Chapter 308
"It's just a joke, you don't have to take it too seriously!"

Xiao Yu waved his hand, he didn't want Long Jingxin to be concerned about this matter all the time, she was a big girl, how could he do such a tricky thing?

But he didn't know that Long Jingxin had already made a secret promise to him.

"Pass my order!"

Long Xiaotian suddenly shouted loudly.

Every disciple of Liufengmen looked solemn.

"Disciples of the Liufeng Sect, no matter who they are, whenever they meet Xiao Daxia in the future, they should be respectful and polite, just like meeting me and the Supreme Elder, do you understand?"

Xiao Yu was a little surprised, Long Xiaotian's words were not insignificant, he had already been placed at the highest level of Liufengmen.

But after thinking about it, he already understood what Long Xiaotian meant. He must have his own calculations. If he said this, Xiao Yu had a relationship with Liufengmen. Will just sit back and watch, Long Xiaotian drew such a strong support as Xiao Yu with a few words.

Although there is a feeling of being calculated, Xiao Yu is not angry. Xiao Maifei has an old relationship with Liufengmen, and Ao Zixuan is in Liufengmen. He cannot avoid Liufengmen no matter what.

"That's right!" Xiao Yu looked at Long Jingxin, "Not long ago, a group of people from the Fire Cloud Empire came to Liufengmen, where are they?"

"People from the Fire Cloud Empire?"

Long Jingxin thought for a moment, then realized: "Oh, you are talking about my sister-in-law."

Long Jingxin uttered the word "sister-in-law", and immediately felt that something was wrong. The way Xiao Yu attached great importance to Ao Zixuan before was still vivid in her memory. She looked at Xiao Yu, but found that Xiao Yu's expression did not change at all.

But because of Long Jingxin's words, Ao Zixuan's sister-in-law turned pale, and then she felt very strange why Xiao Yu knew about the Huoyun Empire.

Xiao Yu looked normal and asked, "Where are they?"

Long Jingxin saw that there was nothing unusual about Xiao Yu, she felt relieved, and replied, "I'll ask Sister Zixuan about this!"

She didn't call her sister-in-law anymore, and she also felt that it was inappropriate to use this name on this occasion.

Xiao Yu didn't look at Ao Zixuan, he didn't want to look, and he didn't dare to look, his eyes stayed on Long Jingxin, and said indifferently: "Who is Sister Zixuan? Please ask her for me, where are those people now? "


Ao Zixuan suddenly felt a tearing pain in her heart.

"Who is Miss Zixuan?"

When these words came out of Xiao Yu's mouth, she felt so ironic.

Before Xiao Yu kidnapped her, it is impossible not to know her name, Xiao Yu called her "Xuanxuan" before, but now he asks who is Zixuan?

She didn't know why, Xiao Yu obviously didn't want to have anything to do with her, so he didn't admit to knowing her at all, and completely treated her as a stranger.

Seeing the indifferent and stern expression on Xiao Yu's face, Ao Zixuan suddenly felt her heart contort, her breath was stuck in her chest, and she couldn't relieve it no matter what.

When Long Jingxin heard what Xiao Yu said, she was also stunned.

"You don't know Miss Zixuan?"

Xiao Yu's face remained unchanged, and he shook his head: "I don't know, is she very famous?"

Long Jingxin didn't know what to say, she would never believe Xiao Yu's words, if he didn't know Ao Zixuan, he wouldn't have asked about Ao Zixuan in Shura City, nor would he have asked about Ao Zixuan in the imperial city of Lancemogao Empire. Because of Ao Zixuan's loss of soul, she would not be surrounded by several disciples who did not reach the state of concentration and beat her on the ground.

Long Zhantian also frowned, he didn't know what Xiao Yu meant by these words.Long Xiaotian also felt strange, but he didn't say anything about it. He knew he couldn't get involved in the young man's affairs.

