Chapter 272
In the Duanyun Sect headquarters, all the disciples looked terrified.Although the war that broke out earlier did not affect them, the terrifying coercion from the sky made everyone feel lingering.

Song Yulong also had a dignified expression on his face. He could feel that there were two extremely terrifying masters fighting before, and the huge palm after that was even more terrifying. If the attacking deity came here, I'm afraid he would Destroying the entire imperial city is also an instant thing.

In the quiet courtyard, two beautiful girls are sitting side by side. Both of them have quite strong auras, and they have reached the peak of Yuan Shattering Realm.

One of them is Yang Xiruo and the other is Liu Piaoxu.

"I don't know who actually possesses such terrifying strength!"

Yang Xiruo stared at the dissipating shock wave in the distance, and said solemnly.

"That's right, our Huoyun Empire doesn't seem to have such a master. The battle just now was more exaggerated than when Xiao Yu faced the four masters of Concentration Realm alone. I really don't know where these two masters with all-powerful strength come from." Come on, there is also the giant palm that suddenly tore through the space and fell, I don't know who did it."

Liu Piaoxu nodded, then shook her head again.

"I always feel that something big is about to happen in the Fire Cloud Empire!"

Yang Xiruo frowned slightly.

"I feel the same way, but don't know what's going on!"

Liu Piaoxu is also restless recently.

"I don't know what happened to Xiao Yu, where he went, and what he was doing."

When Liu Piaoxu mentioned Xiao Yu suddenly, Yang Xiruo was taken aback, and both of them fell silent immediately.In fact, the two of them have always had a hurdle in their hearts.

There are not many women around Xiao Yu, but there are definitely many. Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan are the best among them. There was some self-mockery in people's hearts, so much so that when Xiao Yu was mentioned, they would be silent.

"How have you been lately?"

Suddenly an abrupt voice came to their ears, and the two froze, thinking they had heard it wrong.

When Xiao Yu's unparalleled handsome face appeared in front of their eyes, they believed that all this was true.

"Xiao Yu?"

The two exclaimed in surprise.

"it's me!"

Xiao Yu sat on a stool casually, as if this was his own home.


Liu Piaoxu didn't speak, but Yang Xiruo twisted her face and snorted coldly.

Xiao Yu was stunned, he didn't know where he had offended Yang Xiruo again.

"Xiao Yu, you promised my father to take good care of me at the beginning, but you have been away for half a month, and there is no news. What kind of care is this?"

Yang Xiruo had a panoramic view of Xiao Yu's expression, she pouted to vent her resentment.In fact, she didn't blame Xiao Yu for not taking good care of her, but she blamed Xiao Yu for not taking her seriously.


Xiao Yu looked a little embarrassed. He really didn't do well enough in this matter. After coming out of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, although Yang Xiruo would show up if he was in danger, he really didn't care about Yang Xiruo. For example, he didn't know what Yang Xiruo liked. What he doesn't like, Ye doesn't know what Yang Xiruo usually does. ,

Only now did he realize that what he did was wrong.Taking care of a person does not mean showing up when she is in trouble, but giving her real care.

But now, Xiao Yu really can't do this. The burden on him is heavy, and the mysterious force is like an invisible giant beast pressing on his head, making him feel huge pressure all the time.The life and death of his parents is unknown, and the purpose of the mysterious force has not been clarified, and he is not even fully sure how powerful this mysterious force is.

Although he fought against a peak of Concentration Realm before, and fought a few moves with a master of Yuan Shattering Realm, these are probably just the tip of the iceberg of that power.

He vaguely felt that that mysterious force might be stronger than those first-class sects on the mainland.

"Xiruo, I'm sorry!"

Xiao Yu sighed, he could only comfort Yang Xiruo with the word "sorry".

"Okay, okay!" Yang Xiruo shook her head, she couldn't bear to see Xiao Yu's expression, "I don't blame you, I just want you to think about me more, that's enough."

Xiao Yu nodded his head as a promise, but he obviously didn't pay attention to the real meaning of "thinking" Yang Xiruo said, he thought it was just the kind of yearning for his relatives.

Liu Piaoxu kept looking at the two with a smile, but didn't speak. Xiao Yu looked at her. From the beginning, this woman disgusted him, but later he couldn't explain it clearly.I don't know when Liu Piaoxu has been so quiet beside him, but he can feel Liu Piaoxu's deep feelings for him.

Liu Piaoxu never said anything too explicit to Xiao Yu, but silently accompanying her was also a manifestation of love.

"Your strength has improved very quickly!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the two of them and smiled.

"How can I compare with you!"

Yang Xiruo smiled coquettishly, in fact, from the moment Xiao Yu appeared, she had already guessed that one of the protagonists in the terrifying battle just now was Xiao Yu.Liu Piaoxu also gave Xiao Yu a blank look. Although she didn't speak, the meaning was self-evident.

Xiao Yu could only shake his head and smile wryly, he didn't expect that his casual compliment would attract the eyes of both women.

"Let's talk about business with you guys!" Xiao Yu's face suddenly became serious, and Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruoye's bodies tensed up instantly.

"The Imperial City is not very safe anymore. There is a mysterious force targeting the Xiao family and me. If they find out about your relationship with me, they will definitely not let you go. I want to find a place of refuge for you."

"Mysterious forces? Is it related to the departure of your Xiao family?"

Liu Piaoxu is always so sharp and to the point on key issues.

"That's right, because the Xiao family is not yet capable of fighting against such an opponent, so they can only transfer."

Xiao Yu replied.

"An opponent that even you find difficult must be very difficult!"

Yang Xiruo's face was solemn. Since when Xiao Yu was an almost invincible existence in her heart, she felt that there was nothing in this world that Xiao Yu could not do, but reason told her that this world is very big. There are people outside.

"Indeed, the power possessed by this force even makes me feel palpitations. Not to mention anything else, just talking about the masters of the God-breaking realm, I am afraid that there will be no next one."

"Broken God Realm?"

Both women exclaimed in surprise. In their eyes, the state of Concentration is already superior, and that mysterious force actually has a legendary strong man in the state of broken gods, and there is not only one person?
"Yes, because of these concerns, I want you to leave Huoyun Empire!"

"Leave the Fire Cloud Empire?"

The two women froze for a moment, this incident seemed very new to them.

(End of this chapter)

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