Chapter 288 Combat is Coming
In the chariot battle, there were ten people sitting, two of them competed vigorously, and the remaining eight sat on the other side.

The two people who were closer were closing their eyes and resting their minds. They didn't seem to care about the upcoming battle, or in other words, they were fearless.

The other eight people also looked indifferent, talking softly to each other. Although they were in the car battle, they didn't have any bumps. It can be seen that the disciples of the Chiyang Sect have already practiced and made perfect, and this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

"Everyone, in another day, our Chiyang Sect's power will double. At that time, everyone should not hold back at all."

One of the two suddenly opened his eyes and said slowly.

"Don't worry, suzerain, people from Liufengmen, we will definitely greet you well!"

Those eight people all nodded, and the middle-aged man who spoke continued: "I haven't seen Long Xiaotian for a few years, this time I really want to learn about his three dragon fighting styles."

"That Long Xiaotian is indeed powerful, but this time, he probably won't have any chance!"

The old man next to the middle-aged man opened his eyes. One of his eyeballs was white with no eyeball, while the other eye was completely black, and no eyeball could be seen.

His eyes were one black and one white, looking extremely frightening, ordinary masters would feel trembling just by looking at his eyes.

The middle-aged man doesn't know the origin of the old man, he only knows the old man's name: Yin Yang Eye.

Although the old man didn't look very impressive, the middle-aged man dared not underestimate his strength. In his opinion, even he couldn't defeat the old man.

In the battle against Liufengmen this time, the yin and yang eyes are definitely a powerful helper.

The old man came to Chiyang Sect suddenly half a month ago. He went directly to the main hall of Chiyang Sect and had direct contact with him.Yin Yangyan directly proposed the idea of ​​fighting Liufengmen, but at first he did not agree, but after Yin Yangyan showed terrifying strength, he changed his mind.

Although the Chiyang Sect is unparalleled in alchemy and can be regarded as the most affluent first-class force, the status of the Chiyang Sect has always been stable. It is in the middle and upper reaches of the first-rate forces, and has never been able to touch the top.

On the Shenwu Continent, when it comes to alchemy, everyone will immediately think of Chiyang Sect, but when it comes to martial arts, everyone will not think of Chiyang Sect. In the eyes of the strong from all sides, Chiyang Sect only has alchemy To be able to catch the eye, but Wuxiu is a first-class force inferior to those professional Wuxiu.

The middle-aged man realized that the opportunity for Chiyangzong to climb to the top had come, so he agreed to Yinyangyan's proposal, and Yinyangyan also promised to give Chiyangzong the greatest help, so Chiyangzong refused to cooperate with Liufengmen later. All the cooperation is still secretly suppressing the industries outside Liufengmen, which is the signal of war.

This time, if Chiyangzong successfully defeated Liufengmen and annexed it, the reputation of Chiyangzong would undoubtedly rise to an unprecedented height. From now on, no one in Shenwu Continent would dare to underestimate Chiyangzong.

"With you always taking action, this matter is of course a sure thing!"

The middle-aged man smiled, feeling very proud of himself, he was determined to win this action, the Chiyang Sect had been silent for too long.

At the headquarters of Liufengmen, a man and a woman are standing on a hill overlooking those disciples of Liufengmen who are practicing hard.

The man is full of masculinity, with a righteous face, tall and burly, while the woman is beautiful and beautiful, enough to be poor for a lifetime.

The man is the number one genius of Liufengmen, Long Zhantian, and this woman is Xiao Yu's favorite, Ao Zixuan whom he has known since childhood.

It's a pity that the current Ao Zixuan has forgotten all the time when she was in love with Xiao Yu, and what she remembers is only the fragments that Xiao Yu made her hate.

"Zixuan, I always have a bad feeling about the Chiyang Sect's attack this time!"

Long Zhantian looked at Ao Zixuan, frowning slightly.

"Zhan Tian, ​​don't worry, our Liufeng sect is a first-class sect, although we dare not say that we can defeat the Chiyang sect, we will never be defeated by the Chiyang sect."

Ao Zixuan comforted her.

"But I always have an inexplicable fear in my heart, which is really unprecedented."

Long Zhantian's complexion was a bit ugly, recently he was always restless, he always felt that a catastrophe was about to befall Liufengmen.

"Zhan Tian, ​​you are too nervous, don't practice today, go back and rest!"

Long Zhantian is Ao Zixuan's fiancé, so she is naturally caring.

"Zixuan, I feel that I am useless!"

Long Zhantian shook his head with a gloomy expression.

"Zhan Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

Ao Zixuan wanted to hold Long Zhantian's hand, but for some reason, a strange image suddenly flashed in her mind, she couldn't see it clearly, but it made her stop.In the end, she didn't hold Long Zhantian's hand.

"Zixuan, I thought I could climb to the top with the younger generation in the mainland!" Long Zhantian sighed, "But after meeting that person, I realized how useless I am, just like this time, Chiyang Zong wants to declare war on our Liufengmen, but I can't do anything."

Ao Zixuan was startled, she naturally knew who "that person" Long Zhantian was talking about.

To be honest, she also admired the strength of "that man" in her heart. Among the people she had met, "that man" was undoubtedly the number one master of the younger generation, unrivaled.

"Really, if I had the strength of 'that man', I would definitely not be so anxious about this martial arts battle. Unfortunately, I really can't compare to him."

Xiao Yu didn't know that he had already become Long Zhantian's inner demon, and there was always his shadow in Long Zhantian's heart, and he had already cast a shadow in Long Zhantian's heart.

"Zhan Tian, ​​I have to say, 'that man' is indeed the number one master of the younger generation, but what you said is not entirely true. Although he is powerful, to be effective in the war of first-class forces, he must at least have I don't think he has the strength of the God-breaking realm."

Ao Zixuan said softly.She was right.

"Zixuan, you are so kind to me!"

Knowing that Ao Zixuan was comforting him, Long Zhantian was moved, he wanted to hold Ao Zixuan's hand.

Ao Zixuan suddenly felt a sense of rejection, she didn't know why, she subconsciously withdrew her hand, Long Zhantian's face was full of astonishment.

"Zixuan, you."

Long Zhantian was about to ask something, when he suddenly heard a clear and long cry, it was the signal of Liufengmen's assembly.

"Come so fast?"

The two looked down at the same time, all the people inside the Liufeng Gate started to move, and the sound of breaking the wind came and went one after another.

"Let's go down!"

After Ao Zixuan finished speaking to Long Zhantian, she jumped and shot downwards.

Long Zhantian had no choice but to put aside the doubts just now, and followed behind Ao Zixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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