Chapter 254

"Please ask Yao Wang to tell her why she did this?"

Xiao Yu was very anxious, he was eager to know the reason for Ao Zixuan's amnesia.

The Medicine King sighed for a while, before slowly opening his mouth, "Oh, I didn't expect it to be that kind of medicine. I thought this medicine would have been extinct long ago. Unexpectedly, really unexpected."

Yao Wang sighed up to the sky for a while, and smiled wryly for a while, making Xiao Yu confused.

After a long time, Yao Wang came back to his senses and said to Xiao Yu: "Young man, if the symptoms you described are correct, then this friend of yours must have been fed a drug called 'Forgetting Emotions'. the elixir."

"Forgetting love and forgetting sex?" Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, "What effect will this medicine have?"

The King of Medicine raised his head, as if recalling: "The so-called seduction of love and forgetfulness means that the person who takes it will forget the person he loves the most. Influenced by it, he will feel extremely disgusted when he sees his beloved again for no reason, which is called 'defeating love'."

"What? There is such a drug?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were about to burst, he didn't expect that Ao Zixuan was given medicine by others, and it was such a strange medicine.

"Young man, to be honest, I am shocked by this. This kind of elixir should have been extinct a hundred years ago. Even I have never seen it with my own eyes. It is only recorded in medical books, so I I just found out."

Yao Wang's complexion was solemn, the difficulty of this "emotional forgetting" pill had far exceeded his cognition, he had never seen such symptoms in his life, and he could not feel anything wrong in Ao Zixuan's body , in good health, in all aspects are extremely normal.

"King of medicine, is there an antidote for this pill?"

This is what Xiao Yu is most concerned about.

"The antidote?" The Medicine King sighed, shook his head and said, "This elixir was refined by a generation of medical geniuses thousands of years ago. It is said that he was trapped by love, and the woman he loved didn't love him, but he vowed to let this woman stay with her willingly. He was by his side, so he studied painstakingly, and finally made this strange pill. According to medical records, this medicine was refined by his painstaking efforts, and its effect can act on people's brain nerves. The beloved woman swallowed it, and since then that woman has hated the man she loved very much, and finally got together with this generation of medical ghosts. After that, the medical ghosts listed this drug as a banned drug and sealed it up. Refining again, and he didn't leave any antidote."

"No antidote?" Xiao Yu's heart was hit by a heavy hammer, he still didn't give up, and asked, "Is there nothing you can do, Medicine King?"

The King of Medicine shook his head in extreme difficulty: "Although I am proud that my medical skills are the best in modern times, I am ashamed to compare with the generation of medical geniuses thousands of years ago. I can't save this kind of elixir he made. Ashamed, ashamed!"

Xiao Yu staggered back a step, a monstrous anger burst out from his chest.

"Who, who made you take this pill? Who forced you?"

Xiao Yu yelled furiously, shaking the whole valley, and the clouds and mists in the sky dispersed a lot.Xiaofeng covered his ears and shrank behind Yaowang in fright.

Yao Wang also felt dark in his heart. Although he had judged that Xiao Yu was not easy, but now he knew that the young man in front of him was definitely a formidable master.Looking at Xiao Yu's furious look, he sighed slightly in his heart.

"It's strange, there are only two pills of this 'Emotional Forgetfulness' pill. The one who gave his beloved woman a thousand years ago gave one, and another one appeared a hundred years ago. It has been destroyed by others. The woman took it Where did that one come from?"

The medicine king couldn't understand it.

After Xiao Yu's roar, his eyes turned red, and a strong evil spirit emanated from his body. All the flying insects and beasts who were at a distance from him all scattered and fled, and a series of sounds came from the surroundings.The divine power on his body shot towards the sky fiercely, condensing into a giant sky blue dragon rolling and roaring, shaking the space to pieces.


After some venting, Xiao Yu lowered his head, leaned Ao Zixuan against a big tree, and clasped his fists at Yao Wang and said: "Thank you for letting me know, I will remember this kindness!"

"No, I'm not helping you, you don't have to!"

Yao Wang also clasped his fist at Xiao Yu, he had never seen such a terrifying young strong man in a hundred years.However, Xiaofeng looked at Xiao Yu with admiration. He felt that Xiao Yu was as powerful as his grandfather, and he was very envious.

Yao Wang walked to Ao Zixuan's side, waved his palm on her face, only smelled a faint fragrance, Ao Zixuan's eyelids twitched and opened his eyes.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ao Zixuan shook her head, this was the second time she fell into a coma.

"you're awake?"

Xiao Yu's expression was a little downcast, and the expression on his face was a little stiff.Ao Zixuan noticed Xiao Yu's abnormality, she was very surprised, before Xiao Yu had such a confident expression, how come he changed back to the distraught appearance in Longxiao City after a while.

The King of Medicine sighed, and said, "Young man, don't be discouraged. The elixir works on the nerves. If you can find a way to stimulate her nerves, maybe it can make her recover."

"Stimulate the nerves?" Xiao Yu had hope again in his eyes, "Then if I take her to some places we have been to before, will it be effective?"

Yao Wang replied: "I don't know about this, but this is still a way. If you really love her, you have to try everything possible."

"Okay, I understand!"

Xiao Yu looked at Ao Zixuan and said, "Let's go!"

"Go? Didn't you want to find someone? And you said you wanted to see a doctor for me? Why did you just leave?"

Ao Zixuan didn't know that the old man in front of her was the medicine king, and she didn't know that Xiao Yu was looking for this person to see her doctor.

"'re not sick, it's my fault!"

Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Hmph!" Ao Zixuan snorted coldly, "I told you a long time ago, I'm not sick, you are sick."

"Okay, goodbye!"

Xiao Yu didn't want to be entangled here anymore, nodded slightly to Yao Wang, and smiled at Xiaofeng, regardless of Ao Zixuan's willingness, he hugged her in his arms and shot towards the sky.


Xiao Yu shot straight into the sky like a rocket, directly piercing through the clouds, and stood on the mountain peak in an instant.His figure flashed again, appearing beside the fainted white horse.

With a reach, he lifted the white horse and disappeared into the space crack again.

When they reappeared, Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan were already outside Juling Mountain. Xiao Yu took some dew and sprinkled it on the white horse's head. It neighed softly and stood up.

Xiao Yu patted her head, and said to Ao Zixuan who was furious beside her, "Go up!"

Ao Zixuan turned her head away, ignoring Xiao Yu at all, just now Xiao Yu hugged her without her consent, at this moment she really wanted to slap Xiao Yu hard.

(End of this chapter)

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