Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 274 The Two Women Leave

Chapter 274
"You guys haven't heard of the Orchid Gate?"

The old woman was very surprised. She had just fought with Xiao Yu briefly, and she could feel the terrifying power contained in Xiao Yu's body. Even the top geniuses in their sect could not match it. She thought Xiao Yu was a peerless genius from which sect. , now it seems that she was wrong.If Xiao Yu really came from those sects, how could he not know about the Lanhua Sect?

Seeing the expressions of the three of them, she had no choice but to explain: "The Orchid Sect is one of the first-class sects on the mainland. Our sect has only female disciples, and only female disciples are recruited. I passed by here and met you two little girls like you. Good seedlings, I want to accept you as disciples, but I wonder if you are willing?"

Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu looked at each other and shook their heads: "Senior, we appreciate your kindness, but we don't want to go to the Orchid Gate."


The old woman thought that if she told the origin of the Orchid Gate, they would readily agree, but she didn't expect the two of them to refuse so simply.Her eyes swept over Xiao Yu, and caught the trace of passion in the eyes of the two women, and instantly figured out the key to the problem.

She grinned and said: "You two little girls, it is good to chase after your lover, but considering your current strength, you are only at the peak of the broken yuan realm, I can see that your little lover is a big deal People, with a strong killing spirit, must have many powerful enemies, with your current strength, let alone helping him, it is a blessing not to drag him down, do you want to continue like this forever?"


What the old woman said touched the hearts of the two of them. From the bottom of their hearts, they didn't want to be Xiao Yu's burden, and they also wanted to help Xiao Yu, but God failed. Although they were very talented, they didn't get good opportunities.

It seemed that the old woman in front of them was an opportunity for them.

The two looked at Xiao Yu at the same time, as if they were seeking his opinion. Xiao Yu rubbed his chin, and suddenly felt that it would be a good choice for the two women to enter the Orchid Gate.

Judging by the expression of this old woman, she really cherishes the talent of the two girls, and she is approachable and easy to get along with, and she doesn't have the domineering look of a big master. The two girls should not be offended if they follow her, and the Orchid Sect is full of girls. He can rest easy there too.

But he will not interfere with the two women's decisions. In the end, he must completely obey the two women's own will. If they want to go, he will let them go. If they don't want to go, he must protect them even if they die. , take them to Fort Rising Sun.

"You don't have to look at me, everything is up to you, and it depends on what you think."

Xiao Yu's tone was flat, and he couldn't understand what he meant.

The two women were entangled in their hearts. If they joined the Orchid Sect and left with the old woman, they would not know when they would see Xiao Yu again, but if they did not leave with the old woman, they might never have such a chance, and could only be reduced to vases for the rest of their lives. , became Xiao Yu's burden.

"If you are worried that you won't see me in the future, then there is no need. If I have time, I will go to the Orchid Gate to see you!"

Xiao Yu seemed to see what the two women were thinking, and smiled.

The two girls couldn't understand what Xiao Yu meant at this moment, Xiao Yu obviously supported their going to the Orchid Gate.

"Okay! Senior, we are willing to go with you!"

The two women seemed to have made a big decision, and nodded at the same time.

"Hey, if that's the case, then you can't call me senior!"

The old woman was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She never thought that she would find two such satisfied apprentices during a trip.

"Yes, Master!"

The two women bowed to the old woman, and the old woman pulled them up with a smile. The more she looked at them, the more she liked them. She vowed to pass on all her abilities to them.

"Senior, they will trouble you more!"

Xiao Yu would never be so polite even if he was a strong man in the God Broken Realm, but the old woman is now the teacher of the two girls, and the two girls will be with her for a long time in the future, so he should be more polite at this time, yes The old woman clasped her fists and said.

"They are my apprentices, so my old man will take good care of them!" The old woman nodded and said, "Little baby, it's really eye-opening for me to have such strength at such a young age. If I fight with you, At least I can't defeat you within a hundred moves."

Xiao Yu shook his head, noncommittal, if he fought with the old woman, he would use all his trump cards, not to mention killing the old woman, but he would definitely injure her severely.

Several people chatted happily by the stream, mostly the old woman and two girls were talking, while Xiao Yu sat quietly at the side.

After about half an hour, the old woman got up and said: "It's been long enough to stay here, we should go."

Both Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu very reluctantly, with some tears in their eyes.

"Xiao Yu! Next time we meet, I will become very strong."

Yang Xiruo fixed her eyes on Xiao Yu and said firmly.Although Liu Piaoxu didn't speak, her eyes revealed extremely strong confidence.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it!"

Xiao Yu nodded calmly.

"Okay, don't be so sour, my old man can't take it anymore, as long as you learn your skills, you can come to him at any time, let's go!"

The old woman couldn't stand the atmosphere, so with a wave of her hand, Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu were brought into the space crack by her, and they disappeared in an instant.


Xiao Yu let out a breath and sat down. He never expected to meet a peerless master of the God Breaking Realm in this kind of place.But sometimes things are so mysterious, if you search deliberately, you may not be able to find them, but you can get unexpected gains unintentionally.

Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu went to the Orchid Gate with the old woman, and there was no problem in terms of safety, so he put down a big stone.

For him, there are almost no worries now, and the people around him have great protection, and the mysterious force can hardly threaten him anymore.

He is alone, comes and goes without a trace, advances and retreats freely, and he can wholeheartedly fight wits and courage with this mysterious force.

"Since they fought in the Huoyun Empire, there should be some clues!"

Xiao Yu thought of this, and headed towards the Fire Cloud Empire.

When he came, he had to be at the same speed as the two women, but I don't know how many times slower. Now he only took half an hour to return to the Huoyun Empire.

He returned to the imperial city of the imperial capital, the house where the Xiao family lived, it was indeed as he explained before, without any changes, it was still in ruins, but surrounded by walls, it should be what Ao Wuji did to the Xiao family mansion protective measures.

"Soon, the Xiao family will definitely come back here!"

Xiao Yu's face was stern, and there was boundless madness in his heart.

No matter how strong the mysterious force is, so what?One day he will figure out everything, and then completely destroy that mysterious force that dared to attack his Xiao family.

(End of this chapter)

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