Chapter 325

Xu Fang's face darkened completely. He had never seen anyone dare to be so unreasonable to him, not only ignored him, but even threatened to kill him?
"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

Xu Fang's palms had already been clenched into fists, and his whole body was soaring into the sky. The master of Luohuamen who had lost his strength looked extremely ugly and backed away repeatedly.

The disciples of the Vajra Sect around were all silent and stepped aside. They knew that one of the two great Vajras had become angry.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Yu's body slowly fell to the ground. Under the oppression of his powerful aura, no one within a hundred meters around him could stand, and they all fell to the ground, unconscious.

The female disciples of Luohuamen all hid aside, they knew that today's matter would never be good, they all cast their curious eyes on Xiao Yu. so terrible.

"I said, if I want to kill you, I will kill you. Are you not convinced?"

Xiao Yu grinned, that smile was extremely charming, but without the slightest warmth.

"Haha, hahaha!"

Xu Fang laughed, the laughter was earth-shattering, he was laughing out of anger, Xiao Yu had really aroused his long-suspended anger.

"You die for me!"

As soon as Xu Fang laughed, the divine power in his body exploded, and a huge circle of ripples spread away from the ground, heading straight for Xiao Yu.It was as if a substantial energy body formed a monstrous tiger, pressing towards Xiao Yu.

The disciples of the Vajra Sect had already shrunk to the side. They had already seen the confrontation between the masters of the God-shattering realm. It was really moving mountains and cracking the ground. They didn't want to get involved.

In Nuo Da's martial arts arena, only Xiao Yu stood alone, and the supernatural tiger descended from the sky, opening its mouth wide, intending to swallow Xiao Yu in one bite.

Xiao Yu didn't move, and still stood there calmly, completely ignoring the supernatural giant tiger that was rushing towards him, his long hair fluttered with the wind, and the corners of his clothes were also stirred up by waves.

"Is he still moving?"

A group of female disciples of Luohuamen were all puzzled. They were shocked by all the information about Xiao Yu, but they had no idea of ​​his true strength.


The supernatural tiger's huge mouth suddenly bit down, and it had already reached the top of Xiao Yu's head.

At this time, Xiao Yu moved, he stretched out a finger, and tapped on the big mouth of the supernatural tiger.


As soon as Xiao Yu pointed it out, the condensed divine power in his body burst out suddenly, directly penetrated into the giant divine tiger, and exploded with a loud bang.

"Puff puff!"

There were soft sounds coming from the giant tiger's body, and Xiao Yu's condensed divine power turned into torrents of torrents, shining brightly.The majestic supernatural tiger exploded into a sky filled with light.


Everyone's eyes widened. Xiao Yu accepted Xu Fang's angry attack so lightly?
Only now did everyone believe that the rumors about Xiao Yu's strength were not exaggerated at all, not to mention anything else, just with this one hand, Xiao Yu was enough to be at the top of the pyramid of geniuses in the mainland.

Xu Fang's face was extremely gloomy, and he wanted to make a contribution with one blow, but who knew it became a stepping stone for Xiao Yu to build up his power.But he was also extremely shocked, the move just now, it is not easy for an ordinary God Broken Realm to catch it, if a person of the first level of the Broken God Realm came to pick it up, I am afraid he would vomit blood on the spot.But Xiao Yu not only took it head-on, but also disintegrated and defeated his domineering divine power one by one. How could this kind of method not scare him.

"The power is not bad!" Xiao Yu raised a palm, "But if I want to kill you, it's still easy."

Just as Xiao Yu uttered the word "palm", a plain white light beam shot out from the palm.The light beam is not huge, but the speed is like a ghost, ignoring the distance of space, it shoots directly on Xu Fang's body.

This is Xiao Yu's miniaturized version of the secret technique shooting, which abandons the large-area strike range and controls the scope of the secret technique design to a small area, increasing its speed and destructive power.

Xu Fang spurted blood wildly, his body retreated tens of thousands of feet, smashed into the tall building of Vajra Gate, and immediately bombarded it to pieces.

Shocking blood streaks were left behind where Xu Fang was standing, and the figure had already disappeared.Xiao Yu stood where he was, with his hands behind his back, as if he had never moved.

He could feel that Xu Fang's aura was getting weaker and weaker, gradually dissipating.Having broken through to the peak of the Concentrating Concentration Realm, he has enough power to compete against experts at the fifth level or above of the God Breaking Realm. Although Xu Fang is strong, it is only relatively speaking. Simply not enough to watch.

This compressed version of the secret shot is enough to kill it on the spot.


The Vajra Sect disciples all turned pale with fright. Xu Fang, one of the two most respected Vajras in their sect and the strongest fighter, was defeated by Xiao Yu in one blow?
The female disciples of Luohuamen covered their red lips lightly, their beautiful eyes were full of shock, Xiao Yu's name was indeed well-deserved.

"Who is playing wild at my Vajra Gate?"

A majestic voice came from afar, and in the distant sky, a golden light and shadow was rushing towards at a high speed.


The golden light and shadow fell to the ground, revealing a middle-aged man with a thick back and waist. He swept into the collapsed building, felt Xu Fang's faint breath like a mayfly, and his heart shook violently.

He and Xu Fang are one of the two King Kongmen of the Vajra Sect, with the same status and similar strength. Xu Fang is already lying in the ruins, so how strong is the intruder?
He wasn't even remotely sure he could handle it.

He finally turned around and looked at Xiao Yu who was looking up at the sky with a calm face in front of him.

He didn't know this young man, but he knew that Xu Fang was defeated by this young man.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Lu Tian asked with a hint of fear.

"I don't want to say it a second time!"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but blocked Lu Tian's words in an indifferent tone.

Lu Tian frowned, and looked at a disciple next to him.

"He...he is Xiao Yu!"

This disciple pointed at Xiao Yu tremblingly, but it took him a lot of courage to say a simple sentence.

"Xiao Yu? Proud and mad god?"

Lu Tian's heart trembled, and he looked at Xiao Yu again, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

He also had the same thoughts as Xu Fang before, thinking that no matter how powerful Xiao Yu was, he was no match for the two of them, but the cruel facts told him that Xu Fang was no match for Xiao Yu at all, so naturally he didn't need to say that .

"Hero Xiao Xiao, I don't know what's going on here? Is there anything wrong with our Vajra Sect?"

Lu Tian is worthy of being the master of the sect, knowing the true meaning of the saying that those who know current affairs are heroes, he immediately showed great respect to Xiao Yu, with a flattering tone in his tone.

"Offended? That's not true." Xiao Yu shook his head, "I just want you to call out the person who supports your Vajra Sect!"

Lu Tian's eyes were fixed, and a kind of fear permeated his whole body.

Only he and Lu Tian knew about the mysterious person supporting their Vajra Sect, not even the elders of his sect, how did Xiao Yu know?

He felt that disaster had come upon him.

(End of this chapter)

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