Chapter 278
Before everyone in Rising Sun Fort could reply, a large group of people, numbering no less than ten thousand, had already appeared thousands of feet away.

All of these people carried long swords on their backs, had resolute faces, and strong bodies. The horses under their seats neighed loudly, obviously they were all good horses.

There are four very different people at the front of the line.Their seats are not horses, but a ferocious spirit beast, the fire lizard.

The fire lizard is a fourth-order high-level spirit beast. To be able to treat such a spirit beast as a slave, the strength of these four people is absolutely terrifying.

The four of them also carried iron swords on their backs, and each of them was dressed in silver battle armor. They were majestic, and Xiao Xuri's expression froze. Needless to say, these four must be the four generals of Fenglinhuo from the Iron Sword Sect.

The five generals in front of Xiao Xuri were not to be outdone, and stood at the front, but they didn't have spirit beasts, so their aura was naturally weaker by more than a notch.

"Haha, I have heard for a long time that Fort Rising Sun is powerful and has many masters. Seeing him today, I really have some capital!"

A loud laugh resounded across the sky, and a black shadow in the sky went from far to near, directly across the space, and appeared above the four great generals.

The person who came was dressed in black, and behind him was an iron sword that reached directly to the soles of his feet, which was three points longer than the swords of the others.His face is still handsome, with a smile on his face, but there is seventy to eighty percent coldness in that smile, and the wrinkles on his forehead show that he is not young anymore.

"Master of Iron Sword Sect, Tie Chunqiu?"

Feeling the sense of oppression from the visitor, Xiao Xuri said in a deep voice.

Tie Chunqiu was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "You are Cao Su Xuri, the owner of Rising Sun Castle, right?"

Xiao Xuri nodded and said: "That's right, I am Cao Su Xuri, what is the intention of the iron gate master to make such a big move this time?"

The smile on Tie Chunqiu's face became thicker, and he replied: "No way? I just want Sunrise Fort to be included in Iron Sword Gate. I don't know what the Fort's idea is?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Fort of the Rising Sun glared at them, shouting and cursing one after another, Tie Chunqiu's words did not put their Fort of the Rising Sun in their eyes at all, and even tried to take them back in vain.

"Hmph, what a shameless boast!"

Chang Chi, one of the five generals beside Xiao Xuri, couldn't help but sneer.

"Hmph, I'm talking to your Castle Master, when is it your turn to interrupt?"

Tie Chunqiu in the sky suddenly snorted coldly and raised his hand. Chang Chi felt a strong wind hit his chest, and his breathing was almost stagnant.


Xiao Xuri also turned cold, and turned his palm to block Chang Chi's body.


Xiao Xuri blocked Tie Chunqiu's random blow, frowned and said: "Master Tiemen, it's a little unreasonable for you to attack my subordinates suddenly?"

Tie Chunqiu regained a smile on his face: "I'm just helping the castle master teach his subordinates a lesson."

His eyes swept over Xiao Xuri's arm, the hand that caught his attack just now was trembling, a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth, he had roughly figured out Xiao Xuri's strength.

Xiao Xuri's complexion changed, his arm was numb from Tie Chunqiu's blow just now, he just endured it and could not show weakness, unexpectedly Tie Chunqiu's sharp eyesight could still see it.

"A random blow can have this kind of power. I'm afraid his own cultivation has reached the ninth level of Concentration Realm. This is because he didn't make a move with the iron sword. If the iron sword makes a move, who can stop him?"

Xiao Xuri panicked in his heart. He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that Fort Rising Sun would be destroyed, and he was even more afraid that the Xiao family would be displaced again.

Sunrise Fort was built by him alone, so it goes without saying that the Xiao family is his own clan, and everything he does is for the prosperity of the Xiao family, and the importance of the Xiao family is naturally even more irreplaceable.

If Tie Chunqiu and others started killing today, he is not sure whether that secret path can help the Xiao family leave.

Xiao Maifei noticed Xiao Xuri's strangeness, and he cast a questioning look at Xiao Xuri, Xiao Xuri smiled wryly and shook his head, indicating that he was not an opponent at all.

"How is it? How does the castle owner think?"

Tie Chunqiu didn't seem eager at all, he was waiting for Xiao Xuri's answer.Although he is sure to win Fort Rising Sun, they will also pay a price for Iron Sword Sect. He wants to omit this price and win without a fight. That is the best effect.

"Master of the Iron Gate!" Xiao Xuri's expression was very ugly, "Your Tiejian Gate and my Sun Fort have always been in harmony with each other, why did you suddenly want to attack my Sun Fort?"

Tie Chunqiu's complexion changed slightly, but he recovered quickly. He said calmly: "There can only be one ruler in the extreme west of the Shenwu Continent. I believe the Castle Master understands the words that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. I, Tie Jianmen, also It is not domineering, as long as your Sun Fort agrees to merge into our Iron Sword Sect, we will never act recklessly."

"Merge into Iron Sword Gate?"

How could Xiao Xuri accept such unreasonable conditions? Fort Rising Sun was founded by him alone, and it has only reached its current scale after decades of development. How is it possible for him to hand it over to others?

"My Rising Sun Castle has absolutely no intention of competing with the Iron Sword Gate. I hope that the Iron Gate Master can retreat. I can guarantee that our Rising Sun Fort will never invade the Iron Sword Gate."

What Xiao Xuri said was tactfully rejecting Tie Chunqiu's proposal. He said it very sincerely, and it is always right to lower his posture at this time.

"Oh?" Tie Chunqiu raised his brows, "So the Castle Master refused?"

Xiao Xuri's heart tightened, but he still bit the bullet and said, "Not bad!"

"Ha ha!"

Tie Chunqiu laughed terribly, all the troops below him showed ferocious smiles on their faces, and the four generals in front even released their aura directly, forming an invisible oppression.

Everyone in Fort Rising Sun immediately put their full attention on alert. They all knew that there was no chance of a close talk now. In fact, they never thought that there would be a chance for a close talk from the very beginning.Tie Jianmen came so aggressively, and if they didn't get the result they wanted, how could they retreat so easily?
Tie Chunqiu smiled for a moment, then lowered his head, the smile on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by a kind of extreme coldness.

He sneered and said: "Cao Su Xuri, don't say that I won't give you a chance. Today's battle between our two sides is not suitable for blood to flow into rivers. Then we will send the highest combat power to play. How about a fight between you and me?" 0
These words hit Xiao Xuri's weakness, he is not Tie Chunqiu's opponent, he is very clear about this, Tie Chunqiu said this, purely to trample him under his feet, and let the morale of Fort Rising Sun plummet.

But in order not to increase too many casualties, he really had to take this battle.

"Since you want to play, how about I play with you?"

Just as Xiao Xuri was about to stand in front, a cold voice came from above their heads, Tie Chunqiu's face changed, and he saw a distorted space a hundred feet away in front of him, and a figure walked out of it.

This is a young man, a young man he has never seen before, and the words just now came out of this mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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