Chapter 31
Li Guoxiong arranged a place for Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu refused, he was not used to living with other people, so that night he found a towering ancient tree in the branch sect, and lay down on it to rest.

The night breeze was slightly cool, but it couldn't affect him in the slightest. He put his hands on his head and squinted at the stars all over the sky, and felt a sigh in his heart. Many people have already decided their own destiny from the very beginning, and he thought he could escape this. The strange circle, now it seems that this is not the case, the hatred on his body also restrains him in a certain way, but he has to do it, the blood hatred can only be washed away with blood.

Xiao Yu stared at the bright moon in the sky, the moon tonight seemed to faintly emanate some kind of strange energy, he felt a burst of heat somewhere in his chest, and it was even accompanied by bursts of burning sensation.


Xiao Yu hummed softly in gratitude for the sudden pain, and sat down cross-legged. Over the past three years, with the continuous improvement of his strength, the damaged sacred veins in his body would produce some strange reactions from time to time. He was in unbearable pain, but fortunately, he gritted his teeth and survived it for three years, and now he is used to that kind of unbearable pain for ordinary people.

The vitality in his body circulated, a faint blue light emerged from Xiao Yu's body, the air around him became much thinner, and the surrounding leaves also rustled.After entering this state for a long time, he just opened his eyes, and the pain in his body has disappeared.

"I don't know if the sacred veins of the Holy Venerable can be repaired!"

Xiao Yu stroked his chest and murmured.

In the middle of the night, the sect of Duanyun Sect seemed very quiet. Occasionally, one or two disciples who looked like lovers passed by under the tree, looking very interesting, Xiao Yu's eyes were slightly closed, and his whole heart was immersed in it.


A subtle sound of piercing the air sounded, Xiao Yu immediately opened his eyes, and punched out towards the left with a surge of energy in his hands, a black shadow just happened to land on the tree and had already met Xiao Yu's punch.


Xiao Yu's face changed slightly when he saw the person coming, and he quickly stopped his fist and gushing vitality, his fist was only half an inch away from the person coming.


The visitor exclaimed, but Xiao Yu didn't expect Xiao Yu to react so quickly, she approached him with the most agility of the sect, and was blocked by one move.

"Don't make such jokes again in the future, I can't guarantee that I can stop in time every time."

Xiao Yu withdrew his fist and sat down, his tone was a little cold.

Yang Xiruo stuck out her tongue quietly. She saw Xiao Yu sleeping on a tree just now, and she couldn't help but want to come up to chat with her, so she unconsciously used her most proud movement. Unfortunately, Xiao Yu had just landed. Yu's fist was already coming towards her, and she knew very well that if that punch hit her, she would definitely not be able to go to Death Canyon this time, thinking about it, she still has lingering fears.

"Why are you sleeping here? Didn't Elder Li arrange a place for you?"

Xiao Yu didn't even open his eyes, and said calmly, "I'm used to being alone!"

Although Xiao Yu didn't finish speaking, Yang Xiruo knew what he meant, she was used to being alone and didn't want to live with others.She was very curious about this young, handsome, strong and cold-faced young man, especially after knowing his name today and thinking about it, she was even more sure where she had heard of this name.

"That..." Yang Xiruo said shyly, "Can I talk to you?"


Xiao Yu continued to close his eyes and meditate, but the answer made Yang Xiruo overjoyed. In fact, Xiao Yu would never pay attention to other people, but Yang Xiruo was different. He was Yang Shucheng's daughter. If he wanted to take care of her in the future, at least she must not reject her. You can do it yourself, otherwise you will be sorry for Yang Shucheng's entrustment.

"Are you the one brought up by Elder Li from the sect hall?"

Yang Xiruo looked at Xiao Yu's handsome face, and was taken aback for a moment. Xiao Yu's eyes closed and resting his mind is very peaceful and peaceful, as quiet as a virgin, and the expression on his face is also as calm as water, not like his usual cold appearance.

"Yes, you can say no!"

Xiao Yu gave Yang Xiruo a plausible answer.What he said was indeed true. He was originally a disciple of the Duanyun Sect's Fanyun Town Branch President, and now he has become a disciple of the Duanyun Sect's Tianwu City Branch Sect. He was invited from the branch sect hall, but he He has already left the branch sect hall before, so he can no longer be regarded as a disciple of Duanyun Sect, so he is not considered a disciple.

Yang Xiruo shook her head, not intending to get entangled in this issue, she continued to ask: "Then do you know the branch hall in Fanyun Town?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback, wondering why Yang Xiruo would ask this question at this time, he thought for a while, then nodded.

"Ah, you know!" Yang Xiruo said happily, "Then you didn't come from there, did you?"

Xiao Yu didn't know how to answer, so he nodded.

"Really, do you know my father? His name is Yang Shucheng, and he is the head of your sect!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help but opened his eyes when he heard this question. He looked at the excited Yang Xiruo, and felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart.

"Of course I know him, he is the person I respect the most!"

Yang Xiruo's eyes narrowed into crescent moons. Yang Shucheng's achievements are a kind of belief of hers. She has used Yang Shucheng as a role model since she was a child. No matter how she does things and treats people, she always follows Yang Shucheng's style. Now she heard a young man who is so powerful say Yang Shucheng is the person he respects the most, and she is happier than anyone else.

"Then how is he recently? How is his health? He hasn't written to me for almost three years, but the branch sect has strict orders not to leave Tianwu City at will, so I can't go back to see him, you just now Come over from there, you should know his situation!"

Xiao Yu sat up straight, met Yang Xiruo's eyes, and the cold and firm expression returned to his face.How should he answer this question?

Xiao Yu sat sideways, facing Yang Xiruo, he took off a leaf, and said softly: "He is very good, but he has been busy with affairs in the past three years, and many new generation disciples have been added, so he has no time to write to you. On the one hand, he wants you to learn to take care of yourself and see if you will disturb your life because of missing him or worrying about him. In fact, he also told me to stop by to see how you are doing when I come this time. I see You knew you were a strong enough girl back then, so I didn't tell you about it, and now you come to ask me, then I have to tell the truth."

"Hey!" Yang Xiruo suddenly showed an expression of scheming, and smiled triumphantly, "I'll just say, I always think your name is very familiar, now I finally remembered, a letter my father wrote to me before I mentioned that there might be someone called Xiao Yu coming to see me in the future, and now I think it will be you."


Xiao Yu was quite surprised. Could it be that Uncle Yang had foreseen what would happen after a long time?
(End of this chapter)

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