Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 324 The King Kong Gate

Chapter 324 The King Kong Gate

Vajra Sect is known as a rock-like sect on the Shenwu Continent.It is also one of the top powers in the mainland, and it has stood on the mainland for hundreds of years.

Not long ago, the Vajra Sect suddenly declared war on the Luohuamen, which is also a first-class force, and acted vigorously. Under the combined attack of the masters, the Luohuamen became the defeated party with almost no resistance.The god-breaking masters in their sect were completely unable to stop these two King Kongs.

They are both in the same God Broken Realm, but the difference between the strength and weakness of the God Broken Realm is extremely obvious. The two God Broken Realms of the Vajra Sect are completely higher than the two God Broken Realms of the Luohua Gate.

After King Kongmen defeated Luohuamen, their sphere of influence became bigger and bigger, and they completely took over Luohuamen's territory. The disciples of Luohuamen were almost completely reduced to slaves of Diamondmen. Cultivation has become the taboo of the two King Kongs.

King Kong Mountain is the headquarters of the King Kong Gate, and the King Kong Gate is on the top of the King Kong Mountain.This mountain is a forbidden area of ​​the Vajra Gate, and outsiders cannot set foot within its ten thousand feet.


The disciples guarding the Vajra Gate were standing guard solemnly, paying attention to the wind and grass around them. Suddenly, a cloud rolled up in the sky, bringing about a huge whirlwind.

Before the two could react, they were directly swept into the sky by the whirlwind, and their flesh and blood were blown into pieces and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

The speed of the whirlwind did not decrease, and it turned directly to the top of the King Kong Gate.

One of the two King Kongs is Lu Tian and the other is Xu Fang. Both of them practiced the best of hard skills, and their martial arts are also overbearing and powerful. Few opponents of the same level can beat them. Cheap, that's why the two of them were able to beat Luohuamen's two god-breaking realms to the point where they were powerless to fight back.

Xu Fang was standing with his hands behind his back on the huge martial arts arena of the Vajra Sect, watching the disciples of the Vajra Sect who were working hard to cultivate below, with great pride in his heart.

"In the future, my Vajra Sect will definitely go one step further and become the strongest sect on the mainland!"

Xu Fang remembered what the mysterious man had said to him.

"As long as you dare to think in the Diamond Gate, the power behind me and me can help you achieve your wishes!"

What the mysterious man said made him and Lu Tian hesitate for a long time at first, but after the mysterious man took out many rare treasures that they had never owned in the Vajra Sect, the two finally fell in love.

The result proved that their decision was not wrong, they successfully defeated the Luohuamen, not only brought the people of Luohuamen under the sect, but also obtained a large piece of land, and most importantly, he finally completed what he hadn't done when he was young.

He looked at a beautiful woman in plain clothes behind him, she had a sad face, no expression could be seen on her face, her eyes were empty, she seemed to have lost her confidence in life.

This person is the head of the Luohuamen. After she was defeated by Xu Fang, her cultivation base was completely useless. Xu Fang took the opportunity to subdue her, fed her aphrodisiacs, and then tortured and humiliated her in a beast-like manner. Her life and death threatened her so that she did not dare to commit suicide, and now she has become a soulless slave who can only be manipulated by Xu Fang.

Xu Fang couldn't help touching her upturned buttocks. The master of Luohuamen was the one Xu Fang pursued when he was young, and now he finally got what he wanted. Benefits are more attractive.

Just as he was complacent, his expression suddenly changed.

All the disciples of the Vajra Sect felt a terrifying force descending from the sky, and a gust of wind swept across the sky, slowly falling downwards.

Xu Fang shouted: "Who?"

At the same time, he punched out, and a huge fist mark of more than ten thousand feet passed through the space, directly impacting on the whirlwind.


With a muffled sound, the huge fist shadow was directly smashed to pieces, but the whirlwind was not affected at all, but turned even faster.

Xu Fang took two steps back, his arm shook violently, he was completely at a disadvantage in the attack just now, and he was inexplicably horrified.

The whirlwind turned sharply, and gradually turned into a figure, with white clothes fluttering, long hair dancing with the wind, a tall and firm body, strong enough to support the world, and the most important thing is that the visitor is very young, with an amazingly handsome appearance.

His indifferent eyes swept to the Vajra Sect disciples below, but none of them dared to look at him, they all lowered their heads and trembled all over.

The moment this young man appeared, there was a sudden coercion enough to crush people in the world, it was inexplicably terrifying.

Xu Fang also felt the great pressure, and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why did you break into my Vajra Gate?"

The young man in the sky finally set his sights on Xu Fang, and faint words came out of his mouth.

"Xiao Yu!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, no one could keep calm, and all their faces were filled with horrified expressions, just because the name "Xiao Yu" was too resounding.

During this period of time, everyone knew Xiao Yu's name, no matter whether it was his monstrous talent or terrifying strength, he was enough to become the focus of the mainland.

When the head of the Falling Flower Sect heard Xiao Yu's name, his eyes gradually became focused and converged on Xiao Yu's body, and her heart, which was already stagnant, was filled with hope again.Xiao Yu was able to kill three God Broken Realm with one against three, his strength is unspeakable, if he came with such a vigor today, he might not have any kindness towards the Vajra Sect.If Xiao Yu could deal with Xu Fang and Lu Tian, ​​the Vajra Sect would definitely collapse, and her Luohua Sect disciples would also be liberated.

"Arrogant God? Xiao Yu?"

Xu Fang was startled, Xiao Yu's arrival was extremely sudden, without any warning, Xiao Yu's appearance seemed to be unfriendly to their Vajra Sect.Xu Fang is not an idiot, he knows all the fighting in the mainland, he can naturally guess that it has something to do with the mysterious person or the power behind the mysterious person, Xiao Yu helped Liufengmen destroy Chiyang in the anti-aggression war Zong, I'm afraid they are targeting the Vajra Sect this time around.

"Diamond Gate, are you the person in charge?"

Xiao Yu's tone was calm, but it was this kind of indifference that made Xu Fang feel extremely insulted, and Xiao Yu didn't take him seriously at all.

"What about me?"

Xu Fang's tone was also somewhat unfriendly. Although Xiao Yu's record was terrible, he had not seen it with his own eyes, nor had he experienced it himself. He did not believe that Xiao Yu could deal with him like he did to the three God Breakers.

"Since it's you, it's much easier!" Xiao Yu looked down at Xu Fang and said, "Call out the person who supports you in doing evil, and I won't kill you, otherwise, you will die."

As soon as Xiao Yu said this, the audience fell silent.

Xu Fang, one of the two King Kong Sect King Kong Sects, is a peerless master at the third level of the Broken God Realm. Xiao Yu said that killing him seems to be no different from killing cats and dogs. This is no longer arrogance. A kind of ignorance.

(End of this chapter)

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