Chapter 30 Deja Vu

Li Yingyu was also delighted to see this person coming. She and Yang Xiruo are known as Tianwu Shuangmei in the branch sect, and they are the only two women in the top ten of the disciples' combat power rankings. They are usually sisters. Since Li Yingyu I haven't seen Yang Xiruo for a long time after the recent retreat.

"You girl, long time no see, I'm going to the General Affairs Office, come with me!"

Li Yingyu said very happily.

"Okay, who is this?"

Yang Xiruo nodded in agreement, pretending to inadvertently bring the topic to Xiao Yu.

"He! He's my uncle's new recruit, and now let me take him to the General Affairs Office to pick up his clothes."

Li Yingyu was already a little dissatisfied with Xiao Yu, and now seeing Xiao Yu staring at Yang Xiruo was even more uncomfortable, and did not introduce his name at the moment, only saying that he was a new student.

"A new disciple?"

Yang Xiruo noticed that Xiao Yu was staring at her, and she blushed immediately. She was also very strange. There were many cases where she was stared at by other opposite sex. Disgusted, just shy.

Xiao Yu was also aware of her gaffe, just now she looked at Yang Xiruo and couldn't help but think of Yang Shucheng again, that's why she was fascinated, now she looked away very naturally, and the chill on her face increased a bit.

"Hi, my name is Yang Xiruo, can I meet you?"

Yang Xiruo took a step forward, stood in front of Xiao Yu, and stretched out her jade hand.This behavior surprised Li Yingyu even more, she had never seen Yang Xiruo take the initiative to befriend a man of the same age.

Xiao Yu was even cooler, he didn't reach out, but said calmly: "Xiao Yu!"

Yang Xiruo's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air awkwardly, and she was also stunned on the spot. It was the first time that she took the initiative to shake hands with a man of the same age, but was ignored by him, and her attitude was so cold that she didn't even want to say anything. This made her I didn't respond for a while.

"Hey, I said you guys are too cool!"

Li Yingyu couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately protested.Xiao Yu turned a deaf ear to it, and just looked at the surrounding scenery to himself. This action made the two first-class beauties feel angry in their hearts.

Yang Xiruo's face also became unattractive, she withdrew her hands and stood beside Li Yingyu, she swore she would never talk to this annoying guy again, she was so pissed off.Li Yingyu looked at Yang Xiruo's expression and smiled inwardly, it seemed that she was not the only one who suffered from Xiao Yu's hand.

"Go get your clothes!"

Xiao Yu finally spoke, his words were concise and to the point, and he could not say a word of superfluous words.Li Yingyu was really helpless for this handsome but cold guy, she nodded and continued to lead the way, Yang Xiruo snorted softly and walked beside her while holding Li Yingyu's arm, Xiao Yu followed behind the two, A beautiful landscape was formed in the branch sect, and many people were discussing who Xiao Yu was, who dared to follow behind Tianwu Shuangmei so boldly.

The Tianwu City branch of the Duanyun Sect is indeed very large, and the three of them walked for a long time before arriving at the General Affairs Office. Li Yingyu explained the reason to the person in charge and gave Xiao Yu a uniform uniform of the Duanyun Sect.

"Here, here are your clothes!"

Li Yingyu handed the clothes to Xiao Yu, and her tone was a bit unpleasant.

Xiao Yu took the clothes and said lightly, "Thank you!"

"Yo?" Li Yingyu couldn't help teasing at this moment, "I didn't expect you to say thank you! I'm really surprised!"

Yang Xiruo was also smiling all over her face, and Li Yingyu happened to help her out at this time.

Xiao Yu ignored the two of them, turned around and walked into the dressing room of the General Affairs Office, only to hear Suo Suo's voice, within ten breaths, Xiao Yu had already changed his clothes and came out, Li Yingyu and Yang Xiruo saw the changed clothes Xiao Yu, both of them were startled.

" handsome!"

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu exclaimed in their hearts at the same time. Although Xiao Yu wore a black dress that looked cool, it was a bit rustic. Now that he had put on the new and gorgeous clothes of Duanyun School, he seemed to be a different person. The clothes on his body look even more youthful and handsome, and the stern expression on his face has an unspeakable temperament.

"This dress has not been worn for a long time."

Xiao Yu tugged at the clothes on his body, the size was just right.He saw that the two girls in front of him were stunned, and he was a little puzzled. He would never know that the two girls were shocked by the breath from his whole body.

"Where can I find Uncle Li?"

Now that Xiao Yu had received his clothes, he naturally wanted to find Li Guoxiong and listen to his arrangements.

"Ah!" Li Yingyu came back to her senses, her pretty face blushed and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to find my uncle!"

Yang Xiruo was also very embarrassed, she kept walking beside Li Yingyu with her head down and didn't speak, it was the first time she lost her composure in front of a man of her age.

"Xiao Yu? You have really changed your appearance with a change of clothes!"

When Xiao Yu stood in front of Li Guoxiong, Li Guoxiong was stunned. Xiao Yu looked completely different after putting on the Duanyun school uniform.

"Uncle Li, what time is it?"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, Li Yingyu and Yang Xiruo were stunned again, this was the first time they saw Xiao Yu smile, even though it was just a smile, it looked really charming.

"Depart on time at noon the day after tomorrow, and then the 11 of you will go to the Great Rift Valley to meet up with the other two teams in the sect."

"What?" Li Yingyu exclaimed, pointing at Xiao Yu and said, "Uncle, you said this guy is going to Death Canyon with us?"

Li Guoxiong nodded: "That's right!"

Li Yingyu didn't speak anymore this time, she knew Li Guoxiong very well, Li Guoxiong would never do anything meaningless, since he arranged for Xiao Yu to go with him, there was naturally a reason for him.She couldn't help but look at Xiao Yu again, does this guy really have any ability to make Uncle Li admire him?Yang Xiruo understood very well in her heart, she had seen Xiao Yu's strength before, if she went with them, she would probably be the strongest person in the Duanyun sect branch sect of Tianwu City.

"Xiao Yu, this girl Yingyu is reckless, I hope you can take care of her a little during this trip."

Li Guoxiong looked at Xiao Yu and said seriously.

"I will do my best!"

Xiao Yu nodded, but Li Yingyu was very dissatisfied in her heart. She thought that even if Xiao Yu had the qualifications to walk with them, his strength was about the same as theirs. Do she still need his care?

"So his name is Xiao Yu!"

Yang Xiruo finally got Xiao Yu's name from Li Guoxiong, but she frowned slightly.

"I seem to have heard or seen this name somewhere, where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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