Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 275 Xiao Haoyun Leaves a Letter

Chapter 275 Xiao Haoyun Leaves a Letter

Xiao Yu wandered around the Imperial City for half a day, but found nothing.Apart from the destruction caused by the mysterious man who fought with him before, there is no trace worth looking for at all.

"They do things really neatly!"

Xiao Yu is now sure that only the mysterious man is the one who is going out to solve the big families this time, and the other masters of that faction have not been dispatched. Indeed, if he wants to pose a threat to a second-rate empire like the Huoyun Empire, a state of concentration is more than enough. What's more, he is still a top master at the peak of Concentration Realm.

"It's also time to go back to Fanyun Town to have a look. Since the last time the Heavenly Demon Blood Formation was broken, I don't know how Fanyun Town is doing now."

With a step on his feet, his figure was illusory, and he rushed towards the direction of Fanyun Town.

The Heavenly Demon Blood Formation that originally covered Fanyun Town has already dissipated due to the exhaustion of blood power, leaving only a few traces.Fanyun Town was originally a small town that no one would come to patronize. The corpses in the town have not been taken away, and many of them have rotted away.There is still a lot of dirty blood that has dried up for a long time on the ground, which was transformed by the people who were killed by the devouring power of the demonic blood array.

Xiao Yu's face was calm, these life and death were no longer important to him, in this world, if there is no strength, one can only be slaughtered by others, the law of the jungle preys on the strong.Back then, he was still a small third-rate disciple here. Although Yang Shu was his support, most of the disciples in the sect hall looked down on him, thinking that he was a waste with only background and no strength.But time has passed, and now he is already the number one master of the illustrious Fire Cloud Empire, and he has even had many contests with the top masters on the mainland.

"Uncle Yang!"

Xiao Yu thought of this person who turned him from hatred to respect later, this person who would give his life for him.

Yang Shucheng's tomb has indeed been carefully cared for. It seems that Liu Xing did not forget the agreement with him.

But because there was no one there in January, a few green grasses grew on the grave, Xiao Yu tore it away, and knelt down in front of the grave.

"Uncle Yang, I brought you some wine!"

Xiao Yu knelt down on one knee, took a wine gourd from his waist, and sprinkled the wine in front of Yang Shucheng's grave.

"Xiruo is very good. I will spend my life taking care of her comprehensively. Now she is studying with a first-class elder of the sect. I believe you will agree if you are here. I hope you don't blame me."

Xiao Yu drank some and drank some himself, as if he was having a drink with Yang Shucheng.

With the breeze blowing, Xiao Yu felt a little drunk, not because of the wine, but because he remembered many past events.

His dark eyes suddenly shot a little cold light, and he thought of that mysterious force again.

"Uncle Yang, I have encountered a lot of things recently. I thought that killing Sima Yu would end everything, but the complexity of the matter is far beyond my imagination. If you have a spirit in heaven, please bless my parents. Exist in this world!"

Xiao Yu stood up and sprinkled all the remaining wine in the gourd in front of Yang Shucheng's grave.

"Come to see you next time, Uncle Yang, maybe I won't be alone next time."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left casually.

This time, he returned to the mansion that Xiao Haoyun left for him in Fanyun Town.

Many places in the house were already covered with cobwebs, and the tables and chairs were covered with dust. It was obvious that no one had been here for a long time.When he came back from the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, he was busy taking revenge, but he never came back. Now that he came back, he was already a different person.

"Father, this is the only thing you left for the child. I didn't take care of it. It's really unfilial!"

Xiao Yu murmured, and with a wave of his palm, a gust of wind blew up all those spider webs and dust.He poked his palm again, sucked and pushed, and he threw the lump of dirt out of the mansion, along with fallen leaves and garbage in the yard.

The mansion immediately returned to its clean and refreshing appearance.

Xiao Yu looked at the house, and only then did he feel a little familiar.

Sitting in the hall, Xiao Yu stroked every piece of furniture, and every bit of what happened in Fanyun Town came to mind again.

He scanned the hall, and suddenly found a strange place.

On the table at the head of the hall, there was an extremely strange vase. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, but now he realized that the place where this vase was placed was very strange, but he couldn't say why it was so strange.

He walked to the table and reached for it. He was careful not to use any force for fear of breaking it.


Xiao Yu was startled, the vase couldn't be lifted, it seemed to be connected to the table.

With a little force, he found that the vase and the table were not moving at all.

This surprised him very much, even if the vase was connected to the table, his slight strength was enough to lift the entire table, but in fact he couldn't do it.

"The vase is attached to the table, and the table is attached to the floor?"

Xiao Yu thought about the specific situation in an instant. He squatted on the ground and found that the four legs of the table were closely connected with the ground without the slightest gap.

He is sure that no one has been here since he left here, and the furnishings in the house have not changed in any way, that is to say, this place has always been like this, but he didn't notice it.

"Is it dad?"

Xiao Yu thought carefully, the only one who can make special decorations to this house is its original owner.But what is the purpose of Xiao Haoyun's modification?
"It's weird!"

Xiao Yu focused his gaze on the vase carefully.


He suddenly thought of something.He reached out and took hold of the vase, trying to see if he could twist it.


He was right, the vase moved and could be twisted to the right.


He heard a soft sound, which was the sound of the mechanism, and the sound came from the painting hanging in the middle of the hall, to be precise, it came from the back of the painting.On the painting is Xiao Yu's mother, Han Bicui.


Xiao Yu uncovered the portrait, and found a square concave hole in the back, in which was placed a delicate small box.

Xiao Yu took out the box, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully, he had never seen this box before.


Xiao Yu opened the box and found an unopened envelope inside. He touched it with his hand, and there seemed to be paper inside.

He hastily opened the envelope and took out the letter paper inside. Xiao Yu's eyes widened when he saw a few lines of big characters.

"Xiao Haoyun's book!"

Xiao Yu looked up and down the handwriting, and it was indeed Xiao Haoyun's handwriting.He suppressed the shock in his heart, and his intuition told him that the above should let him know something that he had never known before.

He began to read the contents of the letter, and the first few sentences shocked him dumbfounded.

What exactly did the letter say?
(End of this chapter)

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