt wrong.


A small head popped out from behind the old man. It was a little boy, about eleven or twelve years old. Although he was still young, he already had the potential to become a handsome guy, but now he only had a pair of underpants all over his body, and his hair was still dripping with water. , the appearance is really not elegant.

He said with an aggrieved face: "I was taking a shower just now, and I felt someone was staring at me. It's so strange. It couldn't be that someone was watching me take a shower!"

The old man's expression was fixed, and he touched the little boy's head and asked, "Xiaofeng, do you really feel this way?"

The little boy named Xiaofeng nodded, and said innocently: "Yes, but it was there just now, but it's gone now."

"It's okay, maybe you feel wrong!"

The old man pulled the little boy lovingly and pinched his face gently.

"Grandpa, I'm going to take a bath!"

Xiaofeng seemed relieved and ran away quickly.As soon as he left, the old man's gaze suddenly became like a hawk.

"I guess it won't be long before there will be guests coming."

Xiao Yu withdrew his skills and stood up.He has already identified the whereabouts of the medicine king.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Yu pulled the white horse, and the white horse carried Ao Zixuan very meekly towards the other side of the mountain range.

Ao Zixuan felt very strange, just now Xiao Yu was dragging her around like a headless chicken, but now she suddenly seemed to have a definite direction.

"Hey, why are you going this way?"

Ao Zixuan asked.

"I have found our destination."

Xiao Yu replied lightly.

"What?" Ao Zixuan immediately remembered the weird trick Xiao Yu used just now, "You were just searching?"

"That's right!"

Xiao Yu nodded with his back to Ao Zixuan.

"There is such a miraculous martial skill!"

Ao Zixuan's heart skipped a beat, feeling very novel.For a moment just now, she had the feeling of being spied on by someone, but only now did she realize that it was Xiao Yu's doing.

"His trick can visit, but will he be able to see through? Then I..."

Ao Zixuan didn't know why she was thinking so wildly recently, two red clouds flew over her pretty face, and at the same time she secretly scolded Xiao Yu for being shameless.

How did Xiao Yu know Ao Zixuan's thoughts, he walked faster and faster, and the white horse behind him also accelerated his pace.

Detour to the other side of the mountain, continue to walk down hundreds of feet, and finally saw a very quiet path.This path is sandwiched between two huge rocks, like a thin gap.Its width is only enough for two people to walk side by side, it looks very narrow, but it is enough for Xiao Yu.

He took the lead, and the white horse carried Ao Zixuan and walked behind him.

Passing through this quiet path, Xiao Yu found that the things in front of him were constantly changing, and the scenes in front of him alternated up and down, left and right, and ordinary people would probably feel dizzy just by looking at them for a few times.

Ao Zixuan exclaimed: "What's going on?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed: "It should be some kind of formation."

Xiao Yu also talked about formations when chatting with Xiao Maifei once. According to Xiao Maifei, those advanced formations are mostly owned by big sects, and ordinary forces can't even see them.The wonder of advanced formations is that they can conjure up some strange scenes that are hard to discern with the naked eye, trap those who enter the formation, and consume their combat power. What's more, they can use the formations to conjure up attacks to kill people.

The Heavenly Demon Blood Formation that Su Xun and Li Guoxiong had set up in Fanyun Town before was a very terrifying formation formed by condensing countless blood, which could send out death blood lines that decompose the human body.If Xiao Yu hadn't understood the weakness of this formation at that time, the residents of Fanyun Town and the members of the sect hall of Duanyun Sect would have suffered even more serious casualties.

Although the formation in front of me is not as terrifying as the Heavenly Demon Blood Formation, it is by no means simple. It probably covers the entire periphery of the valley, which means that if you want to enter, you must pass through this formation.

This formation was obviously created by Yao Wang, just to keep outsiders away, Xiao Yu began to wonder how those people mentioned by the two diners found Yao Wang.

This formation actually contained some strange medicinal scents, Ao Zixuan sniffed it, and it smelled good.Xiao Yu just smelled it, and the divine veins of the Holy Lord in his body immediately felt it.


Xiao Yu's expression changed, and he immediately reminded: "Cover your mouth, try not to inhale this fragrance, it's poisonous."


Ao Zixuan exclaimed, and was about to cover her mouth and nose, when suddenly a sense of dizziness hit her, her eyes went dark, and she fell from the horse.

How could Xiao Yu let her get hurt? He stretched out his ape arms, wrapped his arms around Ao Zixuan's waist, and hugged her across his chest.

The white horse was also affected by the fragrance of the medicine and slowly fell to the ground.

How could Xiao Yu still care about the life and death of the white horse at this moment, Ao Zixuan fainted, he didn't know if the drug would harm her life, although he had the skill of nurse Soraka, he could keep Ao Zixuan alive, but this It is by no means a long-term solution, Xiao Yu can truly rest assured only when he sees the King of Medicine and asks him to help him.

"This formation can't stop me!"

Xiao Yu's footsteps were seven forwards and eight backwards, his figure curled up, turned into a gust of wind, and shot straight into the sky.His figure flashed, and he had already reached the top of the mountain in an instant.He looked down, and the valley was surrounded by clouds and mist.

"If you want to block the perimeter with formations, I'll go down from the top, so what can you do?"

Xiao Yu snorted coldly in his heart, and jumped down from the tens of thousands of feet of the mountain with Ao Zixuan in his arms.


There was a loud wind in his ears, and Xiao Yu fell quickly holding Ao Zixuan.Just now he had thought of breaking the formation, but Ao Zixuan was poisoned by the medicine in that formation, he was afraid that any further delay would cause some misfortune, so he chose the most direct and simple way.

The two of Xiao Yu fell straight down, and when they were about to touch the ground, Xiao Yu slowed down slowly, and when they were a few feet away from the ground, they became standing in the air.


Xiao Yu turned over and landed gently on the ground. Xiao Yu did this because he didn't want Ao Zixuan to be hurt because of the sudden change in speed. Ao Zixuan's current physique would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Xiao Yu fully remembered the location of Yao Wang's residence in his mind, and he had already appeared at the door of Yao Wang's elegant residence in just a moment.He didn't choose to go straight ahead because of etiquette.No matter how arrogant he is, but now that Ao Zixuan's life is in the hands of others, he has to be cautious in doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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