Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 28 Joining the branch sect

Chapter 28 Joining the branch sect

"Uncle Li, what's the problem?"

Li Guoxiong nodded, and said in a deep voice: "If it is normal, it is easy for me to take care of her, but now is an extraordinary period. In two days, she will leave the area under my jurisdiction. There was nothing I could do at the time.”

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yu asked, he felt that what Li Guoxiong said must not be simple.

Li Guoxiong took a sip of tea and first asked, "Do you know Death Canyon?"

"Death Canyon?"

Xiao Yu frowned, he really didn't know much about the affairs on the mainland, he had never heard of this death canyon.

Li Guoxiong saw Xiao Yu's doubts, and continued: "Death Canyon is one of the four fierce places of our Huoyun Empire, and its degree of danger can be said to be the greatest among the four fierce places. The master passed by the outskirts of the Death Canyon, and found that the golden light was soaring into the sky, and the aura was overflowing, which was a sign of foreign objects unearthed. He originally wanted to go in and investigate, but found that he could not set foot in the place affected by the golden light, which contained an extremely terrifying law of time. , he would age rapidly when he was in it, so he withdrew out in a hurry, and after a joint investigation by several top experts in the sect, he finally came to the final conclusion that people under the age of 25 can enter it. Will be affected by the law of time."

"The law of time?"

Xiao Yu heard this word for the first time.

"The law is too far away for us, it's useless for you to understand now!"

Li Guoxiong smiled and did not explain too much to Xiao Yu.

"Then Uncle Li, does this matter have anything to do with Yang Xiruo?"

Li Guoxiong nodded and said: "As I said just now, the foreign body was unearthed, and only people under the age of 25 can enter it, so the sect headquarters decided to give way to the sect, and all the top young masters in the main sect were dispatched. Let's go into the Death Canyon to hunt for treasures. There are 30 people in the team, including the top ten disciples of the two branches and the top ten disciples of the main sect, all of whom are top masters of the younger generation in the sect , and among these people, Yang Xiruo is among them."

"I do know that she is one of the top ten fighters in the branch sect of Tianwu City, but my biggest question is, will she be in danger during this trip?"

Xiao Yu was very puzzled about this. Although Li Guoxiong said that the Death Canyon is the most terrifying of the four fierce places in the Fire Cloud Empire, but the 30 people in this group are all top experts among the younger generation, so what's wrong with traveling together? ?

"If you ask others this question, they will definitely say that there is not much danger, but let me tell you, their trip is absolutely dangerous."

When Li Guoxiong said this, his expression suddenly became a little painful, as if he was recalling something bad.


Xiao Yu felt that the information contained in this sentence was not that simple.

"Why?" Li Guoxiong chuckled, mocking himself, "Because no one knows Death Canyon better than me!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, he looked at Li Guoxiong carefully, and suddenly felt that Li Guoxiong was much more mysterious than he imagined.

"In that case, can she be removed from these lists?"

Li Guoxiong waved his hand: "It's impossible, the decision this time was unanimously decided by the sect headquarters, and these newborn calves are all eager to try, wanting to go to Death Canyon to find out, this matter has not been turned back possible."


Xiao Yu lowered his head and pondered. It seems that it is indeed difficult to handle it. Li Guoxiong obviously has a deep understanding of the Death Canyon. It is very likely that he has experienced something in the Death Canyon. He said that the Death Canyon is extremely dangerous. Fake.That is to say, Yang Xiruo will definitely be in danger if he enters the Death Canyon, and he must not let Yang Xiruo put himself in danger.

"Uncle Li, can I enter Death Valley instead of Yang Xiruo?"

Xiao Yu pondered for a while, then asked suddenly.

"Replace her?" Li Guoxiong was taken aback for a moment, but shook his head, "This matter is also unlikely. The internal decision of the sect will not change. Everyone of the 30 people must be present."

"Then can I enter Death Canyon with them?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"Enter together?" Li Guoxiong showed an inexplicable smile on his face, which seemed to be a conspiracy, "I can't reduce the number of people, but I can still add people to the team."

Looking at the smile on Li Guoxiong's face, Xiao Yu felt as if he had fallen into a trap set by him, and immediately said a little angrily, "Uncle Li, are you plotting against me?"

Li Guoxiong had a calm expression on his face, and said with a light smile: "It's out of the question to plot against you, but why would I not be willing to add a top-level fighter in the Yuan Yuan Realm to the team?"

After Li Guoxiong finished speaking, the expression on Xiao Yu's face changed slightly, but his heart was extremely horrified. Xiao Yu had seen Li Guoxiong make a move in the branch hall of the Duanyun faction in Fanyun Town. With the strength of heavy or seventh level, even if Li Guoxiong has improved after three years, he will never be as fast as him, and at most he will be around the peak of the broken yuan state. This kind of strength is absolutely impossible to detect his own strength, but However, Li Guoxiong easily revealed his true strength. It can be seen that Li Guoxiong's strength is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface. Xiao Yu's attention to Li Guoxiong has increased a lot in his heart.

"Remember that I once invited you to enter the branch sect?" Li Guoxiong smiled, "Today I can take you to the branch sect and officially become a disciple of the branch sect."

"A disciple of the branch sect?"

Xiao Yu was expressionless. He used to be full of longing for this title, but now he doesn't feel much, and even feels a little disgusted.

"For Uncle Yang, that's all I can do."

Xiao Yu sighed secretly in his heart and nodded.If Yang Xi was Uncle Yang's only daughter, even if he risked his life, he would still have to protect her.

Li Guoxiong saw that Xiao Yu was still a little unhappy, so he patted him on the shoulder and said: "I didn't plot against you, but this time the situation is very different. As a cadre in the sect, I naturally have to think about the overall situation of the sect. , this time it is not only our Duanyun faction who entered the Death Canyon, but also the top students of the Tianyun Academy and its subordinate Tianyun Academy, and they are also 30 people."


Xiao Yu was a little surprised this time. He didn't expect that there would be a young generation of top masters from the Tianyun Academy in the Death Canyon party this time. It seems that the foreign objects unearthed must be extremely difficult, otherwise it would not cause the two behemoths of the Fire Cloud Empire. Notice.

"Come on, follow me to the branch sect, you probably haven't been there before?"

Xiao Yu nodded, got up with Li Guoxiong and left the teahouse.

(End of this chapter)

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