Chapter 332
Both Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin were startled, they thought that Xiao Yu could save them at the first moment, but after the appearance of Wuqing Wuyi, they were shaken, because the strength of these two people was too strong. fear.

But now that Wuyi suddenly mentioned Xiao Yu, the hope in their hearts was ignited again.Since Wuyi said that Xiao Yu is powerful, it means that Xiao Yu has the strength to compete with him.

Wuyi knew that Wuqing must be puzzled, so he explained: "Do you know why I returned without success?"

Wu Qing was startled: "Could it be related to Xiao Yu?"

"That's right!" Wuyi continued, "Originally, I was able to capture the enchanted body that day, but unexpectedly, I met Xiao Yu. This guy didn't lose in the fight with me, on the contrary, he was evenly matched. I will decide the victory with him , I have to fight to the death, in order not to disrupt our plan, I finally chose to retreat."

Wuyi's words undoubtedly caused a huge wave in the hearts of the geniuses of all sects. They had heard about Xiao Yu's deeds for a long time, but now they heard from a super master that they had never met before that Xiao Yu could fight against him , and they are evenly divided, how can they not be shocked?
Both Ao Zixuan and Long Jingxin were overjoyed, they couldn't help feeling that Xiao Yu's strength was always a bottomless pit, they thought they had seen the limit of Xiao Yu, but found that he once again exceeded their cognition.

Ling Tianfeng fell into a sluggish state. He originally wanted to find a chance to compete with Xiao Yu, but now it seems that there is no point at all.

Xiao Yu can make peace with this terrifying super master, but what is he?It's just reduced to a prisoner who has no power to fight back.

"Has he really grown to this point?"

Wuqing's face sank, he knew that Wuyi would never exaggerate and lie, it must be true.In this way, the gap between Xiao Yu and him is almost zero now, and Xiao Yu is already a super master at the same level as them.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly had a certain feeling, and their bodies trembled slightly at the same time.

"Is it immoral? Has he encountered a strong enemy?"

Wuyi and Wuqing looked at each other, and then both disappeared, leaving behind the dazed geniuses.

It was precisely because of this that the two of them appeared on the battlefield between Xiao Yu and Wude in a favorable manner.

Wuqing felt the injury in Wude's body and narrowed his eyes.The strength of the three of them are all on the same level, but now Wude and Xiao Yu are seriously injured in a single battle, what does this mean?It meant that any one of the three of them would be at an absolute disadvantage against Xiao Yu alone. He didn't want to admit this, but he had to admit it.

Wuyi also had a gloomy complexion and his eyelids fluttered slightly. A few days ago he fought against Xiao Yu. At that time, neither of them used real means to attack and chose to retreat peacefully. Even so, he did not think that he could not defeat Xiao Yu with all his strength. Xiao Yu, but now it seems that his thoughts are a little watery, his strength and his Wude between brothers have already been defeated by Xiao Yu with all their strength, so how can he be better?
"Xiao Yu, the mad god of pride, really lives up to his reputation!"

Wuyi spit out these words slowly, with emotion and regret in his words.If Xiao Yu had been dealt with before Xiao Yu grew up, they wouldn't be in such trouble now.

"You people from 'Dark Prison', you move very fast!"

Xiao Yu put one hand behind his back, and his body was straight.Although the three super masters put great pressure on him, Xiao Yu was never afraid of anyone coming. These days, he dare not say that he has seen any horrific natural disasters, but he has seen a lot of strong winds and waves, whether it is courage or intelligence. All are excellent.

Wude rubbed his chest, his body was still in great pain, and his face showed a look of pain.Seeing this, Wuyi took out a pill from his bosom and handed it to him.


Wude swallowed it in one gulp, groaned, and a puff of dark red smoke suddenly appeared above his head. His complexion turned from white to black, from black to purple, and finally returned to normal.

Xiao Yu's pupils shrank, and he felt that Wude's aura was gradually rising. This was by no means the state that a traumatized person should have. In this way, the injuries in Wude's body seemed to be recovering rapidly.

"'Dark Prison' actually has such a means!"

Xiao Yu was secretly startled, the strange means of this "dark prison" emerged one after another, Xiao Yu had seen the situation of repairing people's injuries in a short period of time in this way as early as in the battle launched by the Chiyang Sect against Liu Fengmen, when the Yin Yang Eye was also given Li Yuan and Zhao Tianxing each took a pill, and the two recovered from their injuries instantly, but the pill seemed to have sequelae, Zhao Tianxing and Li Yuan hesitated briefly when taking it.But Wude didn't seem to have this kind of consideration, and he swallowed it with his mouth open, as if he didn't take the sequelae of the pill into consideration at all.


Wude let out a breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and shot out a burst of light, and his state returned to its peak.

"Xiao Yu!" Wude looked at Xiao Yu, and said with a ferocious face, "Since I came out of the mountain, you are the first person to hurt me, which is enough to make you proud. In terms of fighting alone, I admit that it is not yours." opponent."

Wude's words came here, and a monstrous coldness suddenly came out.

"However, the power in this world is not just a single combat capability. The power behind it is also a manifestation of strength. I have a powerful partner, but you are just a lonely family! Now that the three of us are here, what do you think you What are the chances of winning?"

Wude's words shook Wuyi and Wuqing's spirits. At first, they were overwhelmed by Xiao Yu with the momentum to stop them, and they were already under a little pressure. Now Wude's words made them suddenly enlightened. Indeed, Xiao Yu Even if Yu's individual combat ability is stronger than any of the three of them, there is still only one Xiao Yu, but now they are a total of three.

They don't think that anyone can fight against their entire "dark prison" with one person's strength, even Xiao Yu is the same.

Xiao Yu's eyelids drooped slightly, and his eyes were narrowed into a thin slit. The figures of the ruthless, righteous and moral people were only this size in his eyes.

"Lonely?" Xiao Yu spoke, his voice was like a bell, heroic and majestic, "Although I am only one person, as long as I keep getting stronger, stronger than the boundaries of heaven and earth, stronger than the law of life and death, what's the point of wanting to fight against heaven and earth alone Difficult, let alone a small 'dark prison'?"

"Haha, hahaha!"

He laughed ruthlessly, not only him, Wude and Wuyi also laughed wildly.It was the first time they had heard such ridiculous remarks.

Against heaven and earth?The law of detachment?This, even the master of their "dark prison" never said it.

(End of this chapter)

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