Chapter 327
"You seem to be sure that I won't kill him, but it doesn't seem to be what you think!"

Xiao Yu withdrew his feet, pointed a finger at Xu Fang in the distance, and shot out a light beam of divine power from his fingertips, hitting Xu Fang's eyebrows directly.


Wude snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pushed in vain, the space vibrated, and the light beam of divine power shot by Xiao Yu was slightly distorted, slightly deflected, and shot out from the side of Xu Fang's left cheek.

Xiao Yu's eyes turned cold, and his figure disappeared instantly. Wude also felt it, and his figure disappeared into the sky.


In the next moment, Xiao Yu's palm was stretched towards Xu Fang's throat.


A palm protruded from the space behind Xu Fang, and collided with Xiao Yu's palm.


The strong wind swayed, Xiao Yu's whole body was shaken, but he didn't take half a step back, Wude who made the shot also trembled slightly, and his heart was dark.He had already overestimated Xiao Yu's strength as much as possible, but now he realized that he still underestimated it a lot.

Although he was blocked, the other hand kept grabbing Xu Fang's shoulder, trying to pull him away.Although Xu Fang was useless now, Xu Fang's death was a matter of his face. Xiao Yu wanted to kill someone in front of him, obviously to trample on his dignity, which he could never tolerate.

The majestic divine power wrapped Xu Fang's body, preventing him from being hurt by the collision of the two divine powers.


At this moment, a slender white palm pierced through, like a knife, and penetrated directly into Xu Fang's chest.


Xu Fang immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and Xiao Yu's palm trembled slightly, directly tearing Xu Fang's body in half.


Wude tugged at half of Xu Fang's body, his face turned blue and red, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to be able to break Xu Fang's divine protection and take Xu Fang's life directly.Although this was due to his carelessness, Xiao Yu's strength is so strong that he really cannot be underestimated in the slightest.

"No one can protect the person I want to kill!"

Xiao Yu threw Xu Fang's half body aside, and grinned, the smile was full of provocation to Wude.

He felt very disgusted when he looked at Wude's calm and calm appearance, and he just hated this attitude.

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

Wude took a step forward, and the solid divine power transformed a huge phantom behind him. The phantom traversed the sky, shaking the ground constantly, and the clouds in the sky rolled.

The tiny stones on the ground have already scattered into the sky, each one is shaking violently, imbued with supreme divine power, ready to launch a swift and fierce attack at any time.

Xiao Yu's face remained unchanged, he stood majestically, as solid as a rock.

"Kill the wolf, gravel rain!"

With Wude's soft shout, those small stones suspended in the sky shot towards Xiao Yu overwhelmingly, like a very swift bow and arrow, all over the sky.

Although these stones are small, under the blessing of a super master like Wude, each of them has the power to kill a first-level God Breaking Realm. Surrounded by all directions, the lethality is extremely terrifying.


Xiao Yu shouted loudly, the divine power in his body scattered from the whole body, forming a ten thousand zhang-sized air circle in the sky, and the broken stones shot all over the air circle one after another, and there were soft "puff" sounds one after another.

But without exception, those gravels were shot into the air circle for a few feet at most and then stopped, frozen in it and could no longer move.

At this moment, it seems that time has been frozen.

"Break me!"

With a low shout, Xiao Yu showed his divine power again, and with a bang, all the stones in his air circle shattered into pieces and fell from the sky.

"Brush la la!"

The lime fell to the ground, and Nuo Da's martial arts arena was instantly stained with a layer of grayish white.

Wude frowned slightly, Xiao Yu's difficulty was far beyond his imagination.

"Now I'm beginning to believe what Wuyi said!"

Wude remembered what Wuyi had said to him the day before.

"Xiao Yu has grown to an astonishing level, and there may not be more than ten people in the 'Dark Prison' who can fight against him."

Although Wude didn't make a statement at the time, he didn't believe it in his heart. He thought it was Wuyi who didn't arrest Xiao Yu and deal with him. He deliberately said it nicely, but now that he fought Xiao Yu, he realized how wrong he was. Outrageous.

The ruthless, ignorant, and virtuous trio have been cultivating hard in the "dark prison" for many years, and they have never met an opponent after making a move. Xiao Yu is the first difficult opponent they have encountered.

"What? You plan to give up after the first attack is fruitless? It's a pity, I don't intend to let you leave today!"

As soon as Xiao Yu withdrew his hand, the power between the heaven and the earth violently erupted instantly, and the divine power in his body also poured into his right hand.

"Powerful Punch!"


With a punch, the space of more than [-] feet is full of violent vigor, and a huge fist mark goes straight to the sky, blasting towards Wude's front.

"Liuguang fist!"

Wude didn't dodge, and with a loud shout, his arm seemed to grow suddenly, and he also threw a punch.

"call out!"

The same huge fist print flew out and collided head-on with Xiao Yu's fist print.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two fists met each other, and the ground below was directly sunken downwards, the mountain rolled down, the stone exploded, and for a while, the sky and the earth changed color.

Between flying sand and rocks, the top of Mount King Kong was blasted into nothingness, and a towering and majestic mountain peak became only half in an instant.

The confrontation between the two was not over yet, the strength of the fists scattered, half of them bombarded the sky, and the other half of them squeezed downwards, and the dilapidated mountain that was already crumbling exploded under this blow.

The famous King Kong Mountain in the mainland and the mighty King Kong Gate in all directions were reduced to the dust of history in this short half hour.

The battle between two masters who surpassed the fifth level of the Broken God Realm destroyed the Vajra Gate. I don't know whether to be lucky or sad.

The destruction of Mount King Kong didn't make Xiao Yu and Wude look sideways at all. They only had their eyes on their opponents, and they both wanted to trample their opponents under their feet.

At a place far away from the Mount King Kong, many disciples of the Diamond Sect or the Luohua Sect were thankful that they had left early, otherwise they would have disappeared with the Mount King Kong.


There was a loud noise, and an astonishing wave came from the destruction of Mount King Kong again. The whole ground trembled and the mountain swayed.

The people didn't dare to stay any longer, and one by one used their body skills and ran towards the distance.

At the high altitude where Mount King Kong disappeared, two huge handprints of divine power were being photographed together, and the space was shaken to pieces, with cracks spreading.

The battle is still going on.

The two giant hands of divine power dissipated one after another, Xiao Yu and Wude each retreated a few steps, this blow was still evenly matched.

"What do you 'Dark Prison' want to do when you attack someone with a special physique?"

Xiao Yu didn't make another move, he wanted to know something from Wude.

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

Wude's answer couldn't be what Xiao Yu expected, and he was also secretly thinking about how to find out the news about Ao Zixuan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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