"Sister Zixuan, where are the people from the Fire Cloud Empire? I remember your father is in there, right?"

Long Jingxin walked up to Ao Zixuan and asked softly.

Ao Zixuan didn't hear Long Jingxin's words at all, she stood there in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Sister Zixuan?"

Long Jingxin patted Ao Zixuan, and then Ao Zixuan realized, "Ah".

"Where are your father and the others? Where did they go?"

Long Jingxin knew that there must be a problem between Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan.

"My father and them?" Ao Zixuan glanced at Xiao Yu, she wondered why Xiao Yu knew these things, but she still replied, "I arranged them in the outermost city of Lansimogao Empire, Let them come back after the battle is over."

Long Jingxin looked at Xiao Yu to see if he had any questions, Xiao Yu nodded, indicating that he understood, and did not ask any more questions.

"Old Long, Master Long Xiaotian, there is something I want to explain to you!"

Knowing that Lin Qingbing and the others were fine, Xiao Yu felt relieved. He looked at Long Xiaotian and Long Xiu with a serious expression, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.


Both Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian had a premonition that what Xiao Yu said would be very shocking.

"Since it's an important matter, please come to our Liufengmen cabinet to discuss with Xiao Daxia!"

Long Xiaotian made a gesture of invitation.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu walked in front, Ao Zixuan was standing beside him, he passed by Ao Zixuan, but his eyes did not stay on Ao Zixuan for a moment, Ao Zixuan looked at his incomparably handsome profile Sliding past in front of his eyes, the lonely figure gradually faded away, and he felt an unprecedented sense of loss in his heart.

She suddenly hated herself very much, why she agreed to Long Zhantian to be his fiancee so hastily back then.It wasn't until she met Xiao Yu that she realized that every movement and every expression of Xiao Yu was touching her heart.

Ao Zixuan felt that she was really shameless, she would transfer her love to another hero when she met an unrivaled hero, but she didn't know that Xiao Yu was the only one she loved from the beginning to the end, she was not a fickle woman, for Long Zhantian, she is more about family affection, but she doesn't have that kind of affection between a man and a woman. She hasn't seen this clearly until now.

Long Jingxin looked at Ao Zixuan with an unnatural expression, and sighed in her heart, she was becoming more and more curious now, what happened between Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan?
There are only three people in Liufengmen's cabinet, and these are the three strongest people in Liufengmen at the moment.

Xiao Yu found a seat at random, and Long Xiu and Long Jue sat across from him.

"Hero Xiao, do you know what is so important?"

Long Xiaotian was a little impatient, so he asked first.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but looked at Long Xiu and asked, "Old Long, you should be very clear about the 'Dark Prison', right?"

Long Xiu's expression was originally very calm, but when Xiao Yu mentioned the word "dark prison", his expression suddenly changed drastically.

"'Dark prison'?" Long Xiu asked in shock, "The 'dark prison' you mentioned that started the continental war hundreds of years ago?"

"Not bad!"

Xiao Yu nodded.

Long Xiu narrowed his eyes: "Why did you suddenly mention them?"

Xiao Yu replied: "Today's old monster with one white and one black eyes is a member of 'Dark Prison'."

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, Long Xiaotian didn't react too much. He was a generation lower than Long Xiu, so naturally he didn't know about the "dark prison", but Long Xiu showed a look of shock.

He never thought that the yin and yang eyes would be someone from the "dark prison".

"How is it possible? The 'Dark Prison' died out hundreds of years ago, so where does it still exist?"

Long Xiu felt that his voice was trembling, but he knew that Xiao Yu would never aim at it indiscriminately.

Long Xiaotian asked suspiciously: "Elder Taishang, what exactly is the 'dark prison' you are talking about?"

Long Xiu sighed, and told Long Xiaotian about the "dark prison".

After hearing this, Long Xiaotian was a little shocked. It was the first time he had heard of an organization that dared to fight against all the first-class sects on the mainland by itself.

(End of this chapter)

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