Chapter 310 Fame
"Xiao Yu!" Long Jingxin mourned, "I don't want to take her place in your heart, do you understand? I just want to make you feel better!"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I, Xiao Yu, haven't fallen to the point where I need other people's pity. I made the decision about her. Now that I have made the decision, I won't regret it, let alone talk about whether I feel good. "

Xiao Yu's tone became a little cold: "I, Xiao Yu, always do things as I please. Rules and regulations can't restrain me. I'm not suitable to be a lover. You will meet better ones in the future, trust me."

Long Jingxin didn't speak anymore, Xiao Yu had already spoken to this extent, what else could she say?The second daughter of the Long family dares to love and hate, since she loves, she will say it, no matter whether she succeeds or not, at least she has tried hard and has no regrets.

That night, Long Jingxin wept silently in her room, maybe it was because Xiao Yu rejected her, maybe it was because Xiao Yu was too unfeeling, maybe it was because the matter between Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan touched her. sleep.

Ao Zixuan was also tossing and turning, unable to sleep, she had already entered the room to rest early, and Long Zhantian couldn't disturb her, so after half an hour, she came out of the house to the yard, sitting on the stone bench in a daze daze.

The starlight in the sky was so beautiful, and the moon was so bright, her mood slowly fell silent along with all this.

"Why is that?"

Ao Zixuan clutched her head in pain, she found that Xiao Yu's shadow was completely in her mind, lingering, that stern expression, unyielding will, tall and straight body, arrogant words, all appeared over and over again.

"What happened to me? Why did I treat him"

Ao Zixuan was a little ashamed and a little scared, she felt that she was an unruly woman, and she had a tendency to cheat.

Looking back on her life during this period, she found that there was almost nothing in Long Zhantian's heart that could cause her heart to beat. Everything was flat and very natural.

She thought about Ao Wuji and others again.

"Strange, why does he know about dad and the others?"

Ao Zixuan has always had doubts about this question, and Xiao Yu's tone is very familiar with Ao Wuji and others' affairs, but she has never met Xiao Yu before coming to Liufengmen, which makes it difficult for her to understand.If Ao Wuji had known a peerless young master like Xiao Yu, he would not have kept it from her, but she had no impression of it.

She didn't know that she had completely lost the good memories with Xiao Yu.

"The yin and yang eyes are dead!"

In an extremely hidden space, three people who are ruthless, righteous and moral are sitting cross-legged in the void.

Wude suddenly opened his eyes, and said solemnly: "The yin and yang eyes are dead!"

Wuyi and Wuqing also opened their eyes, and the two of them frowned. This news was too shocking for them.

Yin-Yang Eye used to be at the same level as them, but with the passage of time, the talent gap between Yin-Yang Eye and them in cultivation became apparent, and they were still in the second level of the Broken God Realm, while they were early It has already surpassed the fifth level of the Broken God Realm.

This also caused a gap in their status in the "dark prison".

"Yin Yang Eye should be in charge of fighting against Liufengmen, but he died? What's going on?"

asked ruthlessly.

"I don't know, I really can't figure it out, with Liufengmen's strength, who can kill him?"

Wude shook his head, narrowing his eyes.

If Liufengmen has a master who can kill Yin Yang Eye, it proves that the plan against Liufengmen has also failed.Even the Yin-Yang Eye has failed, so how can Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing of the Scarlet Yang Sect talk about success?

"There is an old guy in Liufengmen, who seems to be called Longxiu. He used to be nicknamed Long Family Killing God. He has not asked about world affairs for many years, and his whereabouts are erratic. Could it be him?"

Ruthlessly guessed.

"I don't think so!" Wuyi replied, "I've heard of Long Xiu's name. Although he has a name, his strength doesn't seem to have reached that level. Of course, I'm just judging, if these It is not impossible for Long Xiu to have a great opportunity in the past few years, and his strength will skyrocket."

Both Wude and Wuqing remained silent. In just five days, three senior personnel in their "Dark Prison" had an accident, killing two and injuring one. This is not good news for "Dark Prison".

They have been operating for many years, working secretly, in order to achieve their goals in one fell swoop, but they did not expect that they encountered a lot of resistance just after the plan was launched.

"I plan to go there myself and see what's going on!"

After Wude finished speaking, he wanted to leave.

"Wait!" Wuyi, the calmest, stopped him, "It's useless for you to go out now, the yin and yang eyes are dead, and the result cannot be changed. If you move, it is likely to expose more traces. We are not worried about these first-class forces , but the old monsters in those places have to be guarded, we are just emerging now, and our foundation is not stable, if we are targeted by them, it will definitely be bad."

Wude was startled and calmed down. Wuyi was right. Although they are powerful, there is still a certain gap compared with the old monsters in those places. Let alone them, even if they "secretly" People at the higher level of "prison" are quite afraid of those places.

"The 'Holy Eucharist Project' has already started, and those few people should also find opportunities to make a move. When the 'Holy Eucharist' project is successful, we will take another big step towards victory. By then, even the first-class forces will unite. Our 'Dark Prison' opponents, now bear with it for a while longer."

The three hit it off and continued to fall silent.

Xiao Yu temporarily stayed at Liufengmen, what he didn't expect was that his name was spreading throughout the entire Shenwu Continent at an astonishing speed.

All of a sudden, the name of the number one genius in the mainland fell on his head.


In Rising Sun Fort, Xiao Xuri told Xiao Maifei the news he got.

"Yu'er helped Liu Fengmen defeat the Chiyang Sect, and killed all the Chiyang Sect troops. In this battle, he had one against three, and the three God Breakers were all killed by him in one fell swoop. The story has spread!"

Xiao Xuri couldn't hide the excitement in his words, Xiao Yu's performance was really too terrifying.He sighed in his heart that his nephew was getting more and more terrifying, and his growth could not be measured by common sense at all.

It can't be done without him, only everyone can't think of it.

All the impossible things happened to him one after another.


Xiao Maifei was so excited that he didn't know what to say, so he said two good words in succession.

Many people in the Fort of the Rising Sun got the news. Xiao Yu's record directly stunned them. Everyone in the Xiao family cheered crazily. Never before had such a terrifying person appeared in their Xiao family. In their eyes, the broken man who belonged to the legendary level Xiao Yu, a master of the divine realm, who was the same age as them, actually killed as soon as he said it, and there were three of them in one kill.

"Brother Xiao Yu is really scary!"

Xiao Jinxiu shook his head again and again, Xiao Yu had already become unimaginably strong.She was a little embarrassed, a few years ago, Xiao Yu was still a playboy in the family that she hated deeply, with many bad habits, now only a few years, Xiao Yu is already enough to compete with the first-class masters on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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