Chapter 298

There was a shocking explosion, and Yin Yang's eyes looked shocked, not only him, everyone was shocked, no one thought that there would be strong support from Liufengmen.

The yin and yang eyes saw the coming person clearly, and his complexion changed drastically.

The one who fought against him was a young man, a young man who was only in his late teens.

The yin and yang eyes are really unbelievable, because the person in front of him is really too young, and there is no trace of time on his face. He is very sure that the person in front of him is definitely a real young man, not those who are over a hundred years old. An old monster who still keeps his face.

What frightened him the most was the huge force continuously coming from the young man's feet, which made him feel irresistible.

His brain was instantly paralyzed. Who is so young and has such terrifying strength?He had never heard of such a number one person on the mainland.

Most people in Liufengmen didn't know who the young man who suddenly appeared in the sky was, and Long Xiaotian also frowned, he had never seen this person before.

On the other hand, Long Zhantian's body trembled violently, and his fists creaked. His impression of Xiao Yu was too deep.

Ao Zixuan's red lips parted slightly, with an unbelievable expression on her face, she never imagined that the person who appeared at the last moment of this Liufengmen was actually the annoying guy who took her away and sent her back.

Long Jingxin's eyes were filled with tears, and she almost cried out. She thought that Long Xiu was finished, but at this critical moment, the unrivaled hero in her heart appeared, and helped Long Xiu block the fatal blow, and saved the life of Long Xiu. Long Xiu.

Her heart was so excited that it almost jumped out.

But immediately, she was worried for a while. From her heart, she was afraid that that person would be hurt more than Long Xiu would be hurt. She didn't know why she had such an idea.

Long Xiu realized that the violent punch hadn't hit him on the head, he felt his arm being grabbed by someone, and when he opened his eyes, he found a person in white standing in front of him, He could only see the back of the person who came, but he could tell from the back that this person must be extremely young.

He was also stunned, who is such a young person who can block the blow of the yin and yang eyes at such a near-death moment?
"Xiao Yu!"

Long Jingxin couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart anymore, and shouted loudly.Long Xiaotian was stunned, the young man in the sky was Xiao Yu who had kidnapped Ao Zixuan?


Xiao Yu's expression was indifferent, his legs suddenly strengthened, and his divine power surged out. His yin and yang eyes could only feel the force of thunder invading his body, and an invisible energy exploded at the intersection of the two fists and feet, and he was directly repelled hundreds of feet away. .


With a flash of Xiao Yu's figure, he pulled Long Xiu and instantly appeared beside Long Xiaotian and the others.

As soon as Long Xiu landed, he clasped his fists at Xiao Yu: "Thank you for saving your life!"

Speaking of Long Xiu, he was about to bow to Xiao Yu, but before he could bend down, a hand was already holding him back.

He raised his head, but Xiao Yu clasped his fists at him instead: "Following the wishes of my grandfather Xiao Maifei, I come to help Liufengmen and pay my respects to Elder Long!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he directly took out a short golden dagger from his bosom and handed it to Long Xiu.

"Maifei? Is it Maifei? Are you Maifei's grandson?"

Looking at the golden dagger, Long Xiu became excited. Long Xiaotian and others had never seen him lose his composure like this.

"My name is Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu nodded.

"Okay, okay, Mai Fei has a good grandson!"

Long Xiu looked at Xiao Yu as if looking at his own junior, his eyes were full of admiration, but soon, his eyes fell on the golden dagger again, his old eyes slowly closed, as if recalling What.

"Xiao Yu!"

Long Jingxin excitedly ran in front of Xiao Yu and grabbed Xiao Yu's arm. She was obviously the most excited among all of them, but when she made this move, she immediately thought of Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan Regarding the matter, he immediately took a look at Ao Zixuan.

Ao Zixuan was standing on Xiao Yu's left hand side, but Xiao Yu never looked at her from the beginning to the end.Who is Xiao Yu? Since he has decided not to get involved in Ao Zixuan's life, he will not have too many interactions with her.Although deep down in his heart he cared about Ao Zixuan, but he had to show that he didn't care, only in this way, Ao Zixuan would not remember the little things between Xiao Yu and her, and his life would not be in danger.

Long Zhantian didn't know what was thinking in his heart, he stood silently by the side without speaking.

Ao Zixuan felt a string in her heart was touched, but she didn't know why, she was also very strange, when Xiao Yu was close to her, she always had inexplicable feelings.

Xiao Yu glanced at Long Jingxin, and said indifferently: "I'll talk about it after I settle the matter here! You just stay here and let the elders in the gate launch a full-scale defense!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, regardless of Long Jingxin's reaction, he stomped his feet and flew towards the sky again.

"Boy, who are you?"

Yin Yang's face was gloomy, just now Xiao Yu kicked him hundreds of feet away, which made him lose face.

"'Dark Prison'?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but asked instead.


Yin Yang's eyes were wide open, Xiao Yu's words were undoubtedly a thunderbolt, which shocked him severely.Their "dark prison" has been lurking for a long time, and this time they want to do something grand, but the premise is that this matter cannot be noticed by those first-class forces, he doesn't know why Xiao Yu would know.

"It seems that there is no mistake!"

Seeing the reaction of Yin Yang eyes, Xiao Yu confirmed his guess in his heart.

"You 'Dark Prison' has done so many things, it seems that your ambitions are not small!"

Xiao Yu sneered.

"Who exactly are you?"

Yin Yang felt that his voice was trembling, he was really scared, if Xiao Yu directly told the first-class forces about this, they would be vigilant, and then their plan would be thwarted, and they wanted to operate secretly like this again Definitely harder.

"Xiao Family, Xiao Yu!"

After Xiao Yu's words fell, his figure suddenly flashed, and he had already taken the lead.He must take this person down this time, and only from his mouth can he know the specific news about the "dark prison".


The pupils of the yin and yang eyes shrank suddenly, Xiao Yu had already rushed in front of him, and the speed was actually a few minutes faster than him.

A fist rapidly enlarged in front of him.


After all, Yin Yang Eye is a master of the God Breaking Realm, he clenched his fist and greeted Xiao Yu with his fist.


The two fists collided, and the huge force slanted down from the sky, directly blasting those unprotected buildings into powder.

The violent divine power of the two squeezed each other in the air, and the space was distorted into various strange shapes.

"He can actually compete with the God-shattering Realm powerhouse?"

The world view in Long Zhantian's heart was collapsing, breaking into pieces.The last time he met Xiao Yu, although he was not Xiao Yu's opponent, he knew very well that Xiao Yu could never be compared with the Broken God Realm, but after a few days, Xiao Yu could actually be as strong as the Broken God Realm What kind of speed is this?

"How strong is he?"

This question not only made Long Zhantian dumbfounded, but also Ao Zixuan was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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