Chapter 255
Ao Zixuan ignored him, Xiao Yu let out a breath, wanting to forcibly hug her on the horseback.


Xiao Yu's face suddenly changed, followed by a loud bang, and a violent impact swept from the sky.

Ao Zixuan was shocked, she saw a huge mushroom cloud in the sky.

"It came from the mountains?"

Ao Zixuan looked at Xiao Yu, wanting to see Xiao Yu's reaction.

"Who dares to trouble the King of Medicine?"

Xiao Yu thought to himself, Yao Wang's strength can be said to be top-notch even if you look at first-class strength, but Xiao Yu can clearly feel that someone in Juling Mountain is fighting fiercely with him now.

Xiao Feng's cute look flashed in Xiao Yu's mind, and he couldn't bear it.He wouldn't worry about Yao Wang's defeat. With this level of strength, even if he could defeat him, he might have the means to leave, but Xiaofeng was different. If the opponent had a powerful person holding back Yao Wang, follow him The rest of the people who got up grabbed Xiaofeng, which would be very difficult for Yao Wang.

He only talked with Yao Wang for a short time, but Yao Wang was kind to him. At least he told about the problem with Ao Zixuan and solved Xiao Yu's doubts. Neither can stand idly by.

Xiao Yu pondered: "If I'm going to help Yao Wang, it's naturally inconvenient to take Xuanxuan with me. I can't take care of her in this level of confrontation, but if I keep her here, I won't be able to if any accident happens. "

He condensed Ao Zixuan for a long time, and there was another shocking explosion from over there.Xiao Yu sighed inwardly.

"Ao Zixuan!" Xiao Yu turned her head and said solemnly, "I want to go back and have a look, I will undo your seal, you can leave at any time!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he didn't care about Ao Zixuan's reaction, he stretched out his hand and tapped Ao Zixuan's body three times, Ao Zixuan felt a burst of relief all over her body, and her strength flowed out continuously.

Xiao Yu directly tore apart the space and disappeared.Ao Zixuan was left with a shocked face.

"This guy……"

Ao Zixuan stayed on the spot, Xiao Yu brought her here from the Lansimogao Empire, sealed her vitality along the way, and kept asking her some strange questions, but now she is extremely magnanimous. Let go, which made her unable to understand.

"Don't care about him so much, leaving as soon as possible is the business."

Ao Zixuan used her body skills and flew in the opposite direction.

Xiao Yu could naturally feel Ao Zixuan's departure, and sighed bitterly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.Ao Zixuan who couldn't recover her memory would probably never come back to him again, instead of forcibly tying her up, it would be better to let her go, a twisted melon won't be sweet.

In the valley, two old men, one red and one black, were fighting fiercely with Yao Wang.

"Yunyan, you'd better hand over the Pharmacopoeia quickly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

The red-robed old man had a gloomy face, and his attack was very hot, and he didn't show any mercy as he said.The black-robed old man didn't say a word, and repeatedly cast his supernatural powers, shaking the medicine king back.

"Hmph, red and black monsters, stop dreaming!"

Yao Wang was in a state of desperation at the moment, he didn't expect that today he would be approached by his enemies, and there would be two strong men at the ninth level of concentration level.

Just a random person, he is absolutely invincible, but if two people fight together, he has already lost the wind.This is not a big deal, the most disgusting thing is that these two people also brought a few subordinates, and these subordinates are searching for Xiaofeng's trace.They didn't know where they got the news, knowing that he was very fond of Xiaofeng.Although the red and black monsters are very strong, it is not easy for the two to join hands to defeat the medicine king, so they want to catch Xiaofeng to threaten the medicine king.

Xiaofeng is very smart, he has a weak mouth, nose and breath, and hides in the small hole in Yaju. Weeds are overgrown next to the small hole, and those subordinates really didn't notice Xiaofeng's trace for a while.

The red monster's eyes were sharp, his consciousness swept around, and he immediately found Xiaofeng hiding in the cave.

"You idiots, that kid is hiding in a hole in the courtyard wall, hurry and catch him."

Several subordinates heard the words of the red monster, and immediately found the entrance of the cave.The walls of this courtyard are relatively thick, and they are tall, so there is nothing they can do if they want to get into the hole.One of the masters who had reached the ninth level of the Shattering Origin Realm waved his arm, and a gust of wind swept out, directly rolling up the courtyard wall. Xiao Feng was trembling all over, and was already exposed to the eyes of everyone.

Yao Wang's eyes were about to burst, and he wanted to shoot those people to death, but the red and black monsters would not let him do so. The two entangled Yao Wang like shadows and blocked all his routes. Yao Wang could only roar again and again, but Still can't break through the joint efforts of the two.

"Boy, you can't hide now!"

The Yuan Shattering Realm expert grinned grinningly, and wanted to grab Xiaofeng with his arm.


A subtle sound sounded in front of Xiaofeng, and a slender arm suddenly protruded from Xiaofeng's face, and slapped on the chest of the master of breaking the origin.


The master of the breaking yuan state donated blood and spurted wildly, flying thousands of feet directly, crashing into the rocks, and lost his breath.

The rest of the Primordial Breaking Realm experts froze for a moment, and flew back one by one. They already felt the extreme danger.


The red and black monsters shouted angrily.Yao Wang thought of something and was surprised.

"It's him?"

Sure enough, a crack in the space in front of Xiaofeng opened, and Xiao Yu stepped out slowly, blocking Xiaofeng.

"Big brother!"

Xiaofeng grabbed Xiao Yu's sleeve in surprise.

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

Xiao Yu rubbed Xiaofeng's head, turned his gaze, and shot directly at those strong men in the Yuan-shattering realm.Immediately, their breath froze, and each of them felt as if they were being watched by a peerless beast, and they almost turned around and ran away.

"Death to me!"

Xiao Yu's voice was low, and he threw three cards casually. In just an instant, those people were cut into two by the cards and died on the spot.

"Boy, who are you? Someone who dares to kill me?"

The old monster Hong abandoned Yao Wang and came straight to Xiao Yu. He didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates, but the subordinates who killed him in front of him were slapping him naked in the face, which he could never tolerate.

With a move of his big hand, he formed a giant hand in the sky that was close to one hundred thousand feet in size, and directly pressed down on Xiao Yu and the two of them.

Just for a moment, the scenery in the valley was all pitch black.


The red monster looked crazy, under his move, he didn't believe that Xiao Yu could still stand there.


As soon as he stopped drinking, the face of the red monster changed drastically. The giant hand he released touched an extremely terrifying force, and he was beaten to fly into the sky, and his divine power scattered.


The huge handprint was directly blown into nothingness, Xiao Yu stood on the ground protecting Xiaofeng, one of his fists was still raised high, obviously it was this fist that broke the attack of the red monster just now.


The black old monster also saw this scene, and he was no less surprised than the red old monster. He slammed the medicine king back and retreated to the red old monster. Both of them looked at Xiao Yu solemnly. They just realized that the young man who appeared suddenly turned out to be a master of decision who could compete with them.

Originally they had an absolute advantage, but since Xiao Yu appeared, their advantage has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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