Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 309 Long Jingxin Confesses

Chapter 309 Long Jingxin Confesses

Xiao Yu told both Long Xiaotian and Longxiu the news about the "dark prison" that he got now.

Long Xiu said in a startled voice: "You said that the 'Dark Prison' organization probably hasn't died yet? Their remnant party has established an organization again, and now it's trying to stir up a fight between the major and first-class forces, so that they can benefit from it?"

What kind of person Long Xiu is, Xiao Yu only said a few things, and he was able to see the general direction of the whole thing.

"I did guess so!"

Xiao Yu nodded, what Long Xiu said was exactly what he thought.

Long Xiaotian groaned silently, if this matter is true, then it is really a big deal.A hundred years ago, the "Dark Prison" had the capital to challenge all first-class forces. Although it is not as good as before, it has definitely recovered a lot of strength after so many years of hidden development. They hide behind and manipulate everything. It is indeed hard to guard against.

Take today's battle as an example, if Xiao Yu hadn't arrived in time, their Liufengmen might have been reduced to ruins, and the royal family of the Lansimogao Empire would no longer exist.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered coldly. He knew very well that there must be more terrifying masters in the "dark prison". As far as the mysterious master who rescued You Ming last time, he was stronger than Yin Yang Eye Not just one level, it is no exaggeration to say that if Xiao Yu meets that person now, he does not have much chance of winning.

When it comes to the Broken God Realm, the gap between each level is vastly different, and the strength is not at the same level at all. In the Broken God Realm, the fifth level of the Broken God Realm is a watershed. The masters can't be compared at all.

Judging from what happened to Liufengmen and Rising Sun Fort, every faction's battlefield will be followed up secretly by "Dark Prison", which can play a decisive role at critical moments.Whether it is Sunrise Castle or Liufengmen, it is the same, if there is no appearance of Xiao Yu, the Yin Yang eyes, or the man in black is enough to destroy the Sunrise Fort and Liufengmen.

"This matter is only our guess at the moment, so I hope that the master of Long Xiaotian sect can do a favor and ask your Liufeng sect's spies to find out if there are other first-class forces on the mainland fighting against each other?"

Long Xiaotian nodded and said: "Okay, I will take care of this matter immediately, but I'm afraid it will take some time to get the news, after all, the Shenwu Continent is too vast."

"Then I'll disturb you at the Liufeng Gate during this period of time!"

When Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian heard that Xiao Yu wanted to stay, they naturally welcomed him infinitely.Xiao Yu's strength is extremely terrifying. Although the Rufumen won this battle, the Rufumen needs to recuperate and do a good job in the aftermath. If someone takes advantage of this weak period, it will definitely be a headache The existence of Xiao Yu can prevent these things from happening.

After coming out of the cabinet, the sky was already dark, Long Xiaotian and the others were going to hold a banquet for Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu refused. After the battle, he felt that the sacred veins in his body had changed again.

He was sitting on a high mountain in Liufengmen, cross-legged and concentrating, looking inside himself.

The deep burial of the saint in the body is no longer as twisted and closed as before, but presents a healthy color, and the divine power passes through its surroundings, and it will grow a little bit stronger.

He was hit by the gray poisonous mist of the yin and yang eyes before, and the divine veins of the Holy Lord helped him resolve it, and it was the same when he was besieged by the five major families last time.

"This holy vein is indeed an ancient foreign object. Its mysterious power cannot be described in words. It has been destroyed in such a state, but it still has the ability to repair itself."

Xiao Yu felt the mysterious fluctuations released by the divine veins of the Holy Venerable, and said to himself.As soon as his mind moved, it enveloped the world in an instant, and even the slightest movement could hide his feelings.

"Huh? Is it her?"

Xiao Yu noticed that someone was slowly walking up from the foot of the mountain, and his face showed surprise.

"Xiao Yu, I didn't expect you to come here!"

Long Jingxin walked to the top of the mountain and saw a figure sitting on the dark stone, she was startled at first, but when she saw clearly that it was Xiao Yu, she hurried to Xiao Yu's side and said pleasantly.

"How did you come here? Liufengmen should need your help now!"

With a wave of Xiao Yu's sleeve, a gust of wind was blown away, blowing away all the dust on the nearby stones.

Long Jingxin happily sat next to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu smelled the faint body fragrance very comfortably, the moon is very round tonight, stimulating human hormones.

Long Jingxin deliberately got close to Xiao Yu. In this situation, if it were someone else who replaced her, they would probably reach out and hug Long Jingxin without hesitation.But Xiao Yu didn't. What kind of person is he, how could he be influenced by these things?

Seeing that her performance had no effect on Xiao Yu, Long Jingxin felt slightly sad.

"Xiao Yu, can you tell me something about you and Ao Zixuan?"

Long Jingxin asked suddenly.

"Ao Zixuan?" Xiao Yu frowned slightly, "Who is Ao Zixuan?"

Long Jingxin said quietly: "Xiao Yu, you don't have to lie to me, I know there must be some story between you, just tell me, don't use these words to prevaricate me, okay?"

Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had an urge to confide in him.

"You really want to hear it?"

Xiao Yu looked at Long Jingxin and asked.

Long Jingxin nodded without hesitation.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yu was also on a whim tonight, so he told everything about him and Ao Zixuan, without missing a single thing.

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he found that Long Jingxin beside him had fallen into a daze.

A line of tears fell from the corner of Long Jingxin's eyes, Xiao Yu frowned slightly.

"what happened to you?"

Long Jingxin shook her head and said sadly: "Xiao Yu, I really want to cry!"

"What do you want to cry?" Xiao Yu was amused now, "I have never cried about my affairs, but you are still crying."

"Sister Zixuan, doesn't she remember you at all now?"

Long Jingxin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked.

"It's not that you don't remember me at all, it's just that you completely forget those days when you were with me!"

Xiao Yu sighed, he really couldn't change this result.

"This is so unfair to you!"

Long Jingxin grabbed the corner of Xiao Yu's clothes and leaned gently on Xiao Yu's shoulder.


Xiao Yu wanted to push Long Jingxin away, but he couldn't bear it.

Long Jingxin said to herself: "Xiao Yu, do you know? I really envy sister Zixuan!"


Xiao Yu shook his head.

Long Jingxin continued: "When I saw that you lost your soul because of Sister Zixuan, my heart was really broken. You didn't understand my feelings at that time. How I wish the person in your heart was I."


Xiao Yu called Long Jingxin that for the first time.

"I hope you know that she is the woman I love the most in my heart. After she left me, I have no idea about men and women."

Long Jing's heart trembled, Xiao Yu's words were undoubtedly rejecting her in disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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