Chapter 307

The fireball burst, and the fire wave swept all around, and the space was continuously distorted by its temperature.

The huge golden dragon was suspended in the sky, roaring continuously, and a pair of dragon eyes shouted unparalleled power.


The golden dragon's body glowed with a dazzling golden light, making it difficult for people to look directly at it.

The golden light dissipated, and Xiao Yu's figure appeared. He stood in the void, staring indifferently at the ground below.

The fireball dissipated slowly, revealing a huge pit that could buy tens of millions of people. The figures of the three people disappeared in it, not even a piece of clothing was left behind.

"I still haven't kept my hand!"

Xiao Yu shook his head and sighed.Although he was feeling emotional, he never regretted it.Each of these three wanted to put him to death.


Long Jingxin froze in place, the sudden change had not brought her back to her senses.

"Really, it's terrible!"

Long Zhantian smiled wryly and shook his head. He had given up on chasing Xiao Yu. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up to this kind of genius who was so evil to the extreme.

"He is really too strong!"

Ao Zixuan's heart trembled, Xiao Yu's every movement stirred her heart.She secretly scolded herself for being disobedient to women, since she was already a human fiancée, she was still attracted to other men.

But she didn't know, no matter in her subconscious or deep in her heart, Xiao Yu's position was irreplaceable, she just forgot all of this.

"Mai Fei's grandson is really a monster. When did the Xiao family of the Fire Cloud Empire come out with such a number one character!"

Long Xiu secretly sighed in his heart, from now on, there will probably be another young and strong man on the continent. After today's battle, Xiao Yu's name will definitely spread throughout the continent.

At the age of less than [-] years, fighting against three peerless masters of the God-shattering realm alone, killing three god-shattering realm masters in one fell swoop, this kind of record has not been seen for more than a hundred years.

In other words, in the entire history, there has never been such a young peerless master.

Xiao Yu is definitely the well-deserved No.1 of the younger generation in mainland China.

Elder Liu of Liufeng Sect couldn't help sighing. He had seen Xiao Yu's strength in Shura City back then. At that time, Xiao Yu was able to defeat the masters of the seventh level of Concentration Realm. Unexpectedly, in less than half a month, Xiao Yu was able to kill three in one fell swoop. A peerless master in the Broken God Realm, this kind of speed is really unmatched by him, not only him, but everyone else.

Suddenly, the power between the heaven and the earth began to surge violently, and the waves of energy, visible to the naked eye, penetrated into Xiao Yu's body. His aura was also rising steadily, and an invisible pressure enveloped the audience. Even Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian, a master of the God-shattering realm, felt tremendous pressure.

"The strength is actually improving? What's going on?"

Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian looked at each other with horror on their faces.

How did they know that Xiao Yu had killed three strong men in the God-Breaking Realm, and that strength had taken a big step, allowing him to break through to the peak of the Concentrating God Realm directly.

Xiao Yu couldn't adapt to this kind of power for a while, so he screamed wildly.

Xiao Yu's loud howling sound came, and the ground was cracked inch by inch, and one after another cracks spread all over the audience.

"Come on!"

How can the red and black monsters dare to stay? Even the suzerain and the elders are dead, so what are they?Without the obstruction of these masters, Xiao Yu's attempt to deal with Chi Yangzong was just a matter of raising his hand.

The figures of the two flashed, but they suddenly felt a terrible suction force behind them, causing them to retreat instead of advancing.


The two turned their heads and found in horror that Xiao Yu's palm was generating a suction force, dragging them towards Xiao Yu's body.

No matter how they struggled, their bodies slowly moved towards Xiao Yu.

Not only them, but all the troops of the Chiyang Sect were also affected by the suction, and they all flew in the direction of Xiao Yu involuntarily, each with a terrified expression on their faces.

"Give me death!"

Xiao Yu's tone was extremely indifferent, his icy eyes swept towards everyone, he clenched his palm, and a huge halo of light appeared under their feet, and frost flew across the circle, the temperature was a little lower than the ice of the Nine Heavens Jedi , everyone within this aperture is instantly frozen.

"Glacier Storm! So easy to use!"

Xiao Yu muttered to himself, ignoring those who were frozen into ice cubes.He turned his head and flew in the direction of the Liufeng Gate. Halfway, with a swipe of his palm, a huge pillar of fire shot up from the ground, engulfing those who were frozen into ice.

This is a naked massacre, but no one can stop it.

A strong man, he just wants to do what he wants to do.

When Xiao Yu came to the base camp of Liufengmen, Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian greeted him first.

"Xiao Yu, you are my Liufeng sect's great benefactor!"

Long Xiaotian did not have a high profile at all, and his tone seemed extremely respectful. When Long Zhantian mentioned Xiao Yu to him before, although he valued Xiao Yu, he did not place him on such a high level. Now Xiao Yu's performance is He had to lower his stance.Xiao Yu definitely has the strength to destroy their entire sect.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "My grandfather asked me to come here. Liufengmen is the place where he used to learn art. As his grandson, I am naturally obliged to protect it."

Long Xiu nodded in satisfaction, appreciating: "Maifei really has a good grandson."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the disciples of Liufengmen, and said loudly: "What are you still doing in a daze, and you still don't salute my great benefactor of Liufengmen? Remember, without him, there would be no Liufengmen, without you."

After hearing this, every disciple of Liufeng Sect didn't show any resistance. They all knelt down on one knee and said in unison: "Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness."

Long Zhantian, Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin are all listed here.

Long Jingxin's face was full of joy, the joy was completely on his face, Long Zhantian only had admiration for Xiao Yu, and the trace of jealousy completely disappeared in Xiao Yu's amazing performance.

Ao Zixuan didn't have any resentment in her heart, she saluted Xiao Yu willingly, this kind of peerless person should be respected by others.

Xiao Yu didn't feel very comfortable with this battle. He looked at Long Xiu and waved his hands: "Old Long, let them all get up!"

Long Xiu nodded and said loudly: "I heard it all, my benefactor asked you to get up!"


Everyone in Liufengmen cheered and jumped up one by one.

"Xiao Yu, thank you so much!"

Long Jingxin happily ran in front of Xiao Yu, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, extremely alluring.

A smile appeared on Xiao Yu's stern face.

"Do you still want to repay me in that way?"

Xiao Yu defeated the three God Broken Realm, his strength increased greatly, and his arrogance also skyrocketed. He couldn't help teasing Long Jingxin.

Long Jingxin was slightly taken aback, a blush flew up on her face, but she was not too shy, and bravely met Xiao Yu's gaze.

"Yes, as long as you want, I can do it anytime!"

Xiao Yu was so choked by these words that he didn't know how to speak, he didn't expect Long Jingxin to be so bold.

(End of this chapter)

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