Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 306 Dragon Shadow Reappearance

Chapter 306 Dragon Shadow Reappearance

The giant hand of divine power moved towards Xiao Yu with the force of breaking the sky. His body was so vulnerable under the huge handprint of more than one hundred thousand feet. He bent down and did not respond to the giant hand that suddenly fell .

"Xiao Yu! Don't!"

Long Jingxin yelled heart-piercingly, if it wasn't for Long Zhantian pulling her, she might have rushed to the sky by now.

Ao Zixuan's heart was beating wildly, her hands had already clenched the corners of her skirt, no matter what angle she looked at, she didn't want Xiao Yu to be killed by the yin and yang eyes.


The giant hand of divine power had already pressed down on Xiao Yu's body, striking him down from the sky.His figure seems to fall faster than the giant hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

The giant hand of divine power was about to fall to the ground. With this palm, the people of Chiyangzong and Liufengmen would be smashed to pieces.


Suddenly, the huge palm that was about to fall stopped in mid-air, extremely abrupt.

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at the center of the huge palm, a voice stood proudly in it, and a palm was already propped on the palm print.

"Xiao Yu? Has he recovered?"

Everyone felt that Xiao Yu's aura was gradually rising, and the disorder just now no longer existed.

"How is it possible? He has already been poisoned by my gray poison, how can he still have combat power?"

The yin and yang eyes clearly felt the huge resistance from where the palm fell.

Xiao Yu's face was full of chills, a white air mass emerged from his palm, and he pushed it upwards in waves with overwhelming strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

The huge palm was slowly raised upwards, and the yin and yang eyes tried to press down violently, but it was of no avail. The force from Xiao Yu's fist made him unable to resist at all.

"What are you looking at, still not helping?"

Yin Yang looked at Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing, he couldn't resist anymore, if Xiao Yu smashed his supernatural hand, he would be seriously injured on the spot.


Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing shot together, and the fiery red cauldron and thousands of flaming spears shot out together, and they were blessed on the huge palm.


How easy is it to superimpose the divine power of the three god-shattering realms? Xiao Yu suddenly let out a muffled snort, and his body fell suddenly, falling several hundred feet again.

The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth overflowed with a trace of donating blood. He was equivalent to enduring the combo attack from three masters of the God-shattering Realm head-on. Under such a terrifying force, his internal organs that had just dispelled the poisonous gas were traumatized again.

"The superimposition of the divine power of the three god-shattering realms is simply terrifying, and Xiao Yu can still resist. This guy is truly a monster!"

Long Xiu sighed, the strength shown by Xiao Yu has far surpassed him, which is unprecedented among the younger generation in the mainland, at least except for Xiao Yu, he has never heard of any top genius from a first-class force stepping into the world. The Broken God Realm possesses such terrifying combat power.

"It's impossible for the three of us to join hands to suppress him. What are you waiting for? Let's do our best!"

Li Yuan was now the leader, and all his divine power was poured into Wanyang Cauldron.Zhao Tianxing's arms trembled continuously, and the thousands of flame spears all joined together, forming a huge musket, and stabbing forward again.

The giant hand with yin and yang eyes, which was already huge, skyrocketed again under the blessing of his divine power.


Xiao Yu snorted, spat out another mouthful of blood, and fell again, about to hit the ground. The white air mass on his palm was also compressed into an oval shape, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Based on the three of you, want to deal with me? It's not enough!"

Xiao Yu raised his head, there was no sign of flinching on his resolute face, instead, there was an extremely stern expression.

"Strength through the body, break it for me!"

At this moment, Xiao Yu's physical strength erupted, and the white air mass on the palm burst suddenly, and a strange force invaded the giant hand of divine power. Jue's divine power clashed left and right, disintegrating their divine power one by one.


Suddenly there was a huge roar in the sky, and everyone was horrified to see the attacks of the three majestic God-shattering masters in the sky directly exploded into light spots all over the sky.




With Yin Yang Eye, Zhao Tianxing and Li Yuan spurted blood at the same time, their complexions were as pale as paper.

Xiao Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and let out a loud shout.

"The Demon Dragon Comes to the World!"


With a resounding dragon chant, a gigantic golden five-clawed dragon flew straight into the sky from near the ground. The breath of the dragon blew out, causing the unprecedented pieces in front of it to shatter, and the ground trembled violently under its might.

Both Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian were shocked.

"Shape Transformation Martial Skill?" Long Xiu Jinghu said, "Xiao Yu actually possesses such a rare Martial Skill?"

Long Xiaotian stared blankly at his five-clawed golden dragon breathing endless dragon breath in the sky, feeling the terrifying aura emanating from him, his whole body trembled slightly.

None of them have ever seen this kind of spirit beast, and it has never appeared on the mainland.

It's no wonder they didn't know that the giant dragons on the Shenwu Continent were all giant lizards with wings, which belonged to the western giant dragons. Naturally, they had never seen or heard of the pure oriental dragon like Xiao Yu's transformation.


Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing were all stunned in the air, their eyes wide open, looking at the colossal beast exuding the power of heaven and earth in front of them, almost scared their souls out.

The pupils of the yin and yang eyes shrank, and he turned and ran. He was the one with the quickest reaction, tearing apart the space, trying to escape.


A giant golden tail swept over, directly smashing the space where Yin Yang Eye was located, and the figure of Yin Yang Eye flew upside down, scattering blood mist all over the sky.


The dragon chant sounded again, the golden dragon roared up to the sky, swung its giant tail repeatedly, and knocked Zhao Tianxing and Li Yuan, who were trying to escape, to the sky and land heavily on the ground.

The three of them landed in almost the same direction. When the golden dragon moved, the speed of that huge body was a bit faster than Xiao Yu's before, and it appeared above the heads of the three in an instant.


The dragon's huge mouth opened, and a brilliant flame sprayed towards the three of them with the breath of the dragon.

This time, the breath of destruction filled the surrounding air, and the three people who were about to lose their ability to move had no way of avoiding it. They could only mobilize the few divine powers in their bodies to resist.

After Xiao Yu transformed into a divine dragon, his killing intent soared, and he could no longer restrain himself. He wanted to keep his yin and yang eyes, but at this moment he had violated his original intention, and the destructive blow had already sprayed on the bodies of the three of them.


A huge fireball exploded directly on the ground, burning the area within a radius of [-] feet. The distance between Liufengmen and Chiyangzong's troops was [-] feet away. Although it was not affected by the flames, the tyrannical shock wave Still rushed above their defenses.


The elders on both sides spat out a mouthful of blood and suffered some minor injuries.

The fireball was still burning, Zhao Tianxing, Li Yuan, and Yin Yangyan disappeared into it.

(End of this chapter)

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