Chapter 277 Iron Sword Gate

Xiao Jinxiu, who had just entered the hall, ran to Xiao Maifei's side, and said sweetly, "Grandpa, why do all the people in the castle look dignified? Is there something wrong?"

Xiao Maifei smiled wryly. He didn't inform Xiao's family about this matter. He didn't want them to be frightened and convenient when they just got Ansheng's place.But how could the keen Xiao Jinxiu not know?
"Jinxiu, maybe one day later, this Fortress of the Rising Sun will not be safe!"

Xiao Maifei sighed, but decided to tell the truth.

"It's not safe?" Xiao Jinxiu's pretty face froze, "Why?"

"Have you heard of Iron Sword Gate?"

Xiao Maifei said in a deep voice.

Xiao Jinxiu nodded, she had never heard of this name in the Fire Cloud Empire before, but she was familiar with it here.

Tiejianmen, a sect between first-rate and second-rate in the west of Shenwu Continent, he is located in the north of the west, while Sunrise Fort is in the south of the west. The two are one south and one north. They are considered to be double dragons, but it has left countless people stunned. The strange thing is that not long ago, Tiejianmen actually announced that they would go to war against Fort Rising Sun to determine the overlord of the western part of the mainland.

This made many people very puzzled. The two were originally in a state of cooperation in the west, jointly resisting foreign invaders and expelling non-western forces. No one thought that the two tigers would actually fight on their own now.

Iron Sword Sect, you can tell from the name that this is a sect that focuses on swords, everyone in the sect knows how to use swords, and the martial arts in the sect are mainly sword skills.The disciples in the sect are all carrying iron swords on their backs, hence the name Iron Sword Sect.

The disciples of this Iron Sword Sect are all hard-working, and the exercises they practice are mainly domineering and fierce. Their vitality or divine power contain incomparable power, and they have the effect of increasing sword skills. Rumor has it that Iron Sword The head of the sect, Tie Chunqiu, slashed out with a sword, but the water and the mountain were broken, and it was difficult for a master of the same level to catch his sword.

Its strength is unknown, but it is rumored that it will never be lower than the seventh level of Concentration Realm.

Tie Jianmen's large-scale attack this time made everyone in Sunrise Castle feel uneasy. Although they are all masters, they also know that there is still some gap between Sunrise Fort and Tiejianmen. If they really fight, they will definitely not be able to get it good.However, this time the Iron Sword Sect was ready to go, and the people and horses were about to reach Sunrise Fort. This was no longer something that could be resolved in a few words, otherwise, Sunrise Fort would be destroyed.

"What does this matter have to do with Iron Sword Sect?"

Xiao Jinxiu frowned, she had already thought of something bad.

"Iron Sword Gate will attack Sunrise Fort!"

Xiao Xuri's tone was low, revealing the uneasiness in his heart.


Xiao Jinxiu was startled, and she immediately thought of someone.

"Does Brother Xiao Yu know about this?"

Now the young children of the Xiao family have formed a habit, whenever they encounter a big crisis, they will first think of the pillar of their Xiao family, Xiao Yu.

"He should have already received the induction, but I don't know when he will arrive!"

Xiao Maifei replied.

"How strong is the Iron Sword Gate?"

Xiao Jinxiu asked, although she had heard about Tie Jianmen for a long time, she didn't know the strength of Tie Jianmen.

"The strongest person in the Iron Sword Sect should be their sect master Tie Chunqiu. It is rumored that he has reached the eighth or even ninth level of the Concentration Realm!" Xiao Xuri replied, "The next is the four generals in his sect. They are named Feng, Lin, Huo, and Mountain respectively. Because they all use swords, they are collectively called the Four Swords of Fenglin and Huoshan. , there are some Ke Qing elders in their sect, they should be above the Concentration state, and the number is about six."

Xiao Jinxiu frowned when he heard that, just in the state of Concentration, Iron Sword Sect already has 11 people, a power of this level can completely wipe out a second-rate empire.

"What about the strength in our castle?"

Xiao Maifei also looked at Xiao Xuri, this was what he cared about most.

Xiao Xuri sighed: "I should be the strongest in Rising Sun Castle, the ninth level of the Concentration Realm, besides me, there are five generals, only one of them is the fifth level of the Concentration Realm, and the other four are the fourth level of the Concentration Realm Heavy, there are five other people in the Concentration Realm, including you, that's six people, a total of 12 people."

When Xiao Jinxiu heard this, his brows frowned even deeper. Most of the battles between these forces are based on the level of the top combat power as the final result of the battle. Then this side will definitely lose.

Although there is one more person in the Concentration Realm in Rising Sun Castle, the overall strength is not as strong as that of Iron Sword Sect. The Iron Sword Sect Master alone may be able to defeat Xiao Xuri in an instant. lamb.

"Now I am not only worried about the comfort of Fort Rising Sun, I am even more worried about whether Xiao Yu will be able to play a role. Although he defeated me at the beginning, it doesn't mean that he can match with Tie Chunqiu, the master of Iron Sword Sect. "

Xiao Xuri expressed his worries.

"No, he must be able to!"

Both Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri were taken aback, looking at Xiao Jinxiu who was speaking.Xiao Jinxiu's words showed her absolute trust in Xiao Yu and her absolute affirmation of his strength.

"Jinxiu, you have so much confidence in Yu'er?"

Xiao Maifei secretly smiled in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

"It's not just me!" Xiao Jinxiu pointed to the direction where everyone in the Xiao family rested, "We all in the Xiao family believe in Big Brother Xiao Yu, no matter what the situation is, as long as he appears, he can turn the tide."

Xiao Xuri could only smile wryly. He underestimated Xiao Yu's status in the hearts of the Xiao family members. He made up his mind that if Xiao Yu could not match Tie Chunqiu by then, he would let Xiao Yu leave safely even if he risked his life. Because Xiao Yu is the greatest hope of the Xiao family, with him, the Xiao family will never fall.

"That's right, this kid has never let me down!"

Xiao Maifei stroked his beard lightly and smiled.He had lived long enough to die at worst.

That night, Xiao Maifei informed everyone in the Xiao family about this, so that they would be psychologically prepared, and also arranged the way out. If they were lost, they would sound the horn at that time, and they could start from the secret road of Fort Rising Sun. to leave.

For any power or living family, fresh blood is their foundation. As long as they are still there, they have a chance to stand up.

On the second day, both Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri got up very early, and they didn't have the mood to sleep at all. According to the time calculation, this afternoon is the day when Tiejianmen will arrive.

All the top and bottom of Fort Rising Sun have entered the highest alert state, and the five generals under Xiao Xuri have all put on their respective battle armors, majestic and majestic.There was no trace of fear in their eyes, and Xiao Xuri's vision for finding people was indeed quite good.

It was only noon, and everyone in Fort Rising Sun heard a few loud animal roars, and the ground began to tremble.

"It came so quickly!"

Standing outside the fort, Xiao Xuri and Xiao Maifei's expressions changed. The Iron Sword Gate had arrived at least two hours earlier.

"Iron Sword Sect is here, Sunrise Fort quickly surrender!"

The resounding slogans from afar made everyone in Fort Rising Sun darken.

(End of this chapter)

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