Chapter 29 Double Beauty
The branch sect of Duanyun Sect located in Tianwu City is very large, and it is located in the center of Tianwu City. The gates are all made of gold and iron, with a majestic momentum. Standing outside the gates, people will feel that they are extraordinarily small.

"Let's go, this is the branch sect of the Duanyun Sect, you are not considered inferior if you join here, right?"

Li Guoxiong looked at the bewildered Xiao Yu, and couldn't help but tease him.

"Qu Cai?" A rare smile flashed across Xiao Yu's stern face, "If you want to say that I was asked to come to this kind of place three years ago, I really dare not accept it."

"Okay, let's go in!"

Xiao Yu nodded, followed behind Li Guoxiong, and just entered the branch sect, a youthful aura came towards him, young men and women could be seen everywhere in groups, playing, discussing, or even indiscriminate. Occasionally, we will learn from each other.Xiao Yu was more puzzled by this kind of scene. He had never seen this kind of scene when he was in the sect hall of Duanyun sect. The sect hall was full of rigorous training and practice.

"Although our Duanyun sect is a sect, the sect-style management method is limited to the lowest sub-zong hall. From the sub-zong sect to the main sect, it adopts an academic management method. From some aspects, we and Tianyun The colleges are relatively similar.”

Li Guoxiong explained with a smile.

"I see!"

Xiao Yu nodded, he didn't know how to evaluate this kind of management method, but a girl not far away saw Li Guoxiong and Xiao Yu, after sweeping over Li Guoxiong, her pair of hooks could melt most men. The man looked at Xiao Yu with his eyes slightly surprised.Xiao Yu's handsomeness is enough to arouse the curiosity of most girls, but now he has an incomparably stern expression on his face, and his charm is rising steadily.

The girl rolled her eyes and walked towards Xiao Yu.She walked to Xiao Yu's side, and did not speak to Xiao Yu first, but said to Li Guoxiong: "Uncle, you have been away for so long, and finally came back?"

"Girl Yu!" Li Guoxiong patted the girl's head, and said affectionately, "Have you made any progress recently? Can you beat that kid Liu Mubai?"

When Xiao Yu heard Liu Mubai's name, his eyes were a little strange. Not long ago, he had injured Liu Mubai in the Tianwu Restaurant, so he didn't expect to hear his name again now.

"It seems that this name is quite famous in the branch sect, what a pity!"

Xiao Yu sneered secretly in his heart, after Liu Mubai was severely injured by his blow, he had to rest for at least a few days to recover.He turned his head to look at this slightly abrupt girl again, the first thing that caught his eyes was a perfect devil figure, the wavy width of his chest was unprecedented, and a fiery red dress was enough to make a pair of The man's insane figure protrudes to the fullest, coupled with his delicate and delicate face, it is simply a stunner that charms all living beings, but it is a pity that Xiao Yu regards it as nothing.

"What!" The woman in the red skirt curled her sexy lips, "I am improving, and Liu Mubai must be improving too, how can I beat him? It seems that I can only continue to be the tail of the top ten, but Liu Mubai Mu Bai is also unlucky enough, he went to Tianwu Restaurant for dinner with the guy named Wu Jingfei who came from Tianyun Academy, but he was beaten up for some reason, I just came back and saw him like that, it was really embarrassing."

"Oh? Liu Mubai was actually injured? Is it an expert of the older generation?"

Li Guoxiong was a little surprised and asked.

"It's not a master of the older generation. Everyone who witnessed it said it was a young man in black. He taught Liu Mubai and Wu Jingfei a lesson at the same time. It was really satisfying. These two guys are not very good. Being taught a lesson now will make them less rampant in the future, giggling!"

Li Yingyu laughed as she spoke.

"Haha, you girl, you have a sharp tongue." Li Guoxiong laughed, but his eyes turned away from Xiao Yu, as if asking questions.Xiao Yu nodded slightly, he knew that Li Guoxiong must have guessed it.

With a clear expression, Li Guoxiong introduced to Xiao Yu: "This is my niece Li Yingyu, who ranks tenth in combat power among the sect's disciples."

Xiao Yu nodded to Li Yingyu. Li Yingyu was a little dissatisfied as she was greeting her. Xiao Yu's attitude was too indifferent. Most men would definitely make friends with her when they saw her, even if they didn't act like a pig. Brother, no matter how you say it, he will greet you like a gentleman, but Xiao Yu didn't do anything, just nodded.

"Yo? Uncle, where did you find this handsome guy? It looks like I haven't seen him in the sect before."

Li Yingyu was upset, but she didn't show it, she just asked Li Guoxiong.

"His name is Xiao Yu. I recruited him on purpose. He is now a new disciple!"

"New disciple?"

Li Yingyu was a little stunned. She knew Li Guoxiong very well. Li Guoxiong would never randomly find someone and accept him as a disciple in the sect. She concluded that Xiao Yu must have some skills, but she really couldn't see the cold face in front of her. What amazing skills can a guy pretending to be cool do.

"That's right, it's just right that you're here now, take him to the General Affairs Office to get a set of clothes, and I'll tell the other elders about it!"

Li Guoxiong left quickly without waiting for Li Yingyu to agree. Li Yingyu realized that Li Guoxiong had gone far.

"This guy is really disrespectful and uses me as a laborer." Li Yingyu complained, and said to Xiao Yu, "Come with me, I will take you to get the uniform of the sect."

Xiao Yu nodded, but still followed behind her without saying a word.Li Yingyu kept observing Xiao Yu along the way, and found that he was not paying attention to herself at all, but was always looking at the surrounding scenery, which made her secretly annoyed.

"Miss Ben is so bad, can't she attract your attention?"

Li Yingyu secretly scolded Xiao Yu countless times in her heart. There were people who pursued her pretending to be cold, but in the end she saw through it, but Xiao Yu was really indifferent and unmoved, completely treating her as air. There's no point in talking to her.

The two of them walked about several hundred steps, but a girl suddenly came in front of them, a beautiful girl, Li Yingyu smiled when she saw this girl coming, but Xiao Yu was slightly taken aback by the girl's appearance .The girl is none other than Yang Xiruo.

"Sister Yingyu! I met you so coincidentally, where are you going? I am also bored and want to go for a walk with you."

Yang Xiruo looked at Li Yingyu with her big watery eyes blinking, and said affectionately.In fact, she didn't want to hang out with Li Yingyu. She saw Xiao Yu beside Li Yingyu before she took the initiative to come over. Xiao Yu's performance in Tianwu Restaurant just now aroused her curiosity. She became even more curious when Xiao Yu appeared in the branch sect. She didn't know what Xiao Yu's identity was.

(End of this chapter)

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