Chapter 271 Settlement
At this moment, Ao Wuji still doesn't look like a half emperor. He seems to have aged ten years in an instant, with a haggard face and dull eyes.The moment he saw the miserable scene of Ao's family, he was already in despair.

Originally, he wanted the Fire Cloud Empire to enter the mainland stage, make the Fire Cloud Empire mainland famous, and make the entire Ao family one of the protagonists in this continent, but just tonight, all his dreams were shattered.All the members of the Ao family, except him, Ao Zixuan, and Ao Huiling in the post station of the Tianyun Academy in the Great Rift Valley, have all died in the palace.

Perhaps Ao Wuqing, who was captured by that mysterious force, was an exception.

Now Ao Wuji is more like a loner, he doesn't have any relatives by his side.

Xiao Yu had no sympathy for him, a poor person must have something to hate.

"Ao Wuji, Duoqing Wangxing pill, did you design it for Ao Zixuan to take it? Tell me!"

Xiao Yu's shout sounded like thunder, and Ao Wuji raised his head in shock.Facing Xiao Yu's burning gaze, he dodged his eyes, but was speechless.

Xiao Yu could already see that he was guilty.

"I ask again, yes, or no?"

Xiao Yu's tone was cold, and Ao Wuji immediately collapsed as soon as he released his momentum.

"Hero Xiao, don't ask, I did it, it's all me. In order to be able to climb the big ship of the Raptor Empire, I tricked Zixuan into drinking the tea mixed with the Emotional Forgetting Pill. "

Ao Wuji covered his face with tears running down his face, not only did he harm his daughter, but now he can no longer fulfill his wish to make his family flourish.

"Fine, you're fine!"

Xiao Yu had no expression on his face, and said "very good" two times in a row, each of which became more and more furious.

"Xiao Yu, what happened?"

Lin Qingbing was in a fog.


Xiao Yu shook his head, he came to look for Ao Wuji, he just wanted to know the truth, even though he had already guessed the truth, he still wanted to ask for proof.

Ao Wuji is Ao Zixuan's biological father, no matter how angry he is, he can't do anything to Ao Wuji, if something happens to Ao Wuji, then Ao Zixuan will be sad, blood is always thicker than water.

"Hero Xiao, what should we do now?"

Lin Ruoxian and the others looked at Xiao Yu with bewilderment written all over their faces.

Xiao Yu frowned suddenly. This is indeed a very troublesome matter. The mysterious force has already targeted the Huoyun Empire, to be precise, the five major families of the Huoyun Empire. Once the Xiao family leaves, they will naturally target He aimed at the other four major families, and wanted to get the whereabouts of the Xiao family from them. Now that Xiao Yu has completely crippled that mysterious person, the enmity with this mysterious force has reached the point of endless death. If that mysterious force makes a comeback, These families of the Huoyun Empire will definitely not escape the doom of extinction.

"We can't let them know the news about the members of the Xiao family in Fort Rising Sun, but for now, we must help them find a place to stay. This mysterious force will take action against the Fire Cloud Empire, and it's all because of me. You can't sit idly by." reason!"

Xiao Yu thought hard, but racked his brains and couldn't think of a good place.

If these people from the Huoyun Empire were to leave, the number would be in the thousands, and it would not be easy to find a place that could fully accommodate them.


At this time, the spies of the Lin family came back.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lin Ruoxian asked hurriedly.

Na poked his face in horror and said: "Report to Patriarch, Li Xie's family is full of corpses, and no one survived."


Lin Ruoxian froze in place immediately, just now he asked the spies to inquire about the situation of Li Xie's family, but he did not expect the information he got to be like this.At this moment, he was really glad that the last place the mysterious person chose was his Lin family. If he had chosen the Lin family from the beginning, Xiao Yu might not have noticed it, and his Lin family would be wiped out.

The expression on Ao Wuji's face didn't change much, the moment the Ao family was destroyed, he had nothing to care about.

"Hero Xiao, this"

Lin Ruoxian looked at Xiao Yu with an ugly expression on his face. He had just seen Xiao Yu's expression and knew that Xiao Yu had no good place for them to go.

"Go to the Liufeng Gate!"

Xiao Yu said suddenly.

"Liufeng door?"

Lin Ruoxian and the others were taken aback, Liufengmen is a first-class sect in mainland China, how could they take them in?

"Ao Wuji, come here!"

Xiao Yu waved at Ao Wuji with a calm expression on his face.Ao Wuji now looks down on death a lot, even if Xiao Yu wanted to kill him immediately, he would admit it, and followed Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said in a low voice: "Ao Zixuan's status in Liufengmen is not low now. She is the fiancée of Long Zhantian, the young master of Liufengmen. Go to her and explain clearly what happened. Liufengmen will definitely take you in."


Ao Wuji was startled, the husband he originally chose for Ao Zixuan was Tan Qingshan from the Tan family of the Raptor Empire, why has it only been half a month, and Ao Zixuan's fiancé has become the young master of Liufeng Sect?

Although shocked, Ao Wuji is still very relieved to hear the news. The head of Liufengmen is several times stronger than the young master of the Tan family of Raptor Empire. Raptor Empire is just an empire attached to Liufengmen, and Liufengmen is the real master of the Lansimogao Empire, and the gap between them is by no means a star.

"I killed my daughter, I never thought she would have such a good home!"

Ao Wuji sighed lightly, but just as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a monstrous killing intent, and his whole body was instantly icy cold.

Xiao Yu's face was grim, and he raised it up.

"You really think that's a good place for her?"

Xiao Yu's face was distorted, his heart was full of murderous intent, he really wanted to crush Ao Wuji to death.

"Hero Xiao, I know that Zixuan loves you, but... as fathers, which one of us is not selfish?"

Ao Wuji shook his head lightly, talking softly.


Xiao Yu suppressed the killing intent in his heart and let him go.

"Remember what I said, and don't mention me in front of her again. I think you should know the reason best!"

Ao Wuji nodded, he was very clear about the characteristics of Duoqing Wangxing Pill, and he was also very aware of the sequelae, naturally he knew that Ao Zixuan's life was in danger.

"Okay, let's set off overnight, wait until tomorrow, maybe something will happen!"

Ao Wuji went to Lin Ruoxian and the others, and explained the situation to them in detail. Everyone in the Lin family felt a little helpless. They were the overlords in the Huoyun Empire, but if they came to Liufengmen, they might have to rely on others.But now they are no longer allowed to think about it. Compared with their reputation, the survival of their entire family is more important.

"Xiao Yu, won't you go with us?"

Lin Qingbing held Xiao Yu's hand and found that his hand was very cold, very cold, she was surprised.

"I won't go!" Xiao Yu shook his head, looked at Lin Qingbing seriously and said, "Qingbing, I have important matters to attend to, so you must be careful on the way to Liufengmen. You will meet Xuan Ao Zixuan at the door, then you must not mention me in front of her, don't mention a single word, remember what I said?"

Lin Qingbing wondered, "Why?"

Xiao Yu's face darkened: "I'll tell you about this in the future, I just hope you can promise me."

Lin Qingbing looked serious and nodded.

"Okay, without further ado, you leave immediately, as long as you reach the territory of Lansimogao Empire, you will be safe!"

Lin Qingbing really wanted to stay by Xiao Yu's side, but she knew that Xiao Yu had her own things to do, and with her current strength, she couldn't help her at all.In the end, she gave up on this year and left with Lin Ruoxian, Ao Wuji and others.

(End of this chapter)

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