Chapter 299 Cloak Trap
"Where did this guy come from?"

Both Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing had gloomy faces. They thought they would be sure to win Liufengmen this time, but the reality in front of them pulled them back from their fantasy.

The appearance of Xiao Yu has undoubtedly become the biggest obstacle for them to destroy Liufengmen, and depending on the situation, Yin Yang Eye may not be able to win Xiao Yu, but they have no choice but to trust Yin Yang Eye.

The Broken God Realm that has lost its combat power is still weak and powerless in the face of a peerless master who can match the strong man of the Broken God Realm.

Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

They were indeed afraid. If there was no yin and yang eye to accompany them on this trip, they might really have to confess here.

"Your strength is only this point?"

Xiao Yu grinned, the power of yin and yang eyes did not pose the slightest threat to him now.


The yin and yang eyes were not good, Xiao Yu suddenly burst out with a strong force from his fist, and the rear force pushed forward, overwhelming him like a mountain.

Yin Yang let out a muffled snort, and was knocked back hundreds of feet by Xiao Yu again.

"how is this possible?"

His old face is a bit unbearable, in front of so many people, he has been crushed by Xiao Yu's hands continuously, if this matter is reported back to the "dark prison", saying that he was forced into an extremely embarrassing situation by a young man, how can he carry start.

"you wanna die!"

Yin Yangyan shouted angrily, and the cloak on his body suddenly turned into a stream of light, shooting towards the top of Xiao Yu's head.


Xiao Yu was not afraid, and he punched the sky, and a huge fist shadow of more than ten thousand feet directly blasted on the small cloak.


The cloak was hit without any resistance, and was easily sent flying, Xiao Yu's expression froze, he didn't expect the cloak to be so unbearable, without any strength.


He wouldn't be so foolish as to think that Yin Yang Eye's move was meaningless.

At this moment, the yin and yang eyes rushed over, a gray light appeared in the palm of the hand, and a huge divine power slashed obliquely.


Xiao Yu didn't care much at the moment, he could only catch the attack of Yin Yang Eye first.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Xiao Yu's body turned and twisted into a huge arc in the air. The wind from his legs roared, and the space exploded inch by inch.


There was a muffled sound, and there were ripples at the place where the two forces collided, and then, everyone was shocked to see the figure with Yin Yang eyes flying upside down, extremely embarrassed. Falling behind.


Yin Yang Eye was knocked into the air, Xiao Yu was about to catch up and continue to attack, but immediately felt that something was wrong, a huge black mass was falling down from the top of his head.

"Is it the cloak from just now?"

Xiao Yu's attention was attracted by Yin Yang eyes just now, but he didn't pay attention to that black cloak. The cloak, which was only about Zhang Xu's size just now, has now turned into a huge black long cloth.

A faint light flickered on the long cloth, and traces of black threads shuttled endlessly on it.


Xiao Yu felt that the cloak was weird, so he stepped back, trying to avoid the area covered by the cloak.


Xiao Yu had just retreated to the edge of the area covered by the cloak when he suddenly felt that he had touched an invisible barrier, and a sharp pain and numbness spread all over his body.


Xiao Yu's whole body trembled, it was a feeling of being invaded by electric current, he took a few steps back, his eyes narrowed.

"This is?"

He glanced around and didn't see anything, but he felt that he had entered a cage. If he expected correctly, the area covered by the huge cloak had formed a cuboid prison with six sides. There are invisible barriers, as long as you touch it, it will be as painful as being struck by lightning.

"Jie Jie! Boy, you have fallen into the trap of my cloak, let me see how arrogant you are now!"

The yin and yang eye that was knocked into the air had returned in a flash. He hadn't suffered any substantial damage, but he hated Xiao Yu deeply in his heart. More importantly, Xiao Yu knew about the "dark prison", which he must never let go of. The reason for passing Xiao Yu.

His cloak trap was tailor-made for him by the top experts in the "Dark Prison". It can be regarded as a killer weapon. First, he throws out the cloak, and then uses tricks to lure the enemy, distract the enemy's attention, and finally let the enemy be besieged in.

The strange power contained in this cloak trap was set up by several great powers in the "Dark Prison". Yu looked as a dead person.

"what happened?"

At Liufeng Gate, everyone watching the battle was a little strange, Xiao Yu suddenly stopped in the air, and began to look around.

Looking at the huge cloak, Long Xiu said solemnly, "It's the cloak's problem. Xiao Yu seems to be trapped under the cloak and can't get out."


When Long Jingxin heard this, she was extremely anxious.For some reason, Ao Zixuan also silently prayed in her heart, hoping that nothing would happen to this guy she hated.

"Cloak trap? Your name is interesting."

Xiao Yu glanced around, he did feel an unusual force, whether it was the top of his head, the left, the right, or the front, back, and bottom, there were invisible energy barriers everywhere, he wanted to go out, There is only a hard way.

"It's just a few barriers, if you break it, it's gone!"

Xiao Yu knew that the power possessed by these invisible barriers around him was not simple, and when he made a move, he used the "powerful punch" he was most used to.

He was about five feet away from the barrier, and he punched out directly.


Xiao Yu swung a punch that was enough to blow a mountain peak into powder towards the barrier. Xiao Yu thought he would encounter great resistance, but unexpectedly, his fist punched through without any hindrance.


Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes again, saying that at this moment he really felt the horror of this cloak trap.He knew that the barrier must not have completely dissipated, but had disappeared the moment his fist touched it, and now it must have appeared again.

"Jie Jie!" Yin Yang smiled very proudly, "You want to break through the cloak trap? It's just a dream. It's not an exaggeration to say that my cloak trap is another living body. He has completely independent sensing ability. If there is an external force that wants to cause huge damage to it, it will immediately be put away, and then it will reappear again, how about it? Let’s see how you can break it.”

Everyone in Liufeng Sect frowned, Long Xiu also sighed, he thought that Xiao Yu's appearance could turn the situation around, but now it seems that Xiao Yu is still too young to be compared to the treacherous veteran powerhouse like Yin Yang Eye .

Xiao Yu stood in the void, his expression unchanged, and he didn't show the slightest fear because of the difficulty of the cloak trap.He is not afraid of anything, a cloak trap may not be able to stop him
"You really think your cloak trap is so useful?"

Xiao Yu grinned and looked at Yin Yang eyes.

Yin Yang's eyes popped in his heart, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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