Chapter 328 Prison
When Ao Zixuan opened her eyes again, she found herself in a distorted space. To be precise, it was not the space that was distorted, but the surroundings were filled with curved and weird lines.

Most of the lines were black, with occasional dark purple, and an emotion called fear rose in her heart.

"What is this place?"

Ao Zixuan recalled the previous events, she and Long Jingxin were resettling the people who had moved back about ten miles away from Liufengmen.The two of them were standing together talking, and suddenly felt a light flash in front of their eyes, and they lost consciousness instantly.

Now her hands are bound by strange energy lines, no matter how she moves the vitality in her body, she can't break free, and her whole body is nailed there.

"you're awake?"

A female voice suddenly came from the depths of the darkness, Ao Zixuan was startled, and looked over with all her eyesight.

She found that in the distance directly in front of her, there was a woman in a green dress who was trapped in the void just like her.This woman has a beautiful face, no less than Long Jingxin, and her whole body reveals a proud phoenix-like temperament.

"who are you?"

Ao Zixuan expanded her volume to the maximum, so that the woman opposite could hear clearly.

"Who am I?" The beautiful woman seemed to be laughing at herself, "My name is Zhan Ling'er!"

"Zhan Linger?"

Ao Zixuan was slightly taken aback, she had heard Long Jingxin mention this name more than once, it seemed that Zhan Linger was Long Jingxin's deadly enemy.

"I met you once and knew that you were Brother Long Jingxin's fiancée."

Zhan Linger couldn't see Ao Zixuan's astonishment, she sighed softly: "We are all trapped in this place, I am afraid we will not be able to get out no matter what."

Ao Zixuan frowned, Zhan Linger said "all of us", which made her think deeply.If there are only myself and Zhan Linger here, then Zhan Linger should be talking about "we", not "all of us".

"Anyone else here?"

Thinking of this, Ao Zixuan's heart trembled violently, she turned her head to look around this space, and found that there was a blurry figure in the distance in every direction she could see, obviously there was a person in these directions.

Ao Zixuan made a rough calculation, there should be more than 40 people, one of them is very familiar, it is Long Jingxin.


Ao Zixuan shouted loudly, hoping to get a response from Long Jingxin.

Long Jingxin was in a coma, and suddenly heard someone calling herself, the voice continued to irritate her eardrums, after repeated times, she finally opened her eyes.


She shook her head, identified the direction of solidarity, and also identified the person calling herself.

Zhan Ling'er had already turned to the direction Ao Zixuan was looking at, she didn't expect Long Jingxin to come in, she suddenly felt a burst of joy in her heart, she thought that she was the only one who ended up like this, but now it seems that Long Jingxin also failed escape this fate.

"Sister-in-law Zixuan!"

Long Jingxin hesitated for a moment, before shouting loudly at Ao Zixuan.

She was also very scared in her heart, the space around it looked like a terrifying hell.

"Calm down, are you okay?"

Ao Zixuan said with concern.

Long Jing's heart warmed, at this time, Ao Zixuan still cared about her safety.

"I'm fine!"

Long Jingxin replied loudly.


A mocking voice came from above Ao Zixuan's head.

She looked up, and there was a young man locked in the distance directly above him. He had a look of disdain, but there was a sense of helplessness in the depths of his eyes.

"When we get here, who will be okay?"

The sarcasm in his tone didn't know whether he was mocking others or himself.

"who are you?"

Ao Zixuan was displeased, and asked in a low voice.

"Who am I?" The young man was stunned for a moment, and a trace of arrogance flashed across his face, but this arrogance immediately turned into depression.

"I am Ling Tianfeng!"

"Ling Tianfeng?"

Ao Zixuan was startled, she had heard of this name before, before Xiao Yu, the name of the number one genius in the mainland belonged to Ling Tianfeng.

Ling Tianfeng came from Yuan Zhan Sect. He didn't have any prominent status. With his ordinary body, he climbed to the highest position among the disciples in Yuan Zhan Sect. Even Zhan Ling'er was a few heads shorter than him. He has already reached the state of concentration, and now he should be in the fifth level of the state of concentration. The younger generation in the mainland is invincible and unmatched.

It was only recently that Xiao Yu overshadowed his limelight. Ao Zixuan did not expect that Ling Tianfeng was also caught here.

Who can understand the bitterness in Ling Tianfeng's heart. After hearing Xiao Yu's deeds, he was very dissatisfied. He wanted to see Xiao Yu with his own eyes, but he was caught halfway. What he felt most humiliated was that he even caught himself The appearance of the person was not clearly seen.

When he woke up, he was already here.

His original vigor has been worn down to the ground. He claims that the younger generation is invincible. Xiao Yu's appearance broke his thoughts, and the current predicament made him lose his fighting spirit. He has worked hard to cultivate. More than 20 years, but it is still so weak now.

"Unexpectedly, the famous Ling Tianfeng would also be caught here!",

Long Jingxin said this out of feeling, but it was extremely harsh to Ling Tianfeng's ears.

"Hmph, if a master of the God-shattering realm wants to attack me, I really have no choice!"

Although Ling Tianfeng is proud, he won't lie. He is telling the truth. Although he doesn't see clearly who is attacking him, he knows that he can control him without anyone noticing. No one can do the above masters.

Both Long Jingxin and Ao Zixuan were silent, they all agreed with Ling Tianfeng's statement in their hearts, the opponents they were facing were simply not something they could contend with now.

They looked at the young men and women who were trapped around them. Many of them had dull eyes and dejected faces, and had lost the vigor and vitality that they should have at this age.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone, we will definitely be able to go out!"

Ao Zixuan suddenly yelled, trying to wake up their fighting spirit, only a few of them regained their spirits, most of them glanced at Ao Zixuan, then lowered their heads again.

"Hmph, ridiculous!"

Zhan Linger scoffed at Ao Zixuan's statement.

Ling Tianfeng shook his head: "Almost all the top talents on the mainland are gathered here, who can move a distance in the space? You said we are fine, we will definitely be able to go out, have you considered it?"

Ao Zixuan frowned, Long Jingxin's heart lit up, and she shouted: "She is right, we can definitely go out!"

Both Zhan Linger and Ling Tianfeng turned to look at her with puzzled expressions.

Long Jingxin's eyes glowed with a captivating brilliance, and there was a sweet smile from the heart on his face.

"Someone will come to save us, for sure!"

(End of this chapter)

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