Chapter 305 Poisoning Again
With a wave of Xiao Yu's hand, the pillar of fire dissipated, his eyes scanned his surroundings, and the strange gray mist was slowly drifting, filling the surroundings.

Xiao Yu felt that the divine power in his body was slowly flowing. He tried his best to resist it, but it didn't have much effect, it just slowed down the speed of its flow.

"The power of disintegration is so overbearing!"

Although Xiao Yu was surprised in his heart, there was no change on his face. The divine power was flowing slowly, not suddenly disappearing. He was absolutely confident that he could finish off the three of them within the time that the divine power was flowing. However, he hadn't played yet. enough.

"Thousands of guns, rain of guns!"

Zhao Tianxing squeezed the sword formula in his hand and directed the flaming spear in the sky.Tens of thousands of flame spears formed an inverted cone-shaped encirclement, stabbing at Xiao Yu.

Under this intensive attack, there is no gap for the ordinary God Broken Realm to dodge.Xiao Yu could hide, but he didn't bother to hide.


He shouted wildly, his fists dancing like the wind.

"Ding ding ding!"

The sound of metal and iron clashing was endless, Xiao Yu transformed thousands of fist shadows, forming an airtight wall around him, no matter how many flaming giant spears there were, they were all blocked by them one by one, every flaming giant spear and Xiao Yu Fist contact will be blasted out.

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's position formed a large hedgehog, but the spines on this "hedgehog" were burning flaming spears.

"Very well, just hold him back like this!"

Yin Yangyan nodded to Zhao Tianxing, stomped the sole of his foot, and rushed towards Xiao Yu. He rushed to the outer edge of the attack circle, stopped, and formed seals with both hands.

The strange gray mist between the sky and the earth surged crazily again, and traces of gray energy seeped in from the gap of the flaming spear.

Xiao Yu was attacking those swiftly attacking flaming spears with all his strength, and suddenly felt that the breath in his body was stagnant.The movement was also a bit slower.

A flaming spear hit his wrist. Fortunately, his whole body was protected by divine power, but he was only shaken and did not cause any major damage. However, it was this small accident that disrupted his rhythm.

His defense began to look a little flustered, not as calm as before, and there was always a strange force around him that interfered with his actions.

"It's that guy!"

Xiao Yu knew that it must be the yin and yang eye at work, but now he couldn't go out to deal with it, the flame gun array trapped him in it.

"Ding ding ding!"

The attack was still going on, Xiao Yu gradually got used to that feeling, and once again calmly received those bursting flame spears.


Suddenly, a strange force wrapped around Xiao Yu's arm, and he was startled.

"It happened!"

Almost at the same moment, Xiao Yu directly erupted the divine power in his body, and an extremely strong force directly scattered the flame spears surrounding him, and he took advantage of this gap to escape from them.

He looked at his arm, a strange gray mist was rushing up from his arm, trying to enter his nose and mouth.


With a wave of his hand, his divine power poured out, scattering the gray mist.

Yin Yangyan stood a hundred feet away in front of him, smiling sinisterly.

"How, in my field, how does it taste?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but gave him a blank look, with a completely contemptuous attitude.

"Hmph, you're still pretending now, and I'll let you die later without a place to bury you!"

Thinking of the role of his domain, the expression on Yin Yang's face became ferocious.

"This disintegration power is very strange, and it also has the effect of penetrating the body. I must deal with it carefully!"

Xiao Yu was secretly vigilant in his heart. What he had to face now was not only the attack of the three people, but also the gray mist that filled the space at all times.

Although this gray mist will not cause him great harm, it can always bring him a lot of trouble at critical moments.


Xiao Yu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen.


He held his stomach, sweating coldly.He felt as if tens of thousands of insects were gnawing on his lower abdomen, and the pain was unbearable.

This was ten times more uncomfortable than the electric shock he received from the cloak trap before.

He still didn't cry out, but the expression on his face was sharply distorted, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing violently.


Xiao Yu was very strange, when something went into his body, he didn't even notice it.

Looking at Xiao Yu's expression at this moment, Yin Yang knew that the function of his domain had worked.

"Jie Jie Jie, boy, do you feel the pain in your lower abdomen is unbearable, like being bitten by a bug?"

Yin Yang smiled.

Xiao Yu was in so much pain that he couldn't speak at this moment, and his body had already bowed up. The bone-piercing pain almost made him lose his basic willpower.

"What happened to Xiao Yu?"

Looking at Xiao Yu who was gradually bending down in the sky, Long Jingxin said strangely.

Long Xiu said solemnly: "He seems to have been tricked, maybe it's the ghost of that yin and yang eye."


Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan both exclaimed in unison, and then they both looked at each other with complicated expressions, but soon, their eyes returned to Xiao Yu again.

Seeing Ao Zixuan's expression, Long Zhantian frowned slightly.

Yin Yang looked at the pained Xiao Yu, and proudly said: "The gray mist contained in my Yin Yang world has its own toxicity, it can enter the enemy's body silently and erode his viscera, of course, If the enemy is on guard, it may not be easy to succeed, but when the enemy is distracted, it is definitely a great killing weapon, today you have learned the lesson! Jie Jie Jie!"

What Yin Yangyan said was indeed true. His gray mist had absolutely no chance of invading Xiao Yu's body when Xiao Yu was concentrating on fighting against him. But if someone attacked Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu had to be distracted to catch others attack, so that his black mist would have a chance to take advantage of it, becoming the key to victory.

Now a small cloud of gray mist has begun to erode his viscera in Xiao Yu's body.

"Poison again? It really is impossible to guard against!"

Xiao Yu was furious in his heart, he had been poisoned before when he was besieged by the five big families, he thought he would not make such a mistake a second time, but today he was caught again.


Xiao Yu coughed out a mouthful of blood, the blood was not bright red, but a surprising dark purple.

This gray mist usually does not have any toxicity, but once it enters the human body and erodes the internal organs, it will be extremely poisonous. Once it accidentally enters the body, even experts above the fifth level of the Broken God Realm may not be able to resist it .

"Boy, I blame you for being too arrogant, for knowing too much, and for being nosy!" Yin Yangyan sneered, "I'll let you enjoy the taste of death right now."

The palm of the hand with yin and yang eyes showed black and white light, constantly rotating and changing, and a black and white supernatural hand appeared in the sky, and it patted towards Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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