Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 289 Dragon Slaying Sword

Chapter 289 Dragon Slaying Sword

Outside the imperial city of the Lansimogao Empire, a large group of people gathered. Fortunately, Long Xiaotian had the foresight to evacuate the people around the imperial city a few days ago. There is no one living in it, it is completely empty.

This is also the battlefield that Long Xiaotian cleaned up. He knows very well that once he confronts the Chiyang Sect, it will be a shocking battle, and the area that will be affected will definitely not be small, because the battle will affect the people of Lansimogao Empire. It was something that Long Xiaotian, the emperor of Lansimogao Empire, didn't want to see.

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

Outside the imperial city, the drums of war are thundering. This drum does not belong to the Liufeng sect, but to their opponent, the Chiyang sect.

The Chiyang Sect's brigade has already approached the city, and the battle is imminent.


A ray of light shot straight into the sky, and he stood in the sky above the imperial city. He looked down and had the air of an emperor. He was the head of Liufengmen, Long Xiaotian.

He looked at the huge team of Chiyang Sect and narrowed his eyes slightly.He felt the terrifying fluctuations coming from the Chiyangzong team, and he was sure that there must be masters of the same rank as him.

He didn't have much dealings with Chiyangzong, and he didn't know much about the overall strength of Chiyangzong. Usually, the cooperation with Chiyangzong was managed by the people below. For the first time, I felt the strength of Chiyangzong.

How can a sect that can make him feel dangerous be ordinary?
"Chiyangzong, there are rumors that only alchemy is worth seeing, but now it seems that the rumors are not true."

Long Xiaotian said to himself.

In the center of the Chiyang Sect's troops, the huge chariot trembled suddenly, and a light and shadow rose from it to the sky, opposing Long Xiaotian from afar.

Long Xiaotian saw a person, a person he was familiar with.

"Li Yuan?"

Long Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

"Haha!" Li Yuan laughed loudly, "Long Xiaotian, we haven't seen each other for a few years, but today we meet on such an occasion."

Long Xiaotian's face was gloomy, and he sneered, "It's not that I forced you to invade my Liufengmen. What's the point of saying such ridiculous words?"

Li Yuan was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Yes, today's incident was indeed provoked by my Chiyang Sect, but so what? Your Liufeng Sect has always been more famous than my Chiyang Sect, and everyone thinks that your Liufeng Sect Martial arts are stronger than our Chiyang Sect, and today I will let the world know that our Chiyang Sect will never fall behind Liufeng Sect, not only our alchemy is unparalleled in the world, but our martial arts are absolutely second-to-none."

As soon as Li Yuan said this, an extremely terrifying aura surged from his body, and he pressed towards the imperial city of Lansimogao Empire. All the Liufengmen disciples in the imperial city felt the terrifying pressure, and felt like they were about to be defeated.


Long Xiaotian let out a cold snort, his body exploded with aura, entangled with Li Yuan, only then did the disciples of the Liufeng Sect feel the pressure on their bodies drop suddenly, and they all heaved a sigh of relief.

Ao Zixuan and Long Zhantian were also in this list, they all looked horrified, and only then did they understand that the middle-aged man who was fighting in the sky was as powerful as Long Xiaotian, and they were all peerless masters whose strength had reached the God Breaking Realm.Facing such masters, they are really powerless to resist, even if Long Zhantian is a strong person in the Concentration Realm, the first stage, that is a huge gap, if there is a big difference, it is really heavenly. Different.

The invisible aura released by Long Xiaotian and Li Yuan entangled and collided in the void, and there was a sharp sonic boom, the space in front of them distorted and collapsed, and the shock wave after wave continued to spread around. rush.

This is because the two of them took into account the disciples of the sect below. If they really fought recklessly, the destructive power caused would not be what everyone can see now, it would be truly devastating.

"Li Yuan, I really want to know, what made your Chiyang sect suddenly declare war on my Liufeng sect?"

Long Xiaotian and Li Yuan withdrew their momentum at the same time, Long Xiaotian asked in a deep voice, this was the most curious question he had.

"Hey!" Li Yuan obviously didn't intend to answer him, "There are always different heights to climb in life, and Liufengmen is the height that my Chiyang Sect wants to climb. Only when we climb this height can we be qualified to go. Climbing to the next level."

Long Xiaotian's expression froze, he felt a strong domineering spirit from Li Yuan's tone, which Li Yuan didn't have a few years ago.

He concluded that there must be something wrong with Li Yuan, but he couldn't tell.

"Long Xiaotian, it's useless to talk too much, how about we fight?"

Li Yuan swept away the elegant demeanor before, and his tone was aggressive, and he actually started to provoke on his own initiative.

Long Xiaotian didn't answer, he had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, he always felt that there was something hidden in the team of Chi Yangzong, it was this that made him feel scruples.

"The suzerain is mighty, the suzerain is mighty!"

Seeing this, the people of Chiyang Sect cheered loudly.

Seeing that Long Xiaotian didn't fight, the people from Liufengmen were weaker than the opponent in terms of momentum.

Long Xiaotian's complexion changed, and he was very anxious. There are currently two Broken God realms in Liufengmen, one of them is him, and the other is the Supreme Elder of their Liufengmen. At this point, if there is more than one strong person in the God Breaking Realm of the Chiyang Sect, he will fall into an extremely passive situation.

"What? Long Xiaotian, don't you dare?"

Li Yuan grinned, and there was some irony in the smile.

Long Xiaotian's complexion darkened, his eyes widened, and he said angrily, "Don't you dare? Well, I want to learn about your Chiyang Sect's clever tricks today."

Li Yuan secretly smiled, his purpose was to get Long Xiaotian to fight, he had already learned through a secret channel that the elder of Liufengmen was not in the door, if he were to fight Long Xiaotian at this moment, his yin and yang eyes would be able to Having the opportunity to massacre other people in Liufengmen will inevitably affect Long Xiaotian's mind. When Long Xiaotian is distracted, defeat is inevitable.

He showed a strange smile, as if he had seen the scene where Liufengmen bowed his head to Chiyangzong.

"Come on, Long Xiaotian, let me see your three dragon fighting styles again!"

With a wave of Li Yuan's sleeve robe, a huge medicine cauldron condensed by divine power appeared in the sky, covering the sky with a radius of more than [-] zhang. There was a strange flame surging in the medicine cauldron, and traces of flames overflowed from the medicine cauldron, engulfing the place. The space burned into nothingness.

"as you wish!"

Long Xiaotian didn't care too much at the moment, with a swipe of his palm, a stream of light shot out from the Liufeng Gate, and landed in his hand, it was a long sword with a cold light.The long sword is simple and simple, but the blade is extremely sharp. Before the sword is out of its sheath, there is already an unconcealable sword energy filling the world.

Li Yuan looked at the long sword in Long Xiaotian's hand, and his face suddenly became serious.

"Dragon Slaying Sword?"

(End of this chapter)

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